Had a phone call last night:: From my surgeon over my... - NRAS


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Had a phone call last night:

sylvi profile image
6 Replies

From my surgeon over my knee as i emailed his pa in l/spa. He is of the opinion that my ligaments have stretched some more. I have to get some crutches and see if they will help me by not putting pressure on the knee.

Its 3.15am and i am downstairs in pain,i thought i had left those days behind me as i had been sleeping quite well. Just goes to show you can't take anything for granted. Its not just my knee that is painful,my ra is as well. The weather isn't helping i know,but i didn't need to be down here today of all days as i'm seeing my lovely shrink this morning. I had hoped she might discharge me today, but that is looking unlikely the way i feel right now. I am usually resting in bed by 7.00pm as i am tired by then anyway,so i sit and watch csi on tv and then i settle down about midnight. I get fed up with this b""""y disease. It is relentless isn't it.

It was lovely the surgeon takng time out to ring me, he could have just got his pa to email me,but he didn't and he was very gracious to me. He has said that after the op i will be on crutches when i come out of hospital. God knows what he'll find when he opens me up. There is no infection there which is something to be thankful for. Thats what the nuclear scan was all about. Thats the second time he has rang me. I wish the other hospital was as caring with me as he has been.

Still haven't heard nothing back about my complaint of the way i have been treated. They asked for an extension and that has passed. I won't contact them as when this op is over hubbys solicitors are going to be writing to them about my treatment. They are waiting until after my op so that the surgeon can write a letter detailing what he found and what he has done to put it right.

This is a long blog so i will finish now and i hope that you all have a better nights sleep than i'm having..


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6 Replies

Oh Sylvie, I so wish there was something I could do to make it all better! It has just been too long, since before Christmas, wasn't it? One thing after the other.

You could call me! 3am there is only 10 pm here, I am never in bed until midnight or later. Not that I could make anything better, but atleast you could talk about it all. Maybe that would help you feel better, or help get to sleep.

Do you have the date yet for the surgery. I had April 17 stuck in my mind, but obviously that has gone already.

Must get to the shower, have to go to OT this morning, then I'm coming home and getting back to the job I started yesterday, cleaning the concrete on the patio. I dumped a 4 gallon container of detergent, bleach and water on it yesterday and scrubbed it a little with an old broom, then let it sit overnight. Now will get out there and hose it all off. It's an annual ritual, to remove leaf stains that happened with leaves blown over it last winter when it was cold and raining, the leaves stuck and left stains, and I was not exactly in any shape to get out there and remove them earlier.

Have a good day, sit in the sun, you can make a list of the things you see you want to do, just don't do them just yet!! Love, Loretta

sylvi profile image

You have the date right just a month out loretta, Its 17th may and it can't come quuick enough now.

Should you be doing things like your yard yet with your wrist. I know you be telling me off for doing things like that,so please be careful or get one of your boys to help you. We have a small patio which is in need of a clean,i have asked my george to have a go at it before he goes back to the states. As long as the weather is good. I think we have the back end of those storms that you had last week. It has been pouring down with rain here and it doesn't do my joints any good.

Bob has potted on the tomato plants and we have 14 to go down the allotment when the weather is better. My conservatory is more like a greenhouse than anything else. I have seedlings all the place,we have a little greenhouse out in the garden as well and that is full as well.

Love sylvia. xx

in reply to sylvi

You should have seen me, it looked like something the 3 stooges would do...I didn't use my right hand, I tucked the end of the broom under my right forearm for leverage, only scrubbed it just enough to spread the bleach all over, NOW you should see it! Looks just like the day they poured the concrete!

Today Cindy came over with several bags of mulch and set it all around the plants all around the house. She also pruned a couple of my older herb plants, the Tarragon and Oregano, that were getting way too big. Now I have more room in the herb bed to plant some other ones. Need Rosemary, Basil and Lemon Balm.

So, no I didn't jeopardize my hand, and I will be going back to Cleveland on Friday for a checkup. Where do you put that many plants!!!

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sylvi in reply to

My hubby says that all the time,yet every year i find the space. Mind you i even wondered this year where would i put them all.

Love sylvia.xx

Tinwoman2 profile image

Sylvie, I read this & thought that you called the Dr's Father (pa). You are probably meaning Physician Asst. It made me laugh, so thanks for starting my day out good.


sylvi profile image

Christine, i mean personnal assistant. I am glad i have made you smile. Your welcome christine,how are you keeping as i haven't seen you much on here?


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