Have appointment to have first Rituximab next weds (3rd) am currently taking 20mg prednisolone daily, having read blogs etc I understand that steroid is part of the infusion - should I take my usual dose that day?
Oral Steroid on day of Rituximab?: Have appointment to... - NRAS
Oral Steroid on day of Rituximab?

I would double check with your RA nurse.
Good luck
I had a read thru this for info. Some doctors do advise administration of steriods prior to infusion. This can either be oral or intravenous prior to actual infusion.
I personally would take it with me and if needed as you say, you can take it when there.
Best wishes and I hope you get good results.
I have had 2 cycles of rituximab and was given a steroid infusion before the rituximab.
Two ideas for you (1) you could ring the hospital infusion department if your rheumy doesn't have an RA nurse as they would know and the one's at my hospital are absolutely lovely (2) your rheumy consultant will have a secretary (just ask for her/him on the general phone line into the hospital switchboard) put on some charm and he/she will might ask the consultant for you. (Up till now and these are probably famous last words', I've found my consultant's secretary extremely helpful.)
Hope the rituximab works for you.
Judi xxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks for feedback, will let you know how I get on, Linda x
Hello Linda
I am on Rituximab and I take all my meds, including pred, as normal on Ritux day. But if you have nobody to check with, I think your idea of taking the pred with you and taking it once you have asked the question is a sensible one.
You might be interested to know some of the "tips" I have picked up re making the infusion days more comfortable: It will be a long day and moving around is difficult whilst "connected up" (mine tend to be about 8 hours) and, no matter how silly I feel, I now take a cushion and pillow with me so I can get as comfortable as possible in the chair. The last couple of times I have also taken my hot water bottle to soothe my back whilst sitting and, because there is a kettle on the day unit, I have been able to top it up as needed. I also take plenty of water to drink and some easy to eat snacks (biscuits, choc etc) so I can just help myself if needed. I also go equipped with plenty of reading material - mags and puzzle books which don;t take much concentration (although the anti-histamine makes me sleepy so I don't end up reading much) and my mp3 player so I can doze while listening to audio-books or soothing music. Another tip is to take with you any painkillers you might need - you can check with the nurse if you need to take some. At my hospital they will provide painkillers if needed but it can take time for them to get the prescription written up.
You may well of thought of all this, but thought I would share just in case it was helpful.
Really good luck with the Rituximab and I hope it helps you.
You're welcome Linda
From my experience with the biologics I am absolutely certain they won't give the infusion if there is even the remotest inkling of cough/cold/potential infection of any sort. If I have ever been on antibiotics, I have been told I have to wait until a minimum of 2 weeks after completion of the antibiotics to be sure that whatever it is has completely gone. Can you ring the ward/day until on Monday for advice? I know this isn't what you want to hear Linda, but I think it's likely you will need to delay until you are completely better.
Hope you get over your cough/cold soon.
Tilly x
They must do things differently here, I spent the week before last in hospital and came out with a fortnights antibiotics, whilst I was in I was visited by the biologics specialist who knew I was on IV antibiotics then and likely to be still on them and it was her who set up the appointment..hmmm
I have Feltys so my immune system is generally always in the toilet anyways so if they gonna wait till I am well could be one heck of a wait..
Linda x
I had it early this week and was told not to take any tablets or painkillers.iwas given iv steroids and priton and panadol before start. Any help chrisxx
Forgot to say treatment delayed since jun because of infection would accept cold but not cough..they go by white cell count chrisxx
I am amazed at how little information I got, my appointment doesnt even state what its for nevermind make any stipulations about what not to take or what to do if your ill. Will probably take my regular meds with me on Wednesday and can ask before taking and spose will have to take my chances on the cough thing...