More done and i know i've over done it.............. - NRAS


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More done and i know i've over done it..............

sylvi profile image
8 Replies

It has been a busy day in our household. Hubby and grace have been working on the door in the conservatory. They have had to redo the step as the wood had rotted. While they did that i went up the village to do a bit of shopping. It was a day when everybody was out so i had a good chat with people i haven't seen in a while. When i got back i did cheese on toast for us all.Then i sat and rested for a while. I then went out into the garden and did some pruning and i tidied up the corner of the garden. I have cleared up outside swept up,hubby finished off for me. Bins all outside for recycling tomorrow.

My right hand is really giving me problems. If i catch it it is like a needle going through me. It is swollen and very sore,to say it is getting to is an understatement. It is not just my middle finger affected is starting to affect all the fingers except my thumb. I have got some epsom salts and i am going to boil a kettle and i am going to soak my hand in it hoping it will help. My back aches as well,but that is due to the healing thats going on in my knee. I know i have over done it,but while the weather is nice i am going to get as much as i can done. I will worry about the pain when the weather is not so good when i can't get out.

The photo i have put up is the corner of the garden that i sorted out. It is not done yet...

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sylvi profile image
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8 Replies

Well done Sylvi you've been busy again, me too and my feet and ankles are letting me know I've done too much. Hopefully will have an easier day tomorrow.

I agree with you about doing what we can while the suns shining.

Have a restful evening.

Mary x

We woman will never learn, always on the go, either physical or worry, and if we have nothing to do then we will find something! As you say the winter will soon be on us and then you can sit back and rest!

For myself the nights are drawing in and to me that's lovely, I like nothing better than to draw the curtains shut everyone out and read a jolly good book. When Spring comes the rest of the household awaken and I go back to sleep, and stay that way until the Autumn. At first I thought it was because I was a September baby, but my daughter loves the sunshine and she was October.

Let us hope your overdoing things does not ruin your nights sleep, otherwise I can see an early blog coming from you. Take care, speak to you tomorrow no doubt.

Judi profile image

Have you tried day time splints for your wrists? I find them helpful and wear them day and night. They stop me from over using my wrists.

Judi xxxxx

sylvi profile image

Judi, i have gloves and an elastic splint which i wear during the day and sometimes during the night. My whole hand is sore this morning and i don't know what i am going to do with it yet. Mind you i didn't sleep very well either so i think i will take it easy today. xx

Georje, i nearly came down early as i didn't sleep that well.I will rest today if i can.xx

Mary,doing things that i used to without too much pain is long gone,but i wish i could do them now. xxx

tiger profile image

Sylvie, you are always telling everyone to take it easy and you do the opposite. You make me chuckle. I can always tell by the title of a blog that it is you and before I open it I think - what has she been up to now!

Take it easy once in a while.

Wendy xx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to tiger

I know wendy i will never learn will i...I am resting now. We have had our new boiler fitted today so while hubby and daughter stayed here i went and did what shopping we needed on my scooter. I still managed to go into store 21 and i got a waterfall cardigan in the sale for £6, not bad hey. I made sarnies for them at lunchtime and i did a bit of sitting. After the fitter left I hooverd up after him upstairs and did a bit of tidying up as well. I couldn't do the stairs so hubby did them for me. All i have to do now is put the coats back in the cupboard under the stairs. I won't hoover up down here tonight i'll do it in the morning as i am too tired. I caught my arm putting some water away and my arm is a bit of a mess now. I promise you i will not be doing anything else tonight. I like it that you care so much about me it is a nice feeling. Thank you for being my friend. love sylvi.xxxx

tiger profile image

Sylvie, you tell me that you are resting and it is no wonder after all that you have done. What is a waterfall cardigan? It is a pleasure being your friend, you deserve it because you care so much for everyone on here. TAKE IT EASY TODAY! Wendy xx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to tiger

The cardigan is one of them with long fronts and no buttons.Apart from putting washing on the line i won't do much i

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