MTX , the physio and home life generally.: Had my... - NRAS


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MTX , the physio and home life generally.

LavendarLady profile image
11 Replies

Had my second MTX increased dosage on WEdnesday and within 30 minutes was feeling sick again. This continued right through until Thursday evening and I took two doses of the pepto bismol the chemist gave me which does seem to settle everything down. See my consultant on the 18th so if still getting sickness and nausea, will beat him over the head for putting me on the higher dose.

Saw the physio yesterday who has said my shoulder is not as bad as the ultrasound scan showed, and she thinks that somehow I have done some rehab on it myself without realising what I was doing! She has given me some exercises to do to help get the shoulder back into its correct alignment and reduce the pain. There is fluid on the shoulder and the collar bone is definitely moving more than it should. (I still have visions of reaching for something and the collar bone goes ping and pops out - she says that can't happen!). I see her again in 2 weeks when we both expect an improvement.

I also got told off for wearing kitten heels as she said there wasn't sufficient support and neither should I be wearing 3 " heels in the evening to go out. But I cannot be a frump particularly when wearing some nice clothes to go out in and having to put some clumpy flats on! I do wear my loafers a lot which have a 1" wedge heel but for business and social outings,I do wear heels.

Tree man came this morning - we need our eucalyptus cutting back - it has to be kept under control otherwise it would be more than 100 foot high so it is cut back each year. Also he looked at the conifer which badly needs cutting and shaping and our neighbour's laburnham which grows over into our garden. He took photos of the trees and will let me have an estimate in due course. That will be cut back on our side. Laburnham is deadly poisionous and I don't want pup or the grand children to think the pods are edible. I will let neighbour know and also suggest she gets another tree cut back as it is twisting and crossing branches so will cause trouble later. The laburnham does make an awful mess as it drops everything. It is very pretty in the spring with the long yellow flowers but they don't last long and then the wretched pods are there.

Berry was very pleased to see the tree man who made a great fuss of him and Berry promptly went off to get his toy to show him and then grinned at everyone. It does make me laugh to see him grin (dog that is not tree man). He doesn't do it all the time, just occasionally when he is happy or being particularly ingratiating. Training session this afternoon so he will meet up with all his friends. He regularly mugs Ruth the trainer whom he loves mainly because she always has treats for him. Tilly, the other lab takes everything in her stride (Berry has just burped and looks so surprised!). Minniecat is being very affectionate at present and has started butting her head against mine again which she hasn't done for a while and climbing onto my shoulder for a rest and a snooze. Cleaner is here at present and Berry can't understand why she won't play with him. He keeps bringing his toy out to show her and dropping it at her feet to play! He's a disappointed dog today.

LavendarLady x

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11 Replies
sylvi profile image

Hello Lavenderlady,like the photo of dog,which one is it? We have to get our ecalptus tree cut back,hubby usually does it but this year i've told him that we'll get someone in to do it. My next door naighbour is going to ring him and ask him to have a look at ours as well. My hubby is 68yrs old bless and i don't want getting up there and hurting himself,i've had enough of hospitals without him falling and ending up back there again.

Well my friend i must get ready to go to hospital for 12noon will talk when i get back.


LavendarLady profile image
LavendarLady in reply to sylvi

Hi sylvia, the dog is my old lab Bessie - I really must put some piccies of Tilly and Berry up.

Hope the hospital went well today. LL x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to LavendarLady

see my blog i put up earlier,xx

Eucalyptus is one of the best woods to burn on the woodburner, as good as ash but a better smell. Of course it needs to be seasoned for a year before burning like all wood. My neighbour had a huge one in her garden which was destyoying the drains and interfering with our phone lines so I cut it down for her and now I've lots of wood for Xmas. We have a large Laburnum but we never had any problems with our dogs or cats or children eating the pods. I suppose they know not to eat something if it does't taste right. Pretty in Spring but not so now. Birds love it though and so do caterpillars. I love to see a nice pair of 6" heels. Went to a car boot sale at Yeovil on Sunday and there was a young lady in 6" stilettos stuck in the ground. You'd think the silly Doris would know that they're not really suitable for soft ground.

LavendarLady profile image
LavendarLady in reply to

Hi Bencorde, we used to burn the eucalyptus seed pods on the open fire which gives off the oil as well - didn't suffer from sinus trouble then! No longer have an open fire unfortunately. Berry seems to stay away from the Laburnham pods but children are a dif.ferent matter and when they first drop they look just like pea pods!

Never did wear 6" stilletos - the highest was 5" when I was younger - bit difficult on the old wooden escalator stairs as used to get the heels caught in the treads. But was so used to the heel height could run in them and walk long distances. Couldn't do that now so have to stick to lower heels and my comfy loafers! LL

Gina_K profile image

Hi LL,

If you can wear heels and get about OK I say do. You would not be wearing them if you could not stand the pain, so keep going with whatever is comfortable (or bearable) your feet will dictate when to stop.

We have tried to murder our Eucalyptus tree on many occasions as way too tall in a storm, but back it comes from the stump every time!

Regards, Gina.

well Lavender!, 3 inch heels and hair extensions you are one trendy lady xx

LavendarLady profile image
LavendarLady in reply to

Needs must Summer. Without hair extensions, I would have very little and would have to do a comb over! Only wear the 3" heels if I can be sure of sitting down for part of the time but I must admit these particular shoes are most comfortable (Must have worn them in to suit my rather narrow feet - can't get them on if feet are swollen though). LL x

Must ask you all: Where are you from? Are you all in England? I am so intrigued with some of your terminology. Find it delightful to learn a new word :)


LavendarLady profile image
LavendarLady in reply to

Hi Loret, Yes I am definitely in England. In fact I live in North West Norfolk near the coast and just on the edge of the Queen's Estate at Sandringham.

Where are you from? Lavendarlady x

Hi Lavendarlady!!

I am in the USA, city of Bellevue, Ohio. Just 15 miles from the shores of Lake Erie, which is the city of Sandusky, Ohio. Which is the home of Cedar Point, the largest amusement Park in the US. If you have ever heard of it.

Have always wanted to tour England and Ireland. My father's ancestors are from Ireland. His mother taught us grandchildren all the fine living customs of the Motherland. Like using the fine china and silverware,etc.

We just don't take the time to use these things very often. Only holidays.

I hope you can soon tolerate the MTX better, though when I got up to 10 tables, my Rheumi felt I just was not digesting them enough to get the proper benefit, so he switched me to the injectable. Much less expensive, and I get no side effects. No nausea at all. I sometimes feel tired or sleepy after taking the injection, so now I take it at bedtime, sleep well and am really OK in the morning.

I used to be crazy for shoes, so I can relate about the heels. Not possible now, my toes are so crooked and drifted sideways, I have to have extra wide shoes. I did finally find a really cute pair of dress shoes for my son's wedding a few weeks ago, with 1.5" stack heels and I got along fine.

It's really way past time to get horizontal, so I will wish you well for now and will stay in touch. I love this opportunity to chat with others with the same diagnoses. Loret

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