how often does everyone have bloods done and how does everyone sleep I can’t seem to sleep very well I also have anxiety
methotrexate : how often does everyone have bloods done... - NRAS

initially when you first start MTX, it will be weekly or fortnightly. Then when your dose is stable your rheumatologist will reduce to monthly. After a period of that being stable it’s changed to 3 monthly. I don’t have issues with sleep.
Hi it did make me fatuige, everyone different though, i stayed on monthly bloods through out don't know why as lots got the above 3 monthly after stable ,The sleep could be related,but could also maybe something else causing it ,
Good chance it could be the Anxiety as well if so a sleep med or med change may help ,
If any severe or nerve pain ,pregablin now being rolled out for Anxiety as well now ,seemingly it helps Anxiety and pain at once , I'd make a doctors appointment maybe sooner than later ,to discuss the above maybe ,and your sleep issues
I started methotrexate in early December, I still have fortnightly blood tests but that is because the dosage was increased. Once on a stable dose it it becomes monthly and then every 3 months.
I had tests weekly initially but like most have said every 3 months now everything is stable. Agree it’s worth checking with your GP about help with anxiety as that may be what’s affecting your sleep.
Been on M for many years, as I’m stable bloods only done every 12 weeks.
Hello, at the moment I’m on bloods every 2-3 weeks as Methotrexate is raising my ALT (liver enzymes). But before this happened I had got to the point of being tested every 3 months.
I’m not sure Methotrexate affects sleep, I don’t know, maybe for some it does, but fortunately I sleep like a log.
It may well be anxiety as you say. 😔
Only time my LFT's have been raised was when I was having a few more beverages than usual after nights out. Also when on Antibiotics after infections when I had stopped Methotrexate. Hopefully will settle with Rheumatologist tweaking your dose!
I had an iron infusion last year as I was anaemic and my ferritin is now very high, I think it’s that plus Methotrexate don’t mix well together. I was off Methotrexate on my Consultants instructions for a month and my ALT returned to normal, hence I’m now on 10mg not 20mg. I’ve been teetotal for 15 years, so I can rule that out ☺️. That’s the only real ‘side effect’ I’ve experienced thankfully. 👍
I'm now on 3 monthly bloods after a year on mtx. Sleep hasn't been a problem, when it was a problem it was helped with HRT as was menopausal.
I don't think that Methotrexate (or any of my RA meds) have affected my sleep but I take Mirtazapine which helps me sleep really well 😊 Originally on it for anxiety - which it really helped with - and have continued with it (half dose) purely for the sleep aiding properties. Maybe you could have a chat with your GP?
I would take Nytol occasionally which worked well. I am now on Amitriptyline for nerve pain but it also helps sleep and anxiety.
my sleep has been awful since starting the medication. I thought it was just me!
After 40 plus years on MTX I still have monthly or as near as blood tests. I have been neutropenic in the past with no symptoms so Rheumatologist at that time insisted bloods are monthly.
Monthly blood tests
I have monthly bloods done and I’m on the DAWN program where rheumatology and my GP check blood results. Anything abnormal is picked by both .
Don’t know if it’s methotrexate or the RA but spent good and I overheat at night
Been on it 20+ years x
Everyone else has mentioned about frequency, but in terms off sleep I’ve found methotrexate has effected me at night. On the days I take it (on 25mg now) I do struggle with sleep, it is like purgatory… neither fully asleep, nor fully awake. Trapped somewhere in between so I end up waking and feeling like rubbish the next day.
yes like others say about bloods for sleep I take trazadone it also helps with my anxiety it is prescribed for anxiety and insomnia I have tried many meds over years first one that has helped me xxx
Hi Dexter I have 3 monthly blood tests. I sleep fitfully never stay asleep all night