I think they certainly all come along together!
This is possibly my first blog (probably going to be a long one!), although I've asked a lot of questions on this board that I have had great answers to! However now just pondering about these diseases and wondering how many of the darn things there are and how many you can come across in one family!
Just over a year ago I had never even heard of autoimmune diseases and thought RA was 'simply' stiffness in the joints that 'older people got'! I've certainly been educated during the past year!
When my symptoms first started (and came on quite quickly) back in August last year, I tried to figure out what was wrong and by chance came across rheumatoid arthritis after a chap at work developed gout, and I thought his symptoms in his foot sounded like what I felt in my shoulder, wrist, knee, jaw etc. On first visit to the doctor they asked about family history - I mentioned that my mum has ITP (low blood platelets), which I then found out was apparently an autoimmune disease, and because of that they suspected another one with me and therefore tested for both lupus and RA as they both fitted my symptoms! Well can you believe it my blood results came back positive for both (anti-CCP and anti-dsDNA) so both quite specific for RA and SLE....
So I've had a year dealing with these, although really feel so lucky - firstly that I was diagnosed so quickly, and possibly lucky even because I did test positive, so it made diagnosis easier and therefore got onto treatment really quickly! My treatments have worked really well for me and I've been able to lead a pretty normal life, work full time, be a mum to two young boys (8 and 9) and do most things I want to, although have had a few issues with blood results meaning changes to medication, so that is probably the only downside I've experienced...
Today though, I think I'm feeling more of an impact as a result of autoimmune diseases than I did on my diagnosis, or as a result of any treatments or symptoms....my son has now just been diagnosed with one (well should I say blood results are positive, but they want to do some other tests for final confirmation)! We have been through the summer with constant bouts of him vomitting for no apparent reason and constant stomach pains, and had been to the doc a few times about it. Finally got to see a paediatrician last week - well she said after asking about family history, that since there is a link to ai diseases in our family (seems like an echo from my own first appointment!), she thought it wise to test for coeliac disease, which fits the symptoms! Heard today that the blood result has come back positive but she needs to do an endcoscopy to check stomach lining for final confirmation!
It's weird, I think this diagnosis has hit me more than my own, as I really don't want him to start a life of having to deal with potentially more of them, since they seem to be multiplying by generation! The only consolation about them though I guess, it that it does make diagnosis so much easier! I was reading about coeliac disease and they say the average time for diagnosis is 13 years! Got it right in only a few months with my son, purely because of the link as I'm sure they wouldn't have even tested him if I didn't have my diseases! So I guess there are good points to this afterall....
And now wondering how many autoimmune dieases others have in their families across generations - and are they like buses all coming along at once?