l think l have osteoarthritis in my knee l say think because l do have it in my wrists! I keep fit and go to the gym regularly currently on holiday doing lots of walking stupidity thought l would try the couch run and ended up with painful knee that crunches and is painful I’m thinking the uneven pavement and foot hitting it has caused the pain as l didn’t twist my knee. I will see my gp when I’m back from holiday. My question is until l get back is it ok to still walk a lot even though painful and is there any ointment that will help
knee pain: l think l have... - Osteoarthritis Ac...
knee pain

So long as it hasn't got to bone-on-bone then Flexiseq may help.. but it does take a while to work.. in the interim maybe ibuprofen gel or a support of some sort.. and try and stick to even ground...
Thank you for your reply l have bought some ibuprofen gel from pharmacy. I hope it's not bone on bone l don't want a knee replacement
Well no one really wants one, but as one who has had one… it’s given me my life back….
Totally agree. Absolutely ! Kingsnorth will eventually beg for one .... won't she ?
Certainly if it gets as bad as ours.. 😊
ah sorry it wasn’t a criticism it’s just that my neighbour had a knee replacement and she said never again so it frightened me 😱
No offence taken… and what happened to your neighbour isn’t necessarily going to happen to you.
I’ve had one knee, one hip and one shoulder replaced… because they were all very painful, and knee/hip really affected mobility — but fingers crossed and a following wind and all that, I’m hopeful the others won’t need the same. 🤣. At the moment shoulder grumbles a bit, but keeping it in check to best of my ability.
and remember, you must continue to keep your muscles strong in order to support the joint.
Lots of guidance on Versus Arthritis which my Rheumy consultant guided me to. Not that I hadn’t read it already …..
thank you l will continue doing lots of walking. I do/did have a rheumatologist in uk (I’m on holiday in Spain until April) but haven’t seen nor heard from him since covid even though l have lupus. I will go to my gp when l get home and ask for X-ray and also phone rheumatologist dept to chase an appointment. I’m 73 so l suppose l should expect a bit of arthritis or RO especially as l have it in my wrist.
You could give Capsicum a go - either gel or cream. I recently had my first brush with OA in my ankle/foot and found it more effective than Ibuprofen gel or Paracetamol. Capsicum is an anti inflammatory as well and works very quickly by desensitising pain receptors.
Here in the UK the NICE guidance says it can be used for OA but is no longer prescribed as it’s available OTC. The one I use is Spanish pharma grade available from Amazon but as you’re in Spain it’s likely you could buy it from a chemist where you are.
thank you l have used Capiscum in the past and it’s brilliant but haven’t been able to get any for ages in the UK so gp prescribed voltorol which isn’t as good. I did go to the pharmacy in Spain for capiscum but they don’t have it so l bought VoltaNatura which is helping a bit. I will see gp when l get home and have my knee xrayed. I was told you can’t buy Capiscum as manufacturers have closed down.
Just had a look, I think that was the main original manufacturers for the NHS. comment on versusarthritis site…
From what I’ve gathered sourcing during the pandemic became sketchy and hasn’t recovered. Patients were switched to alternatives and weren’t happy with symptom control. The Capsicum strength previously available via prescription was 0.03% which is available as an OTC item and can be imported from outside the UK. My first order came from Spain but subsequent orders came from a wholesaler in Hemel Hempstead - I’ll find the details and amend this post with the details.
Just reading the various comments here about topical gels. I also have arthritis of the knee and am under Stanmore Orthopaedic Hospital, I cannot have a knee replacement because of a low-level infection in my replaced hip--picked up at Stanmore 20 years ago. I am currently seeing an excellent physio at Stanmore and am about to begin 3 sessions of Hydrotherapy there as well to strengthen my muscles.
My knee pain varies. I am most interested in the two gels you have mentioned--Flexiseq and Capsicum. I am wondering how they are different and which may be better than the other? Both are quite expensive. And for Flexiseq --is Maximum strength better? Thanks in advance for any information about these
I have used Flexiseq Maximum for a long time ,pre replacement ops) -yes it is expensive, but it is drug free and was developed in association with versusarthritis charity. Worth trying one tube to see if it’s for you -and then you can get it cheaper either from the big online seller beginning A, or very often on offer in local chemists.
Never used Capsicum -but there is a warning for sensitive skin.
So can’t compare the two… 😊
Thanks so much for your quick response. Will try Flexiseq from the 'big A on-line seller' and see what it does. 😊
do you know if it safe to use with liver disease can’t find any information on it. Is it anti-inflammatory?
Flexiseq is okay -because it’s drug free.
Capsicum- see this from powderpuff -
Hello Eleanor,
Capsicum works differently to other topicals in as much as it desensitises (disarms) nerve endings while having anti inflammatory properties too. Here is the NICE guidance for prescribing etc. scroll down to Zacin
To buy it is expensive but you really only need a pea size amount 4 times a day - a 100ml tube lasted me 8 weeks applying as recommended but tapering off the more comfortable I felt. I could gradually resume walking (although still curtailed from my usual distance and intensity) but important in maintaining my Lung disease which depends on exercise and keeping active.
At the time I used Capsicum I was waiting for a Rheumy appointment which I had just last week. The Consultant doesn’t mind that I continue as/when I need too but confirmed it isn’t available on prescription.