Whenever you were first diagnosed wit... - Osteoarthritis Ac...

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Whenever you were first diagnosed with OA, what are some of the things you initially tried to deal with it?

nicholasberesic profile image
30 Replies

To encourage discussion within our group, whenever you were first diagnosed with OA, what are some of the things you INITIALLY TRIED to deal with it? Do you still do these things or have you moved on to some new TIPS you would like to share?

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nicholasberesic profile image
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30 Replies
HeronNS profile image

My doctor said to take coated aspirin, which I duly did until I discovered you should NOT take nsaid's regularly as they interfere with cartilage renewal. I was 40 then. Now over 70. I have taken glucosamine for many years. I rely on physiotherapy. OA in feet, hands, lumbar and cervical spine, knees. Also have polymyalgia rheumatica and wonder if steroid treatment has damaged the cartilage as OA much worse.

I exercise regularly, eat healthy, and am definitely not overweight.

in reply to HeronNS

Yes he ordered physical therapy for me today. For me difficult when I used to be active-thank you. Keep up faith and if you have info share , certainly any support is welcome at least for me-best wishes

The discouragement. I just saw another neurosurgeon who ordered some physical therapy. Problem with OA or DJD, no cure that I am being given. There are some meds but some cannot tolerate them. So for me, add Lyme disease to OA and it’s as I stated. I cannot do things I want. That’s me-I wish anyone with this well and try to push on which is difficult. Certainly vitamins D, Calcium, magnesium and C , I am adding as well as diet changes suggested by someone on this site

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to

Morning, didn't say good because it probably doesn't seem like it. Has the Neuro given you physical therapy for your back, your knees or both and are they still unhappy with knee surgery? I assume they that gave good valid reasons for their decisions. Do you think that the Covid situation is still affecting their thinking. I. e. Keeping types like us out of hospital. One of the hardest things to take on board is that we cannot do all the things that we love and used to do. The first few years of my OA journey were a nightmare until I made that acceptance and was able to put things into perspective. Having been through all of that though has, I think, made it far easier for me to accept and take on board the trials and tribulations of PMR. If I feel a "grumpy" day coming on I try and remind myself that, somewhere out there, someone is suffering from and coping with a condition far worse than mine. Keep smiling and stay safe. Peter

in reply to Bcol

I know and I try to put that in perspective. Someone asked when diagnosed, 10/19. , by bone scan. Yes Dr did order physiotherapy for me. I have lost a lot of weight so not sure if something else going on. For me, it has taken away the joy of playing several instruments. No knee surgery, no back surgery. Feel like I am stuck in a holding pattern. Between Lyme and the osteopenia-T score -2.3. At -2.5 officially OA. Thank you for the support and sharing. It does help. I am trying to take Vitamin D, C, magnesium SLO-Cal was what was recommended, by rheumatology. 2 years ago I could walk small dog about 3/4 mile. Now, just backyard. One tries not to perseverance on pain, chronic pain is rough. Thank You so much for thoughts and suggestions and perspective-best of heath to you as well

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to

As you still seem to be suffering from Lyme disease I guess you are one of the unlucky ones. "Up to 20 percent of Lyme disease cases can cause lasting symptoms, including arthritis in the joints, cognitive difficulties, chronic fatigue, and sleep disturbances, even after antibiotic treatment, according to the CDC . This condition is known as post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS)" That to go with your OA & Osteopenia must be a real pain (no pun intended). I haven't really got anything to suggest other than persistent nagging of the docs etc. Sorry to hear about the instruments, what do you play? I'm fairly involved with the music scene here. Peter

in reply to Bcol

Thank You so much for the support. Almost 2 months before the Lyme diagnosis-damage done-you are very knowledge and I respect your opinion. I am not a professional, I have played drums since age 12, with lessons, moved onto vibraphone in 1987 with outstanding teacher starting with 4 mallets. Quickly tap another bar you have a chord. Then timbales and congas, First Fender jazz bass around 1972, upgraded to Fender Marcus Miller model. I occasionally can play bass sitting, last a week or more. On a good day drums. Congas and timbales rarely. Hate to sell them. Oh well as you stated, others worse than myself. Thank You for sharing and taking the time. Support on any site here is helpful, being seeking or sharing, with respect, and good wishes

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to

Hi, I'm not a professional either just been around a while. Try not to sell them unless you really have to as when things improve you will wish they were still there to play. I work part time for local Music Service and am the Chair of an area Music Trust. If it wasn't for Covid I would be putting together next year's Music and Performing Arts Festival which would have involved around 6000+ young people. The festival has been running for the last 56 years but not sure yet what we can do for next year. 😢😢

in reply to Bcol

Impressive and very sad. Understand where you are coming from. My neighbor said same, don’t sell. Thanks again- you have perspective, knowledge and are extremely supportive-stay with me if you choose-I wish you best. A lost festival-sad😔

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to

Hi, I know nothing whatsoever about this, but just been reading a post about COOLIEF which seems to be a different way of treating OA pain. I've had a quick read about it and it might be something worth looking at. Peter

in reply to Bcol

Thank you, I will check it out, thank you for your kindness

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to

No problem.

in reply to Bcol

I believe I had that done already. Here it was termed medial branch blocks, and yes supposedly severing of some nerves. Did not work for me. Sacroiliac joint injections did as well as epidurals which did work, problem is they inject steroids, and that can lead to problems. Keep in contact, I hope you find some relief. For me-off to pain management-do not like those. I cannot take NSAIDS, things like ibuprofen since I had gastric ulcer in my 50’s. Still looking but as best as I have come up with for me now physical therapy. There is one group of meds ( biphosphonates” ) but very harsh on stomach-be well, with respect-Bob

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to

Hi Bob, OK, wasn't something I had heard of but sorry its not going to help. There is quite of lot of posts and knowledge on the forum about biphosphonates. Peter

in reply to Bcol

I did not know on forum, knew about them. Drs Declined that option for me. What may I ask has helped you the “most” and it’s ok if you don’t want to share

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to

In terms of PMR this forum has helped me most, in terms of OA having my TKR was the greatest improvement, made my life very nearly normal, then having bones in left foot fused together about 7 years ago. Will probably need other foot/knee done at some time, but unless I do anything ridiculously strenuous my 2 Co-Codamols a day tend to keep it under control. I am very lucky compared to many other people's problems. Peter

in reply to Bcol

The only surgery regarding bones was fusing a greater toe joint. That helped. As you so aptly stated, Lyme & OA are a bad combo, walking dog only in backyard. Did not know and was trying to find out-post Lyme treatment, all joints affected, add as I might have stated, a wrist fracture on dominant hand, missed on x-ray. I don’t think many want to do surgery on me. Bone density is very low, not sure why 2 hand surgeons will not do surgery. 1 will after cleared by rheumatologist. Confused and frustrated. I did want to respond to someone about pregnancy pillows, have to find that post, Thx for the information and time-Bob

Twinkle26 profile image

I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both shoulders in may-June this year

My mum passed away with COVID on 5th may. I had pain all over for years but thought it was part of having PBC but now been told it’s fibromyalgia. I didn’t listen to my body until after my mum passed away. Was having weekly Gp consultation via phone and it wasn’t until I cried on the phone to say the pain was so bad in my shoulders I couldn’t use them to comb my hair or do up my bra, that I was granted a face to face appointment. So weeks of cocodamol no help and then tramadol some help and now amitriptyline before bed to relax enough to sleep. I lay in one place on my back and don’t move until morning and I struggle out of bed. I saw a mother Gp who does injections and I had these into each shoulder. It works on right but not left, he said I have shoulders of a 70 year old. Lucky me I’m 55. So all I can say is try the medication they offer but see how they work, I have video physio once a month which leaves me with few days suffering after. I’ve had a ultrasound scan of shoulders which showed multiple problems. I’m still waiting on seeing osteoarthritis specialist at hospital but because of COVID staying around everywhere it’s taking a while.

I have more pillows to help me and pain killers and injections but advice I don’t have to give any out sorry.

in reply to Twinkle26

I try to understand others pain. When one has it themselves I fully get it. I am like you lucky to sleep 3-4 hours, sleep on side like you with pillows. This COVID has put everyone in a bad way for getting healthcare. See specialists as you plan to, try to keep active as difficult as it sounds. I try, sometimes just a “ bad day”

chrisj profile image

Sciatica was my main problem. It started in 1999/2000. I was in college (mature student) for a year and suddenly found the wooden seats uncomfortable, sharp pains in my bottom. Saw my gp who sent me off for x rays. Wear and tear in my lower spine was responsible for the pain. I suffered a lot of severe pain from that nerve for a few years and still to this day it troubles me.

My gp back then told back me I had widespread arthritis, I couldnt believe it as the only pain I'd felt was sciatica. As time passed more pain started...knees, thumb joints, my wrists, neck and feet. It feels like there are steel girders in my feet at times....

A pain management clinic was suggested either last year or the year before and I went. It was a 6 week course led by 2 lovely ladies who themselves had OA, both ex nurses. They commented on how doctors are so quick to dole the pills out

The course was about managing pain without drugs for OA. It was a lot of fun with a few exercises and some relaxation thrown in. I rarely take pain killers now. Tramadol never suited me anyway, I could only take one tablet with 2 paracetamol to boost the strength otherwise I feel as sick as it gets. The course convinced me not to take them but to be positive about pain. We were taught about how the brain deals with pain and pain thresholds.

I had sessions with physios and was referred for a 6 week course at a local gym. There was a section set aside for NHS patients so it didnt cost anything. I benefited from that and was sorry when it ended.

That pretty much sums it up. I have a very lazy life style these days having learned to pace myself and the things that were causing stress in my life have settled down/gone away. That was the hardest bit for me, slowing down and resting without feeling guilty. I should add I take gabapentin at night as my sleep pattern was shot and it helps with discomfort in the night, recommended by the rheumatologist I was seeing at the time.

in reply to chrisj

I truly now understand and know how you feel. Hate pain meds, sometimes no option. Yes I am to start physical therapy, soon. Thank You for sharing and the information-I wish you well-with no cure that has been presented to me, well then discouragement sets in. As another stated, some are worse than myself with this or other issues-best of wishes, thank you

chrisj profile image
chrisj in reply to

There is no cure for OA and there are days when I dont want to get out of bed. I get very depressed and living with a son suffering from agoraphobia does not help. Hope you find the physio useful, wishing you well xxxx

in reply to chrisj

Thank you-I have a difficult time processing no cure but you are right-time to submit-I am sorry for you having it as well- it is rough & the you have a son to take care of-best of heath and trying to stay positive-I understand-regards & positive thoughts-I am trying thank You for sharing

in reply to

I tried doing things outside and did too much, painful and frustrating. Knowing others are in same situation and share is helpful, I am pretty certain I know your pain, and having to take care of yourself and someone else, that’s special & kudos ( if correct response) to you, my best to you-it is rough🥶

Bazmack48 profile image

Hubby has OA in hips and spine and unable to take any pain medication other than paracetamol. The two things that appear to help him are an electric under blanket and a maternity pillow, this pillow looks like an ordinary pillow with two legs. These legs support him when he turns during the night. Hope someone finds this helpful.

chrisj profile image
chrisj in reply to Bazmack48

Thank you for that Bazmack. I've used ordinary pillows for support might have a look at the maternity ones xxx

in reply to chrisj

Please check that out, I did on Amazon, and it’s exactly how sleep 💤. Their best seller is 40 dollars, a think about 30 pounds.

in reply to Bazmack48

Thank You, yes been doing heating pad-I hope physical therapy helps. But any thoughts or support is helpful. One actually motivated to play an instrument and think beyond pain, best of heath to you and your spouse, I know how he feels

in reply to

May look into the maternity pillow , any suggestions help. Bone I’m bone, feel same-tried ma hardest to do a bit of work outside. I can’t visualize walking in a year thank you all

in reply to Bazmack48

I just looked them up, they look very comfortable, considering one

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