I’m taking methotrexate can I ask my consultant if I can take naproxen with it Aswell anyone else do this
methotrexate : I’m taking methotrexate can I ask my... - NRAS

You can ask your consultant this question. If you have already been prescribed Naproxen whilst taking Methotrexate you can check with your pharmacist too.
Most hospitals have a rheumatology help-line, which is staffed by nurses who can answer queries and offer advice, either by phone or email. Have you tried asking if your hospital has one?
You can definitely ask. Your rheumatology team are best placed to answer your question.
I take naproxen but you shouldn’t take it on the same day as you take mtx.
I take Naproxen and inject 17.5mg Methotrexate.
I’m on methotrexate and take Naproxen have done right from the beginning. If I didn’t take it every day I would be in too much pain.
Hi there. Yes I can take naproxen while on trex but I dont usually need to. Trex controls the pain well for me but when I go off it in the summer months, sometimes I may need to but its usually one or two a month. I do not take it often as it can affect your stomach. My GP advised once a week is ok for me. But yes, definitely consult yr rheumo on this.
yes I take anti-inflammatories like Naproxen as needed, and also take stomach protectors.
Yes, I am on 15mg mtx injection, and take up to 3 naproxen each day, depending on pain levels. Both my GP and rheumatologist dept are aware of this.I also take lansoprazole to help protect my stomach ( I also have a hiatus hernia so gastric side needs extra protection.)
Yes, it's pretty common. You just need to be aware that it's your GP who you will need to get to prescribe it after the Rheumy has okayed it. Also you need to ask for omeprazole at the same time to take with it. This is a proton pump inhibitor to protect your stomach from damage by the naproxen.
I was prescribed Naproxen 500mg with Methotrexate. 17.5 mg I live in Spain Not sure if different countries treat RA in a different manner