Evening all. My rheumy nurse said if I get a cold and feel rubbish or get a change in sputum colour that I should stop methotrexate until I feel better. I feel I have the beginnings of a cold but don’t feel unwell at this moment in time. If I stop the methotrexate injections say for a week or two am I liable for a flare up ? I really don’t want to pause it , all a bit of a learning curve. Has anyone any experience of this please? Thanks ☺️
Methotrexate and a cold : Evening all. My rheumy nurse... - NRAS
Methotrexate and a cold

I suggest you contact your rheumatology department and discuss with them. You really need medical advice. I'm sure the answer will depend on several factors. I'm sure they will advise you. Hope you are better soon
from experience until you get a cold you dont have a cold so top you self up with vitamin c to stop the cold progressing and take meds, my opinion from experience
I've got a nasty cold and cough, so I'm not going to take my meds. You should take the advice if your Rheumatology team.
Hope you get better soon.
I was told only stop with any infection not for a cold
I always stop for a week or two, and dont get flare-up. Maybe that just me but I get the impression Mtx takes a while to act or fade??
I've allways been told only stop if you have an infection tion, if you have an infection gp will usually give antibiotics , allways told to stop for a week with the flu jab and covid jab,hope that helps, never stopped eith a cold.
My nurse told me you only need to stop if you need antibiotics, so if your cold turns into a chest infection then you would need to stop, the reason for this is that the toxic load of both mtx and some antibiotics is dangerous to the liver. However, as others have said, contact your rheumy team to be sure for you. I stopped once for antibiotics and started to flare the following week, so I understand you not wanting to stop. (If I stopped for every cold the grandkids passed on to me, I'd never be on the meds 🙄)
I was told only to stop if you on antibiotics or if you got your covid jab or flu jab to stop the week before. I do take a week off now and again but I’ve been on it for 9yrs so it’s well into my system but I listen to my body as you still under your nurse I’d listen to her advice first im guessing you only just starting out on it.
I have been doing this for years ((stopping methotrexate when got a cold or infection) I’ve been ok, flare up wise - but everyone is different 😬. Sorry this might not be helpful.
I've been taking Methotrexate for many years and only stopped taking it when suffering a flu like illness and for a minor operation, colds are all part of winter and can usually be shaken off in a reasonably short amount of time, but not taking Methotrexate can arouse a flare up that no one wants, good luck.
if your chest continues to feel congested ask for a check for Bronchiectasis - it's a scan.
It is always a balance between stopping - and risking a flare - and continuing - and risking your immune system not being able to put on a big enough immune response to the infection.
That's why the advice tends to be individualised for each person.
Like many on here - am always told by Rheumatology : first sign of an infection, stop the meds. The infection should soon pass and then get back on the medication… of course check with your Dr if you feel appropriate.
also take a lot of viatmin C it def stops the cold comming ouy
Hi HappyD34
Like many have said on here, the general advice is to stop meds only if you have an infection that requires antibiotics, which I wouldn't deem a cold as that. You have to judge how you feel, but it's worth a phone call to your rheumatology department to double check.
Hope you feel better soon xx