I rang the medical secretary for rheumatology today as not been able to get back in touch with rheumy nurse and no facility to leave a message. Spoke with medical secretary and got a call back from rheumy nurse this afternoon. Saw rhuemy nurse a few weeks ago and had a steroid injection a few weeks ago and she was going to speak with my consultant. She has not managed to speak to my consultant in the last few weeks but has assured me she will speak to her this week and be back in touch. Fingers crossed. I explained still having swollen joints, pain and fatigue. Now reducing hours at work, seeing OH through work but could do with either seeing my consultant or at least have my meds reviewed. Explained the impact and think I managed to communicate everything that is going on. I felt awful chasing this up after no contact for a few weeks we appreciate how busy the clinics are. Feel better for being proactive and having the opportunity to update where I am at and what I am struggling with. It’s hard work this RD isn’t it? Full time job in itself. 😂.
Contact with rhuemy nurse: I rang the medical secretary... - NRAS
Contact with rhuemy nurse

It is ...good on you x
And keep contacting them until you get a reply !
Well done for persevering Summerrain , as you say it’s sad we have to do this. Here’s hoping they respond quickly to you now.
It’s stressful trying to be proactive but well done it’s not easy keep at it till you get some where

It is really stressful isn’t it? I do feel bad for having to keep chasing things up. Is it common that we need to do this?
Not for everyone but I did a lot last year but got my nurses email address and email her direct cuts out the middleman

It is a shame as the staff are fantastic. I really feel very lucky to have the team I do but they are so over stretched.
Well done for keeping them on their toes, this disease pushes us to our limits sometimes xxx
Hi Summerain I hope you are soon back on track and sounds like your med isn’t working enough for you. if you don’t chase up the rheumatologist you could get so much worse and then you are harder to treat I was told by a young consultant who was furious to hear all the time if been fobbed off for several weeks. I had been left inbetween medications for 7 weeks and not given a soon enough date to start my new one. I became immobile/bedbound/on oral steroid for ten months due to this delay and widespread inflammation and the rheumy secretary didn’t pass on my message and went on holiday, so never feel bad about chasing things up. Good luck. x
I hope you can see someone soon x
To all those struggling to contact your rheum nurse please read this rheumatology.org.uk/News-Po.... It gives a good insight into what is happening in rheumatology teams that as a patient we are not usually aware of.