I'm reading but not up to many answers.: We all read... - NRAS


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I'm reading but not up to many answers.

hamble99b profile image
18 Replies

We all read these posts at different times, days.

I usually like to try and see that everyone gets a response - even if it's only to reassure, or acknowledge to, someone that they've been heard as I hate to see "no comments" after a post.

There are so many helpful people on here I like to think I can give something back.

I'm very low at the moment and I'm having to step back for a bit.



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hamble99b profile image
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18 Replies
hamble99b profile image

I am sincere in my responses - it's not "ooh what a goody goody I am, everyone look!"


sylvi profile image

Sandra, i know what you mean about seeing the blogs and not always answering,i did ask nras if they could put something up to show that we have read the blogs even though we don't always answer them. We will see what happens.

Sometimes you do have to step back when your down and i hope that it won't be long before your active on here again. Its not much fun is it when your as low as you are. I wish i could do or say something that would help you,sadly i can't but i can send you a great big cyber hug to you.

Love sylvi.xxx

Josie2 profile image

I regularly read but as i'm not much help medically i just try to send hugs to let people know.


Treesha profile image

Oh what a shame youre not feeling so good. I hope it doesnt last long. Sometimes these feelings come and go but other times you may need to see your gp for a little help. Sending you cyber hugs too! (((( )))). Tricia xx

Judi profile image

Hi Sandra, if I'm on here early in the morning and see 'no comment' I also like to go in and give a reply even if I dont have any solid answers.

We all have nights (and days) when we are having a rough time of it and just need to know that there's someone else out there who understands. Waking in the middle of the night because you 'dared to turn over in bed' makes for a very, very long and lonely night.

Tricia's right, the unhappy feelings can come and then go, it is part of RA unfortunately. (Been having them myself for the past few weeks so some days I've not been on here even to read others problems, let alone answer anything). Then suddenly the bad feelings disappear and you wonder "what was all that about ?".

If you are still feeling down like Tricia says go see your GP for a little help, sometimes seeing someone face to face (and in my case having a grizzle) can help.

You take care sweetheart, we are all with you

Judi xxxxxxxx

Hi Sandra,

As someone relatively new to ra (7 months) I would like to say how important those replies are. Ibut they are really helpful not just when offering medical advice or advice from personal experience but for their support.

So from me, big thanks to u and others who make time to reply and make this site so supportive.

Sorry u r feeling low right now. I hope our replies show ur support is greatly appreciated and that will go a tiny way to raise ur spirits.

Cyber hugs x


Caza profile image

Hi Sandra, I can only echo what Tins has said. You dont feel so alone when you get a reply. I wish you comfort. L caza x

Sorry to hear that you are feeling low Sandra. It just gets you sometimes, I know. Some of my worst lows have come just before a much better patch so I hope that's the way it goes for you.

I always read posts too. Sometimes I just don't know a damn thing about a specific question and other times I just can't put words together in a helpful way. But usually I kind of understand. I suppose the longer you have inflammatory arthritis the more you empathise with others.

Hope the sun comes your way soon,

Christina x

caggy profile image

Hi ya, I wasn't going to reply after reading then I thought how unfair is that? it only takes a couple of clicks and a few taps on the keyboard. I hope you feel a little better or even alot better soon. I've been a bit down as well thats probably when I can't be bothered to answer. We get passed asking all the questions and getting the answers, I'm sorry I am one that if I can't make light of it; it wont help anyone, so tend to not reply. I'm rambling now. Do you eant to hear about one of my biggest mistakes? Well I bought a STEAM cleaner from Amazon that I really caoudn't afford, it arrived quickly but it has taken me several days to have the strength to work it out, on opening it the first thing I noticed was a notice that told me not to use it on scotchgarded carpets HELP thats what I BOUGHT IT FOR! have steamed the bathroom kitchen and loo but I think I made a very big mistake as my carpets look much the same. Have a laugh on me.

Yours Carol

aligator profile image

Hi, I hope you will be feeling better soon. I have been reading the blogs but as I have been in a flare for a couple of months my fingers have not worked properly so I have had to have a lot of help with life's practicalities, very frustrating! get better soon.

lots of love Alison x

Hang in there Sandra, you will come through you've done it before and you can do it again. Yes I agree it's nice to have a response to something you have written even if it's a hi.......

Take Care. xxx

Jan66 profile image

Hope you feel better soon, I quite often have duvet days. This is when I feel really really crap but calling them duvet days gives me permission to stay in bed. Take care, Jan

allanah profile image

thinking of you Sandra, hugs ((()))) Axx

buddie profile image

Hi Sandra, I really don't have much to add to make you feel better. But I do always say a prayer for those who are suffering, and I ask that they find relief soon. Love, Z XX

linnieh profile image

Hope you feel more yourself soon x linnie x

Hope you feeling a bit better I too have been taking a back seat I have had both parents with health issues and was signed off work for a week myself x

hamble99b profile image

thank you to you all for your kind thoughts and replies.



Hello Sandra

I've managed to keep my mobile signal going for long enough to get through some of the blogs that have been posted while I have been recovering.

I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through a rough patch and want to send you my best wishes and let you know that I am thinking of you. You were very supportive of me when I had my op and I'm only too sorry that I wasn't able to reply to your messages at the time.

Keep your chin up Sandra. These horrid days will pass. xxxxxxxxx

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