Hi all,just wanted to ask what's the current advice on taking our meds if you go down with covid, there's so many people I know who have got it at the moment, I'm on methotrexate and sulfasalazine and can't seem to get a definitive answer from my rheumie team, can't help but think it's only a matter of time till I succumb, thanks in anticipation 😊
Covid advice : Hi all,just wanted to ask what's the... - NRAS
Covid advice

With any luck you’ll stay free of all the bugs and lurgies but in case you don’t the usual advice is to stop meds if you have an infection and particularly if you’re on antibiotics and resume when you’re infection free. Cheers and a happy New Year!
I have succumbed to some horrible virus. Started three weeks ago with a throat like razor blades . Saw GP and given a throat spray and a five day course of ampicillin to take if not improved in a few days also stop Methotrexate and Benepali. I started taking antibiotics on day seven.Now three weeks later my throat is not as bad but still uncomfortable and I have cough. I spoke today with a Dr in rheumatology and he advised me to stay off the Methotrexate and Benepali for another week and see my GP for further antibiotics . To date I have had no flares but wonder how long before I do if I am not taking my drugs for RA.
My approach is if I feel it is a normal cold I carry on with my medication. However if I feel it is something more serious (flu, COVID etc) I will pause my methotrexate and Cimzia until I have recovered. No point taking the risk of becoming seriously ill, especially as my RA is well controlled.
I qualify for antiviral treatments, if I test positive I follow the advice I'm given by the doctor prescribing the antivirals.
I carried on my mtx for the week I was bedbound with covid. Nurse said I only really need to come off if I need antibiotics for something. When I had a nasty ear infection though my GP prescribed me ear drop antibiotics rather than oral ones so I could continue taking mtx.
Last time I had Covid My Rhuemy advised staying off DMARDs but keeping going with Baricitinib as this is something that they actually give hospitalised Covid patients. I qualify for antivirals.