Anyone else wake up with a painful knee, I have knackered knee and been told I need a replacement. It's not bad walking on it at the moment but in bed, I wake up and it hurts like hell, I don't get it?
Knee pain in bed at night : Anyone else... - Osteoarthritis Ac...
Knee pain in bed at night

I always find that my joints are painful when I haven’t been moving them. Like when I awake. Once I’m up and have got a cup of coffee in me the worst of the pain fades. I assume you take painkillers.
If you are not familiar with it, I recommend the website Versus Arthritis for general information about , well, arthritis!
Hi Bowser, I sleep with my bad kneel on a pillow. I have tried the small pillow (for use between the knees) and it didn't work for me. I guess it is trial and error. Good luck Maximonkey
Thanks for the advice, I had my steroid jab today, so far so go, pain has gone and I can bend my knee, a week ago I couldn't walk!
I have osteoarthritis in my knee and I find that if I sleep on my side it adds stress to my knee when I wake up. Maybe check your sleeping position during the night? Also sometimes fluid in the knee (inflammation) builds up overnight which with arthritis can cause swelling and stiffness. But when you start to walk the pressure of walking releases it.