Hi saw specialist yesterday she says i shouldstart mtx i am a bit nervouse about this.she listened to my chest heard crackling in r lung that has worried me even though i feel ok. she says its oestio that is causing the fluid in knees and ankle.anyone know if you take mtx and it starts tododamage if you stopdoesdamage repair.
specialist says mtx: Hi saw specialist yesterday she... - NRAS
specialist says mtx

Cant answer your question about damage and its repair but all I can say is that I have been on mtx since January and you are not left to your own devices You are monitored weekly when blood is taken so If you have any concerns you can voice them then Apart from a bit of nausea and sickness at the beginning mtx has been a godsend for me and I am mobile again and am now on monthly checks
Hope all goes well for you and you will get lots of support from this forum
I agree with everything that bestnana has said. I started mtx 5th May and have been having weekly blood tests to ensure my body is coping. I've not had any side effects to date except some tiredness for a few days after I take my meds. I think it must be helping as the last two days, for the first time in almost a year, I've woken up with no pain or stiffness.
Paula x
I agree with the other two MTX has been amazing although I still have 2 weekly blood tests as my liver enzymes have been raised several times so am still only on 15mg. My inflammatory markers are still very high though but I am certainly feeling loads and loads better so I do think it's been quite a wonder drug for me too. We are monitored closely on it so you shoukd feel quite safe taking it. Good luck! TT x
The main thing they watch for with MTX is liver damage, as it is a very strong drug for our livers. But the blood tests show this up quickly and the liver is a wonderful organ as it can repair itself from loads of things. If you're worried about your lungs, again they do check and all but the rarest of side effects do clear up. If you haven't had a chest x-ray before starting MTX you could tell your docs you're worried and ask if you could have one to be on the safe side. Polly
mtx has been brilliant i have been on it over a year now. just recently it hasnt been working as good consultant says my body is not absorbing all the mtx so we are going to try it in injection form . i am now on 3 monthly bloods as have no problems with my liver. only side affect i get is tiredness the day after taking mtx and some nausea.
I agree with all the other answers.I have been on mtx for about 3 years now and it was like the magic bullet for me when I started taking it. Most of the pain went within a month - now I am settled on 20mg per week and 8 weekly bloods and rheumy says I am in remission!!