Excuse me for being boring.....: I have just spent the... - NRAS


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Excuse me for being boring.....

10 Replies

I have just spent the night without painkillers, despite the pain!

This is because I over dosed yesterday and realised that I had taken far too many co-dydramols, in one 24 hour period. I had a funny turn yesterday afternoon and had to go and lie down. I slept solidly for 4 hours and couldn’t even remember how I got to bed.

I would put in at this point, that despite the fact that when he left me I was fine, my beloved Mr Silageman came in around 6.30 to find me not in the kitchen (how very dare I not be doing his tea!),he didn’t find it strange that I wasn’t around when he came in. He made himself a cuppa and whilst sat sipping, heard me “gently” snoring upstairs. He says he crept upstairs to see if I was ok. And I was all huddled up under the covers, so he left me. Good job nothing else was wrong really.

Any way I digress… So I awoke around 7.30 p.m. (and cursed because I missed Emmerdale). I had been lain on my poorly shoulder and it was hurting like flipperty gip.

I decided to get up and walk about – although my instinct was to lie there rigid and hope the pain would go away. My whole body felt so tired. Any road up. I got up, still half dressed because I couldn’t take my top off because I couldn’t move my left arm(I presume!). Got on my rebounder, did a bit of gentle bonging – so to speak – and then very slowly and gingerly massaged my arm so that I could at least straighten my elbow so I looked normal (difficult for me usually!)

I rubbed Biofreeze all over the joint and as far as I could reach down to my shoulder blade, and did my elbow and wrist as by now the pain was radiating down to the fingers and causing a bit of numbness in the end of my middle finger. I busied myself around the kitchen (very gently) then sat down. I did a lot of deep breathing and whilst I was sat there, did some stretching and flexing of the toes, feet, knees etc.

Beloved Mr Silageman and son and heir came back in around 9 and made me a cup of red bush. I was at this point contemplating starting on the co-dydramols again. However, I got up and moved around a bit and supervised them getting their own tea – don’t faint, although I nearly did.

I had a word with Mr Silageman about my painkillers and how many I had taken and that I had better lay off the co-dydramols and paracetamol. So I massaged my shoulder again with biofreeze, and sat down. After another bout of deep breathing some more relaxation techniques and concentrating on the Coronation Street story line (I was watching ITV+1), I suddenly felt this wave of calmness. My arm felt totally relaxed and pain free. Don’t get me wrong it was still there (this alien inside my shoulder joint) but the waves of shooting pains had stopped. I managed to sit up for another couple of hours before it started to ache and the pains started to come back. So off to bed I went.

I sat up in bed, did the routine, massage with Biofreeze (I would say that I do have an enormous great tub of this), bit of deep breathing and relaxation, all whilst watching TV!

Every time I did this, I became relaxed, got my arm comfy and drifted off to sleep. I woke every 2 hours. This sounds horrendous, but it didn’t feel it. Each time I rubbed a bit more Biofreeze on, breathed a bit and then drifted off. I went through the entire night without painkillers.

I am feeling a bit tired this morning, understandably, but feel less stressed and more relaxed. I really don’t have any more movement in my arm than I did, but my wrist and finger are definitely working better now. I have done my rebounding, massaged my shoulder, and done some deep breathing. Not sure whether I can move enough to get my clothes back on (Mr Silageman rather delightedly undressed me last night – perve!) but I am off upstairs to have a warm shower (with the help my daughter who has the day off) and massage a bit more and breathe a bit more and relax a bit more and try and get away without the painkillers. We’ll see…. Wish me luck…

Julie xxx

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10 Replies
LavendarLady profile image

Hi Julie, love the pictures you put up. You are never boring. Does the Biofreeze actually work? I have tried all sorts of rubs without success. What sort of relaxation techniques do you do other than deep breathing. would be interested to know. It might help me as well. LavendarLady

What Ho Dot, that one's a sun set when we were cavorting around the Canaries, just nice an peaceful looking.

The Biofreeze does work. I have used it for a long time, I tended to use it first thing in the morning on previous occasions, but it has really worked on my old knackered shoulder. It feel like the Rotar Cuff Impingement I had a couple of years ago, but I knew how I damaged it then. I have no idea what started this off.

Any road up. Relaxation, I think I shall blog this, as it will be more accessible to all then, if I don't get into trouble for giving advice where it's not wanted? :-)

I believe relaxation can help everyone.

Take care

Julie xx

Great blog Julie, as always, but sorry to hear of your ongoing problems. I too was on a painkiller overdose drive yesterday so I commiserate and understand completely.

My wretched leg was driving me bonkers so spent several hours in bed with lecky blanket on steaming hot for comfort. Then had panic attack when I realised I had a meeting to prepare for!! Eek :) Such is life!

Have you got in bother? Your advice is usually top notch missus ... keep it coming! Hope you feel much better soon,

Lyn x

Hi Lyn, lovely to hear from you..

Sorry you are hurting too, but all part an parcel eh? I tried warmth first, but then found the cold better - trial and error.

No,no bother - not me - but others? Thank you about the advice thing. i just say it how i find it. Thanks for the good wishes too.

Take care Lyn

Julie xxx

Tiasteph profile image

Hi Julie

another fab blog...

Sorry to hear your not doing too well, but glad you are on top of it, so to speak.

I was doing the same last night…ankle rubs on 3 occasions…I use Aloe MSM Gel by Forever. It's amazing & very natural, it's my 1st port of call before I head for the anti-inflams!

Hope your feeling better today :)

in reply to Tiasteph

The gel sounds good. and natural, so will look out for it. I have had a better night, still no painkillers.... still got limited shoulder movement, but can now dress myself!

Sun's shining, so it's got to be a better day today - will get some rays (limited exposure of course) :-)

Thanks Steph

My sis -in-law's take that its all about mind over matter springs again here Julie. I've never listened to her much before because she's always had a litany of ailments to tell me about when she's phoned or visited in the past so I tend to let what she says go in one ear and out the other. And she usually has some psychobabble to chuck into the arena with the health stuff. But now I think she could have a point - and she has seemed healthier and happier this visit so relaxation could actually be key to managing pain and much else that life throws at us as she says.

Please do blog on that Julie - your blogs are always really interesting and full of humour. I'm not quitting HU just yet so will keep reading and absorbing what you say enthusiastically!

in reply to

Yes, as I have got older - oh hark at her - I have found it helpful. Always did relaxation before my tutorials on counselling.

Glad you are not quitting Tilda, I thought you was a gonner!!!

Take care Julie xx

Hey Julie of course I'm hoping like mad that all the pain and stress I've experienced to date soon becomes a distant memory - like labour pain which gets conveniently forgotten by most of us in order for further procreation to take place (until the last one when it lodges firmly in the mind as a form of contraceptive!)?

But until i get the confirmation from my GP that it's all been one great big shaggy dog story in my mind (sis in law's take), or much more likely a form of post viral arthritis as rheumy suspects - I ain't gonna be a gonner! Should know this within a few weeks I guess.

And if I do I admit I will feel like a lifer who's been given an unexpected and delightful early reprieve - mixed also with some guilt and sorrow that she can't take everyone else away with her.

Best of luck with your project relaxation as pain relief/ management. Tilda x

judith-r profile image

Good luck with the relaxation etc, i do envy people who can do their own relaxation bits, i cant relax at all, im on heavy painkillers but they only make the pain of joints bearable, i know i suffer from RA and fibro myalgia and it would help bigly if i could relax more. but its just i cant relax i have tried.

So i really hope that your programme works wel for you.

All the very best

judy x

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