I left plenty of time to renew my BB back in April, expires 8.7.24 so thought I would be OK. Finally in June I got email saying I had to complete a full application. I did this straight away as time was running out. Now my Badge runs out Monday and I still have heard nothing. I know you used to be able to continue using expired badge if you put case number for application next to the the badge. Could anyone help to let me know if this is still the case or am I going to have to stay home for the most part because I don't have this aid. Thank you in advance Beven
Blue badge: I left plenty of time to renew my BB back... - NRAS
Blue badge

I had a similar issue, I submitted my full application 12 weeks before it was due to expire. On checking their website, they said they were taking 16 weeks. I emailed asking if it could be completed by the 12 weeks, as due to a recent knee injury I was now confined to a wheelchair, they declined. When I asked if I could continue to use my current badge I was told No, because each blue badge is a completely new application, and information submitted previously is of no relevance and you should submit all the info each time you apply. I went 4 weeks without mine.
Previously I’ve emailed when I was in a flare, and it was processed immediately. Now it’s more than their jobs worth.
It is so frustrating, I have had my badge since 2010 and had assessments in the passed but now have to do full application. What is going on? I had bilateral knee replacements 2010 & 2011 which are now not so good. So I relied on my Badge, I don't ask for anything else from the government just my badge to make life abit easier. I wish you so much luck that allgets sorted for the near future.
I agree, it’s ridiculous you have to fill out a full application form each time, for a chronic progressive illness. Thankfully I don’t need to do it till April 2026 now. No wonder the governments money doesn’t go far, when it’s wasted spending time wading through full applications, when a form being signed to say you still have a progressive disease and therefore still need a blue badge. Like you I’ve never bothered claiming pip, although everyone tells me I should. I can’t be bothered jumping through hoops for them
The problem appears to be….the BB people tell the Government department…they need a certain (exaggerated) amount of grant to fulfill their duty. But nobody checks where the money is spent…& it is obviously not spent on either enough staff….or on the wrong calibre of staff who make decisions!
Like the NHS…..the Gov throw money at it. But it is wrongly allocated by NHS Admin…who prioritise painting a wall …over a new piece of clinical equipment!
I have tried claiming PIP twice and rejected twice so gave. Last time it was because I understood a sat nav. So could not qualify. I did appeal but lost so gave up
That’s absurd, what has reading a satnav got to do with your day to day ability, with getting washed, dressed and prepping meals. It makes you so angry, and the worry is they are going to make it more difficult, with all the emphasis on getting people back to work. Thankfully I’m medically retired and don’t claim any benefits, it’s just too stressful. I have ankylosing spondylitis, adrenal insufficiency, pulmonary fibrosis and no chest expansion due to fused ribs, plus the adrenal insufficiency caused a severe stroke 6yr ago, yet I would probably de declined. My AI means any stress, good or bad, can have me spiralling downwards, and needing to do an emergency steroid injection, so I just don’t apply to avoid the stress 🤗
Thanks for the heads up. My blue badge expires in May 2025 and I cannot get out without it because I walk on crutches and need to use a wheelchair. I will look into how long my council says I need to apply in. I hope someone can help you.
Hi I rang mine as my badge expires in October this year. They told me it was only about 4 - 6 weeks. So it’s good to check with them. ( mind I should have taken their name).
I looked on my council’s web site and it also said 4-6 weeks but not to apply more than 10 weeks ahead.
I think contact you're issuer and ask, but think its likely that it expires so no longer valid but check. Things do change and whilst it might be annoying, there probably has to be a one size fits all approach. It really isn't a waste of money as people do die and relatives continue to use the badge. We have a system mostly based on trust and it's abused sometimes sadly that means it's inconvenient. I'm not dismissing how these things can be annoying but if it stops abuse then I'm all for it. I'm sure we've all seen the young chap park in a disabled bay , put up a badge hop out and nip in a shop. I'd try in a criminal court as I'm sure its a criminal offence and heavily fine abusers or possibly hang them........
In fairness there is hidden disabilities. The young man may have a stoma, or an inflammatory bowel disease, so we shouldn’t assume he’s not the owner of the badge.
I agree that a lot of relatives may misuse the badge, which is why I said you fill a declaration form out every 3yrs. Your health is not going to get better, so it is wasteful doing a full assessment each time. If you’ve been issued it for OA and had a joint replacement, that’s different as you may well have improved. We wouldn’t have 16 week waits, if it was a short declaration form, or a brief F2F, to ensure it’s still for yourself.
Hi id keep phoning them if you can nip their heads It's not good enough really it's getting worse the councils and this situation effects the infirm and disabled alot
You can't use the badge in this situation
Only when waiting on a replacement damaged or lost etc
Hope you recieve it soon
I read several times you can be fined for using an expired badge even if you put your renewal application number at the side of your just expected badge.
I know on my council webpage for my last renewal 18 months ago it said you should apply 16 weeks in advance. Mine was processed and returned within 10 days. Hoping your is sooner rather than later. 🙏
I did do renewal in more than enough time, but never received the email to tell me I had to make full application this time until June so they made the timelines too short !!
🤨 Oh no, sorry I misunderstood. The council should ideally put you as priority as you already tried to do the renewal in very good time. It seems daft it takes weeks to say complete this application in full, etc. Not sure they will but if you haven’t already, can you phone them and say re the misunderstanding and them taking several weeks to email you? Good luck and hope they are speedier than you anticipate and if arrives soon.🙏
Just keep calling them explaining that you filled it in in plenty of time. You could ask to speak to a manager. My authority said to wait till I get the e mail reminder. I hope you get it sorted. It really isn’t fair when people rely on them. 🤞
Hi there , I sent mine off 12 weeks before renewai and received it back within four weeks , that is the quickest I have ever had a renewal. Think in your case you may as you say be left housebound for a while. Not very good is it ?
My son once accidentally used the old badge instead of the new one in the week that the old one expired. We got a ticket but I appealed with photos of both badges and they dropped the ticket (Cheltenham council) so if you do put your out of date one in and get a ticket, it is worth appealing with all your paperwork.