RA/FIBRO so sore today i could cry.: Well i am so fed... - NRAS


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RA/FIBRO so sore today i could cry.

sylvi profile image
29 Replies

Well i am so fed up today that i could cry. My ra/fibro ia giving me more than my fair share of pain. Seen my pschyio this morning and he was pleased with my progress on my knee. He did look at my finger joint and my ankle that keeps swelling and he is of the opinion that it is all ra. My breathing is crap as well today. I think i will never be better than i am at the moment.

I have taken my daughter down to the hospital to the day procedures ward for a small op and we are waiting to pick her up. That will be later today. I suppose i am bit worried about her as well so i suppose that won't my overall mood,but its the pain all over thats getting me down more than anything and yes i'm ready to cry. I'm sure tomorrow will be different,i blooming well hope so. I don't want too many days feeling like this i can tell you. My bloods showed that there was more inflammation so i can't expect anything else.

I hope you are all with less pain than i am in at the moment..... Sylvi..xxx

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sylvi profile image
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29 Replies
juju74 profile image

Oh that's awful!! So sorry to hear you are having a bad pain day and really hope that tomorrow is a better one for you. Gentle hugs and lots of thoughts coming your way.

Julie xx

Ella32 profile image

Sweet sylvi

It sounds like you're having a crap old day ;-(

Just a qick note to say that things will definately feel better soon, i promise!, thats what keeps us going isn't it...hope and what is around the corner.

Ella xx

sylvi profile image

Thans ladies. xxx

watson3 profile image

Poor you.. hope you feel better rsoon

This weather is horrid too so that certainly doesn't help.in due in hospital on Friday.

Need to in and have bloods taken today but reluctant to venture out as joints all over so painful

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to watson3

I Know how that feels,i can truly sympathise with you on that score. xx


Sorry to hear your not good and on top of that your daughter having an op today as well. I am sure that a lot of your pain is stress through worry of your daughter hopefully when you collect her and see that she is ok you will start to feel better.

Take care, xx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Georje,i know my fibro is rough,my fingers are like sausages from the ra. It is only a minor op my daughter is having, she is worried about the results more than the op. I had it done a few years ago,but my daughter had to be put out as she froze,get my drift. I am not depressed just tired and in pain as my inflammation markers have risen again so thats not helping.i am at the drs.tomorrow so i'll ask him about my ra/fibro. I also have cystitis too i think. xx

pottypam profile image

Hi Sylivi Hope you feeling little better now, and I can empathize . As I also ache everywhere , my neck is on fire and my hands feel like been runover with a tank . My doc has worries that I am depressed due to the other problems that seem to appearing for other things . And the tiredness is horrid . So really hope you feel a bit better . Would it be too much to ask for holidays to somewhere warm when weather like it is to be put on prescription lol well no harm in dreaming .....Hope daughter ok too. us mums do worry not matter how old they are ...xx

Hi Sylvi - sorry coming late to your bad day but I really hope things have got a bit easier over the day maybe and that things do improve for you very soon. Lots of love - Tilda xx

sylvi profile image

Afternoon ladies,i still ache,but i am resting. I don't feel like i want to cry so much now. My knuckles ache like hell and typing i suppose doesn't help,but this is my lifeline to the outside world. I understand that i'm not alone with being in pain. I do think the weather has a lot to do with it.


in reply to sylvi

Sylvi are you only taking MTX for your RA? If so I wonder why they don't suggest getting you onto other DMARDs with it now or anti-tnfs? Forgive me if there's a good reason and I've forgotten it. Tilda xx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Tilda i take sulpha,pregabalin,mtx slow release tramadol as well as ordinary tramadol and paracetamol. There is not much more they can give me is there. Tilda you wouldn't forget anything. I am seeing the specialist next month so i'll see what he says.

We have just been and fetched my daughter from the hospital so she is home safe and well. My wrists ache as well now. I think they should just put me in a hole and cover me up!!!!! ha ha titter yee not. xx

in reply to sylvi

I don't think a hole would suit you at all Sylvi - and we'd all have to come and dig you out so think of all the pain that would generate?!

I'd forgotten or failed to be aware that you are on Sulpha but I was really thinking of the Biologics for you. Well maybe the rheumy will suggest that next time you see him in a month. Tilda xx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Excuse my ignorance Tilda, but what sort of biologics are you talking about. Nobody has mentioned any other drugs to me at all.xx

in reply to sylvi

Have you not read about the Biologic drugs that people have to go on if the DMARDs aren't working well enough? Anti-TNF is the other name for them and they are drugs such as Humira, Enbrel and Cimzia. Maybe it's because of your fibro that you are in so much pain but I don't think that affects the hands and you did say your nurse said it was RA so it must be quite aggressive for you. I would imagine you would qualify - why don't you read up about them on this site and then ask your rheumy if you move on to them perhaps?

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Also it would have to be a very big hole.xxx

in reply to sylvi

Yes and who would be the poor soul who would have to dig it I wonder?! Let alone those of us who would have to dig you out again! TTx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

ha ha ha!!! tilda i don't know about being an artist your a good comedian.. Sylvi.xx

helixhelix profile image

Glad it's a bit easier this afternoon as sounds like a rotten day. But don't give up believing that you'll get better than you are now, and it's great that there's good progress on your knee. Have a nice warm evening. Pollyx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to helixhelix

It will be warm Polly as we have the heating on. xxx


Sorry you've been in a lot of pain today, lets hope tomorrow is better.

No hole for you, what would we do without you!

Mary x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Get some sensible conversations for a change. xxxx

So sorry to hear that Sylvi, I might get back on line I have been signed off with exhaustion, and I am sore too xx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Summer what have you been doing. I know you have been through a good spell,because you were working. What has happened? sending you cyber hugs to help you overcome the exhaustion. Love sylvi.xxx

TerriL profile image

Hello Sylvi,

This is my first time - or possibly not, as I can't remember if I've ever done so - leaving a comment, but I read the posts on the site frequently.

I find your posts very helpful to others, and you have a wonderful sense of humor.

I hope your good humor comes through for you during this awful time and brings relief of some sort.

Gentle hugs with healing thoughts and compassion being sent your way.


P.S. No hole. I'd feel compelled to come help the others dig you out, and I can't afford a plane ticket - we all know about the costs of living with RA. :)

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to TerriL

Terri, where would you have to come from to dig me out. If i didn't have a sense of humour this disease would be a whole lot harder for me.

Thanks Terri,look forward to hearing more from you in the future. Sylvi.xx

TerriL profile image
TerriL in reply to sylvi

Sylvi, I live in the USA, California specifically. I moved to Costa Rica in 2006 - with a move back to California in 2008-2009 when my RA hit hard - and then back to Costa Rica for a little more than a year. Unfortunately I had to return to California because I could not get treatment for my RA in Costa Rica (I was also having a hard time being away from my children).

I hope today is finding you in better way and that things only improve. Terri xx "o" (gentle hug).

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to TerriL

Morning Terril, here in the uk it is 3am in the morning,i think that tells you everything. I have been down since 1am. my right hand is not very good and i tend to ache all down my right side.

You also seem to be having a hard time of it at the moment don't you. Am sending you gentle hugs. Sylvi.xx

Rubyroo1 profile image

Sorry you are feeling so bad, hope you feel better soon.

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