I was taken off MTX 8 weeks ago because my Crohns is playing up, I am now taking 40 mg of Humira every two weeks. I have had two injections so far. It is helping my Crohns but for the first time in ages my RA is playing up, swollen knuckles and really painful feet. I have spoken to both consultants who want me to stay on just Humira for at least another month before they make a decision what to do if my RA is getting worse. So I just wondered if anyone has changed from MTX to Humira and how long it took for it to work. I know it can take a while just after any comments. Not sure I want to take both as that will really mess my my immune system up even more
How long does Humira take to kick in?: I was taken off... - NRAS
How long does Humira take to kick in?
Hello, I'm not on Humira any more but when I did start it it started to work for me almost right away. I was nearly pain free after about I between my first and second injection. So that was within two weeks. Unfortunately I had to stop as I had projectile vomiting. I was really upset when I had to come off it because it worked so well for me.
I was on MTX too and taken off it to go on Humira. I'm really sorry your not doing very well on it. Do what the docs say......give it a go for a while longer, it is a really great drug. Having said that we know that this is a very insidious disease and no two patients are the same. I am now on Abatacept and it is working really well for me.
I hope you get sorted out soon. Please come back and let us know how you are getting on. All the best. Jean XX
Hi there
I've been on it since march it has started to worked but took 3 months. I did have a break of 4 weeks due to chest and sinus infection. I am on another continuous trial 2 weekly injections plus a reduced dose of metho trexate (10mgs) I was on (20mgs) injection form but too many side effects to continue.
Good luck and do let us know how you get on.
I am just about to take my 4th injection of humira this morning. It started between the 1st and 2nd injection for me. Im not in pain unless I do too much. Im much more mobile now and some sore areas look better but I still have swollen knees although they have gone down by 1/2". Im also on lefunamide but Im really hoping I can stop that, I shall find that out when I see the consultant on 3rd Dec
thanks for all your replies I will carry on for another month and then see what happens with the swelling and joint pain
I wasn't able to take mtx i had two injections of humira i feel some difference my blood is perfect
And i have less pain
Before humira it was so hard to get out of bed
Hi There I have had Crohns for 30 years and now Churg strauss . Whilsy with crohns I followed the Specials and Surgeons advice and meds and thats 3
hours of surgery and lost all large bowel and small up to the illium , when i was hit again by that rotten disease a friend put a bottle of aloe vera made by forever living in the states , I was in a bad way I had a 12 months old son who was walking towards a main road and i was in so much pain i was crawling with all my will to get him , thankfully someone grabbed him and that saved him but 50 meters up the road was home I started swolling the juice in large amounts and within 10 days I was fine and that was 1986 . I say keep following Doctors orders and swollow as much of aloe vera as you can , I know of 10 people with exactly the same outcome.It is an internal anti infamatory 1000s of years old and what do you put on burns aloe vera ie sunburn , give it a go . I do believe a cure is due out in 2 years I am now fighting this CSS and it has a complete mind of its own and its a horror . All the best