Hi lovelies
I've been pretty quiet recently, I'm struggling at the moment. I've been in agonising pain in my knees, hands, fingers for 4 weeks now (since my last steroid injections). It takes me at least an hour in the morning to get going. I'm pretty fed up as many of you can imagine.
Although I have an appointment with my rheumy nursey next week (cannot come quick enough) I bit the bullet and got an appointment with a doctor (not my gp, as she wasn't working today) for pain relief.
So I am on codeine for the next week to help me get through..
I'm also on week 12 of the sulfasalazine.. I really would have thought it would have kicked in by now? If it hasn't, what next... Another three months suffering working out the right dose of a different medication? It just feels like a never ending spiral..
- I shall share with you what my nursey said after looking at my blood results 5 weeks ago... " oooo, it looks like your arthritis is uncontrollable at the moment" - the way I feel now... I pretty much agree.
I just want to feel something else other than pain or burning.. I'm scared if the wind changes my face will perminantly look like Scrooge's ..
Much love, and best wishes to you all