Hi, I'm just wondering if my progress is "normal", I'm getting quite frustrated and I need to get some perspective in how I am feeling.
I have been diagnosed about 3 months ago. Seronegative RA. I was give a depo injection of steroids, and put on 15mg of MTX a week, 15 mg folic acid a week, and 5 mg of Prednisolone daily. I started improving a bit and my blood levels started getting towards normal very slowly. I was on sick leave for 8 weeks, but by then I was starting to have more good days than bad days. When I started back at work, I only lasted four days. In theory I had a phased return to work, doing only 4 hours over the first week, and increasing them, but unfortunately, nobody really cared, and a meeting with Occupational Health was not organised for a while. Adding the hour and a half commute each way, left me totally exhausted even before getting to the office, so I had another relapse, probably from trying too much too soon.
It might also have been due to a stomach virus that got me out of action for a week, and now blood levels back to square one. I've been on sick leave now again for about another month. They have increased the MTX only a little bit (it gives me the weirdest side effects, with my mood,attention, energy and emotions like a roller coaster). And he has given me another depo of steroids, but over the last two weeks since that I still have a lot more bad days than good days and I am totally freaking out thinking about returning at work, as I am not feeling ready at all.
I am also struggling (as you do, I imagine) with a sense of guilt and doubt about what's going on, and about my own strength and sanity. On the good days I prep my self up to start back at work ASAP, then I have 4-5 bad days in a row and I don't know what to do.
Any advice?