Imagination NO: I was beginning to think that I had... - NRAS


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Imagination NO

cris1728 profile image
22 Replies

I was beginning to think that I had imagined the problems I had since May, but no I am not going mad and having an overactive imagination. The problems seem to be coming back, I was perhaps lured into a false sense of security and maybe wishful thinking but my hands are getting painful again and are starting to swell and I am aching all over.

I have had a good 8 weeks of relative normality since the steroid jab on 5th Nov but maybe that is starting to wear off now. I am thinking of this as a blessing in some ways and you may all think I am mad but I see the Rheumy on 9th Jan and they have not seen me with the hand problems at there worst, I just had a little soreness when I had my 1st appt as my symptoms seemed to settle down for the week preceeding the appt and it may help in making a definite diagnosis and deciding on treatment plan. The other positive is that I know the steroids have worked for me as I know some of you are not fortunate for this to be the case.

I also know that I am not going mad and that the symptoms were real.

Wishing you all a very happy new year and may 2013 be a better year for you all

Thankyou also for the warm welcome I have recieved on this site and all the support you have given me.

gentle hugs to you all


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cris1728 profile image
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22 Replies

Chris i know exactly how you feel, my last steroid was so good and lasted so long that i really did think i was either in complete remission or that i never had ra in the first place. This was the first steroid injection that worked so well and I had an appointment with the consultant during that time where we sat and smiled at each other delighted that I was responding so well to sulphasalazine. But three months later I started experiencing what you are now, small indications that the pain and inflammation are returning. Now i am bad again with pain and i think that it is good that the rheummy sees you at your worst otherwise they get the wrong impression of you.

cris1728 profile image
cris1728 in reply to

Thanx mads its good to know that other been in the same position and when I think back to using the supermarket trolley as a wheeled zimmer at halloween I did have problems you justd forget them when the steroid works and you feel so good and then wondr what others think. must remember to take some pictures this time in case it gets better before I go again.


Cris I relate to what you are saying completely. But can I suggest that if your hands are visibly swollen you photograph them and print the best ones off? That is what I did and when my GP saw these he advised me to take then to my 2nd rheumy apt because he said they indicated "classic synovial swelling".

The first time I saw my consultant I was still under the influence of a steroid injection but second time, four months on, I learned my lesson and didn't even take an ibuprofen the day before so that my knuckles and middle finger joints were very raised and bruised looking and he diagnosed me quite easily. Also its worth knowing which finger joints relate to RA because there are some other conditions such as Fibromyalgia that can make your hands swell too , but its generally not the knuckles or middle finger joints - that is quite specific to RA. Good luck, Tilda xx

cris1728 profile image

Thanx Tilda as I have just said to mads I will be taking some photos and it is finger joints and knuckles and it is the middle joits as well.

Hope you have a good hogmany will you be imbibing or dare you not risk it.


sylvi profile image

Cris, i took photos of my eyes when they were at their worst and i showed them to my dr at the hospital and igot to see a specialist after that,i think when the daylight comes i might do the same with my hands as they are swollen and a bit sore.

I hope when you go back on the ninth they will show how bad you are and they will then start to do something to help you,(i didn't mean that in a bad way if you know what i mean)

Take care love

cris1728 profile image

Know what you mean Sylvi, though I can be bad sometimes (only joking) I will just be glad if they can see me at the worst as they will then get a better picture of how they are. sorry didnt join you in the 4 oclock club this morning was awake but stayed in bed and managed to get another hour.


warthog100 profile image

Hi chris i have found things to be similar to u didnt think my steroid injections had done ay good until they wear off ! then u realise ! I am waiting for my sulphazine meds to kick in and my hands are really bad at the moment feet too hope your appt goes well. and things look up for you. Reading others comments i think i am going to take a photo if my hands

cathie profile image

It sounds as though you need more effective long-term meds. I hope you get somewhere - 9 jan isn't far away but it is if you're in pain. Xx

cris1728 profile image
cris1728 in reply to cathie

Thanx Cathie yes it does on my last appt they were talking of DMARDS but as I was well and only 4 weeks to next appt ( benefit of being in research project) they left it to see how I did and if the relief was only temporary from the steroid or a more permanent remission. seems as if it just the steroid. Not currently in bad pain but aware that this may change and it may get worse but definately much worse than I was


cris1728 profile image

Hi an thanx It seems a good idea to take photos and lots of people have suggested it and makes a permanent record to show rheumy and to remind ourselves when we think we are going mad

take care and join the 4 oclock club I only ever manage 2 hours then wake up too


allanah profile image
allanah in reply to cris1728

Hi cris and good evening to all u early birds ! Lying here with mr morphine and mr gabapentine which are nicely seeing me through my op recovery! I have a love/hate relationship with steroids! They defiantly help the pain but also make me put on weight and grow a beard( well defiantly fuzz!!!!!!)

Looking forward to hearing what they say next week and that you get the treatment you need. Love Axx

minka profile image
minka in reply to allanah






allanah profile image

Hi cris and good evening to all u early birds ! Lying here with mr morphine and mr gabapentine which are nicely seeing me through my op recovery! I have a love/hate relationship with steroids! They defiantly help the pain but also make me put on weight and grow a beard( well defiantly fuzz!!!!!!)

Looking forward to hearing what they say next week and that you get the treatment you need. Love Axx

allanah profile image

Aargh this iPad is great but it has a habit of respelling your words such as defiantly for definitely and putting comments up twice! Oh well at least u know I'm thinking of you. Axx

cris1728 profile image

Thanks Allanah you must be getting better to be lying down with 2 men lol. Thanks for thinking of me I feel I was fortunate with the positive result I got from the steroid injection. I have had similar good results from intra-articular steroid injections over the years and have been fortunate that have managed to lose weight rather than put it on and didnt get the munchies. not got a tash yet but have some signs of a beard ( but that was starting before)

will post and let you know how I go on at the rheumy appt.

have a good hogmany and hope your recovery continues

gentle hugs crisxx

Junglequeen profile image

Hi Chris,hop u feel better .......... I'm hopping at some point they can giv me a steroid but yeh it's a good idea,as many here hav adv, which never occurred to me is to photograph it cause when it's ur appointment suddenly it all disappears n u look fine....... Lol .junglequeen

cris1728 profile image
cris1728 in reply to Junglequeen

Hi jungle queen hands not as bad this am but tend to get worse as day goes on so see how things go. Hope your chest is feeling better and that the antibiotics are working.

take care crisxx

minka profile image

no chris ya not going mad

sorry to here about that my jab seemed to get hands better fast like 2 weeks but other things where fighting against the stuff in the legs would have been happy bunny if legs had done same

i agree with the other take proof (what cant speek cant lie) get some photos done ion a well lite position

cris1728 profile image

Thanx John glad to hear that people dont feel i'm going mad. I do think its the steroid which made me feel so much better and is now wearing off.

How are you doin now you never seem to get a proper answer or any decent period of pain relief. Hope next year brings you both of these


shirlthegirl profile image

Hiya Cris, I'm really sorry that you aren't at your best now, but as you have said if you are going to have a bad flare, let it happen now so that you can be at your worse for your next appointment, It would of been nicer if it could of waited until after new years eve,... Rotten Decease..... I know that the steroid injection never worked as well as yours did, But i am sure it has helped, As i am not as stiff, or in as much pain, But am still having a flare's at least every fortnight, And it last's at least 3 days, To make things worse, it will be the right wrist, then 3 days later the left, Not sure if i would prefer them all together, But there has been no change at all really with my knee's, still can't walk up and down the stairs properly,

And my right knee give way a lot, I hope every thing work's out a lot better for you on the 9th, take care Cris, Sending lots of hugs and xxx

cris1728 profile image
cris1728 in reply to shirlthegirl

Thanx Shirley at least it is good to know that I had such a good result from the steroid injection and it is the best time for it to be wearing off for when I see the rheumy on 9th. I hope you get good news with your blood results on thursday and that you start to get some good results from the methotrexate soon. This disease is insidious and creeps up on you then you start to feel a little better and wonder if it really was that bad then wham you realise it was. I hope you have a happy new year and let me know how you go on on thurs

take care crisxx

You cant imagine RA pain .. hope you get some treatment soon x

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