Anyone think its a good idea to use a recliner at night for sleeping?Mornings are horrible..just an idea I had as I fell asleep on the couch kid of sitting up and it was much better. thanks all!
Sleeping with RA: Anyone think its a good idea to use a... - NRAS
Sleeping with RA

Hi Edie, short term I don't see any harm in it. When your having a bad time with RA, pain etc and you find a comfortable sleeping position then I say go for it, you have to do whatever helps you at the time.
Take care
mand xx many people are so nice. Due to a very bad doctor who put me on Relefen with my methotrextate ...I now am on no meds. Went from no pain to a 10. The relefen kicked up the meth level high and I was having chemo syptoms. Was on it for 2 yrs with no problems and then he did this. Watch what these doctors give you when not needed. All I had was sprained hips from excersizing. Thanks for you input. Edie
I slept on a padded deck chair for about a month in the first few months of my illness. I was in so much pain!.. and slept. half sat , or lying with tens machine in timer strapped to me!.. luckily that phase passed.. at that point it was more comfortable in the chair than in my bed!

Thanks so much...everyone is so nice and helpful! Edie
Edie, i have a recliner which when i couldn't sleep i came downstairs and slept in. As maand says short term it doesn't hurt. I have found at times i've slept better downstairs than up. Rest is useful however we get it.
Hope you get some rest.
Hi Edie,
I have a Rise and recliner chair, and at times before I had a stair lift and couldn't get upstairs I spent many of a night sleeping in it. However since my 0T ha Since supplied me With a mattress variator which helps me in and out of bed but can also position you into a sitting, or raised position to try and find n more comfortable position to sleep it, (Great if you sleep alone) not so good if your other half is there! I'm lucky in that my other half works the night shift.
Speak lo your OT and see if she /he can give you any advice.
Take care
Julie x

Thanks Julie...will take your advice. Edie
Your welcod edie.
I know I'm extremely lucky to have such a fantasic occupational therapist, she has made my life so much easier day and night.
I have all kinds of aids and gadgets my seven year old niece thinks auntie Julie is well cool lol.
Somethings I've tried and they've not been for me but that's the beauty of the o t you can loan the items and if they don't help give them back.
Hope you can get into see your ot soon if not your local council should have a social care team they can also normally send you an ot out to do an assessment of your needs.
Take care, let us know how you get on Julie x X

Thanks Julie...first I need a good doctor for RA...that can recognize a ligit injury. I have a good well known ortho surgeon who has repaired some tendon issues. He then writes up the order for therapy. He knows I have RA and only sees me as I have known him for so long. He is the cubs surgeon...he is better at his profession than they are old RA doc..gave me medicine he should not have and they all have a tendancy to think everything is RA when its not. Big contributing factor with RA...but surgery is a better opt than be given drugs for everything. They alone reek havoc to your body. Thanks for your help!