I just turned 61 in June. In January I started limping, and that quickly progressed to needing a cane, at which point I got a hip x-ray. I was totally blindsided by the diagnosis of bone-on-bone damage in the right hip and almost as bad in the left. I started using a walker about a month ago. Unfortunately my weight has been inexorably creeping upwards for the past couple decades and I got up to 330. (I've lost 10 pounds in the past few weeks so now am 320.)
I showed the hip x-ray to a rheumatologist on Tuesday who said it wouldn't be that unusual, IF I was in my early 80s!
In 2020 I had OHS to replace a calcified bicuspid aortic valve and swore to never willingly again submit to anything like that, so I've decided to lose 100 pounds before I even consider hip replacement. I have totally eliminated alcohol and dinner.
Was just hoping to get some input/commentary from anybody else reading this who might have been in a similar situation at some point. I'm in Dallas Texas.