hiya what can i do about my mouth ulcers. as i up my ... - NRAS
hiya what can i do about my mouth ulcers. as i up my meds the ulcers are getting worse

Hello. Firstly does your consultant know you are getting mouth ulcers; he/she needs to be told. I went through the same thing when I first startedd on medication and they lasted on and off for about two years (sorry!) I got these along with a matalic taste in my mouth too, so put me off eating. I got the mouth ulcers on my tongue and all around my mouth. I have to confess I tried most over the counter items to try and take the pain of these away and not much worked but all I can say is they do go eventially. Sorry that's not actually very helpful is it. Maybe someone else will have found a cure for these and will let you know. Regards Mel
hiya why do i need to tell my consultant about my mouth ulcers. does it mean something. i just thought it woz something u had to put up with coz of the meds. thank you for replyin to me
I was always told to report all side effects so the consultant knows what he is dealing with, also if you are getting mouth ulcers I was told it can be a sign of tummy ulcers too so they will keep an eye out for this.
yep mel thats what happened to me it was bad, no longer tkae methotrexate.. it is great for most people, ask for some omeprazole if you are concerned about your stomach.. have sent you a private message re my bad finger.ra./ typing. issue
Hi Jaq1. I think Summer means increase the Folic Acid to every day except MTX day! My consultant upped my folic acid to 6 days a week once I reported the mouth ulcers. My dentist also recommended Corsydyl mouth wash which is anti bacterial and really does get rid of the little blighters. The down side is that after a while it can stain your teeth! But easily polished out at the dentist.
I also use Bonjela Cool for the odd one which is soothing and will clear up the ulcer in a couple of days. If you are taking MTX in tablet form, make sure you rinse your mouth thoroughly afterwards. LavendarLady
Oh my god have just killed every one by a typing accident METHOTREXATE IS A ONCE A WEEK ONLY DRUG!!!!! V IMPORTANT..
Folic acid is taken for side effects such as sickness and mouth ulcers this can be taken every day except methotrexate day.. there is a poll on methotrexate/ folic acid on here

Very funny Ali, Haha!
Hi Jaqi1, on page 8 of the question section someone else asked a similar question you may like to also check on there for some further or different advice.
Just a thought.
Mandy xx
I have MTX injections. Lots of mouth ulcers and a very sore throat. I have told my rheumatologist but he still thinks MTX and prednisone are best for me. I can't recommend anything for the ulcers as what I use is French and I buy it here. I take folic acid but it isn't stopping the ulcers.
Cordysl mouth wash - mouth ulcers not indication of anything bad I don't think! unless they are very bad, then there is prescription med you can get.. V Common side effect in Chemo
Corsydyl mouth wash works for me and it also works for my friend with cancer after chemo treatment its a very good mouthwash
Had problems with mouth ulcers years ago when I first went on Mtx. Was advised by my rheumy nurse to double up on vit. C tablets for a couple of days. (i.e. 2 a day instead of 1 a day) - this has worked for me.
Hi - also have problems with mouth ulcers, particularly bad at the moment after a long time with no ulcers at all. Chemist recommended Difflam Oral Rinse which acted as a pain killer. Am also using bonjela complete which as it applies a seal over the ulcers again gives some pain relief. Hope you feel better soon x