Hi all, I would love some advise please. I’m waiting on a total hip replacement. I’ve spoken to the consultants secretary about the psi getting worse andcshe agreed to it me n cancellation list. However, since then the actual pain in my upper arms and neck have been excruciating. I’m basically now unable to do the smallest of tasks and driving is becoming too painful. Is there any reason for this sudden onslaught of pain. I live on my own and it takes me ages to get dressed etc.
waiting for a total hip replacement - Osteoarthritis Ac...
waiting for a total hip replacement

So sorry to hear this -as you have arthritic hip, do you also have OA in shoulders and/or neck? Or are you using a walking stick and that is causing it.
It’s very difficult at the best of times when you live alone I know - but think you need to follow up the new pains with GP - and I also know that’s not as easy as it sounds either..
I haven’t been diagnosed with OA in neck shoulders etc. yes I am using a stick. Thank you for replying. I will get to doctors again. I am unable to take anything stronger than paracetamol. Everything else makes me feel ill. I’m just feeling very sorry for myself. I’m an active person normally but now it’s struggle just to shower. I have a new grandaughter and I’m missing out on cuddles
I’m sure you are missing out on cuddles -and please try and find out what is causing your new pains…
Can you use ibuprofen gel or muscle balm on shoulders -or try heat..,
Thank you lovely, yes I’m definitely missing out.
Yes I’m trying just about everything going haha!. Heat pads, ice pads, hemp cream, you name it. I think the worse part it the absolute exhaustion and the sheer frustration of not being able to do things
Frustration yes I agree -have had knee, hip and shoulder replacements (one of each).
I’m just going to throw something else in the mix - re the shoulders and exhaustion-ask your GP to check your inflammation markers to rule out PMR -Polymyalgia Rheumatica.
If you haven’t heard of it look here -
There is a very active forum on HU as well should you ever need us -hope not (in the nicest way) 😊
Oh wow, ok never heard of that, Will certainly check it out thank you 🙏
Thought you might say that!.. it’s the usual response,,
Don't think it is, but always worth checking -this from versusarthritus is useful too -
I had a total hip replacement in 2022 That was an experience! we were still going through the pandemic/covid. it was interesting to say the least. The surgery was not the hardest part. the pre-op testing, consisted of a liquid lidocaine injection which gave me a seizure. I tried to tell this doctor I was allergic to liquid lidocaine but he said I didn't have an allergy bracelet and I didn't. I've since purchased an ID bracelet (Amazon) with my allergies printed on it .(this is important when you go for the surgery.) I was semi awake because I had a disc problem in my back and the Anesthesiologist made sure my hip incision was higher than normal so my low back would not hurt while the hip was healing. He was great . no pain there. The surgery was not as long as I thought it would be (I had 2 knee replacements and they took longer) and I was able to stay in the hospital more than one afternoon which is not normal these days, because of ( get this) I have a PPO insurance plan. If that isn't favoritism I don't know what is. But on the 3rd day I came home and all was well, until I tried to get off the NORCO .Then I was sick for 3 days- in the bathroom, and lost 20 pounds. I was so weak my daughter took off work and came to stay with me. My husband had a heart attack as soon as I got home from the hospital and was in a different hospital. YIKES! later I found NARCAN they had sent home with me with no instructions. I had no idea I could have used that when getting off the heavy drugs. .Ask questions! every time you wonder about what will happen, write it down and ask your medical team. Try to exercise in water before the surgery so you can recover faster..I wish I could get the other hip done, but because of the NORCO making me sick, the doctor won't allow another replacement.. Make sure your A1C is 6.0 or below. I had to lower mine before they would operate. (your blood sugar) BTW, find out what opioid they will use for your surgery. Google it, research it, and see if it will interfere with any supplements or over the counter meds you are taking. The doctor won't do this for you. You have to be in charge of your interactions to the drugs..do not take aspirin or NSAIDS this could cause your blood to not clot. and you don't want that.. Good luck and God Bless you.. you'll get through this just fine. The hip healed a lot sooner than the knee replacements did. but you'll need a cane just in case.
After all treatments were exhausted, had total right hip replacement in 2012. Best advice: Do all the pre-op exercises that are recommended. Regret that I didn't. Best of luck.
So sorry to hear that you’re in even more pain. Forgive the question but is your walking stick the right length for you and are you using it properly? If not it’s possible that you are unknowingly putting a lot of strain on your neck and shoulders causing you pain. If you’ve checked all this out already please ignore 🤗
thank you StIvesmaid, It appears I also have Polymyalgia Rheumatica too Yay! 🙄 I have been quite ill with my body having a bit of a shutting down process, but thankfully my doctor is a star and he is getting me back on track and I’ve put some of the weight on that I lost.
Yes physio measured the stick height for me, in fact they issued it. I suppose now it’s just a waiting process to get the hip done, Hopefully soon, that will be one less pain to cope with ☺️
OMG, as if the hip isn’t enough to cope with! I had my right hip replaced last December and have an appointment to discuss knee surgery next. It never ends! Good to hear that your GP is supportive 🤗
I know, they say when life throws you lemons make a G&T ☺️. I think I have enough for my home town! How have you coped with the hip replacement? My brother had both his knees done and hasn’t regretted it at all
Post op was grim, but the consultant was up front about that. Unfortunately I didn’t respond to the usual anaesthesia during the operation. They had 2 attempts and then gave me a general to complete the procedure. Fortunately I’d paid for private treatment which included a custom made hip joint which was successfully installed. Anyway this has meant that my recovery has been slower than normal. However the pain I had pre op has gone and I have more mobility in the hip than before. Please don’t let this put you off! The consultant told me he had never come across a response to anaesthesia like it, it’s very rare.
Aww I’m so sorry to hear you had it rough. But now it’s on your hospital records and hopefully when you get your knees fixed they will be forewarned. Let’s hope you recover fully soon. Nothing worse than constant pain !
My son works for a large American company based in England who supply the replacements. He has been to many operations to see how they are fitted etc. he has told me that unless I do the exercises they set for after procedures then the operation will no be so successful so I’m hope they get this PMR sorted before then so I can do them 😌
As you have been diagnosed with PMR, hope to see you on the PMRGCAuk forum I gave a link to in a previous reply. ..
And maybe start with my intro post -
Just watch the weight - it’s likely to be steroids.
Yes thank you , I’ve already joined as I knew absolutely nothing about this condition. I think I’ve got to come off steroids, I have Mitral valve conditions and my very recent blood tests show interference with this and for an urgent appointment with cardiology. Doctors on Monday so will see. Who said getting older was time to have fun ☺️
Maybe raise that on the forum then, there are patients on there with cardiac issues and still remain on Pred.. and sorry to hear that.
You will get back to having fun….😊
Thank you, I will. I have a lot of health issues so have been on steroids for asthma and eventually started to go into AFib and the cardiologist told me then not to take them