Hi all. Just looking for tips and advice on how you get through the winter cold season. I’ve just been laid low with my first cold and cough since starting methotrexate and have spent the day in bed. In my previous life I would have gone into work but don’t want to risk it getting any worse or catching something else. On the plus slide my joints are good 😁
First cold since starting methotrexate : Hi all. Just... - NRAS
First cold since starting methotrexate

That’s got to be a sensible approach.. I am no longer taking mtx but have had lots of immune suppressing meds. I pay lots of attention to hand washing... I know that’s a bit over the top but I find it helps me avoid a lot of bugs xx
Your doing the right thing. If your cold is particularly heavy best to miss your methotrexate dose this week or do my Rheumy nurse said.
Hiya sensibleshoes. Just good cleanliness & avoiding anyone with a cold. Don’t go over the top but things like keeping some antibacterial gel in your bag for when you exit the final door when need to use a public loo, before & after pushing a shopping trolley, things like that. Children are often good harbourers of colds which haven't come out I’m afraid to say. If your GP Surgery has the screen check-in systems do use the hand sanitizer which is provided after entering your details, things like that.
I always up my Vitamin C intake in the winter, only with citrus fruit, satsumas, clems & such are plentiful & tasty right now. I'm sure I’ll remember other things I just do without thinking!
If your cough worsens or becomes worse do see your GP, MTX can affect the lungs so anything aggravating them should be paid attention to. On the rare occasion I have a cold it invariably goes for my weak spot, my chest. I've needed to halt my MTX whilst needing certain antibiotics until I've completed the course or when the infection has cleared.
Hope some of this helps at least.
Thanks great advice much appreciated. Don’t want to get paranoid about catching stuff but sensible precautions are a must. This time of year it seems difficult to avoid people coughing and spluttering all over you 🤧🤧🤧😷😷
Yeah, it takes a while to get over colds when you're immune suppressed, think you just have to make allowances for yourself, new kind of life
I've been lucky last couple of years with regards coughs and colds but like everyone else I try to avoid people who are infectious. If I can't avoid family with colds I sprinkle a tissue with tea tree oil and keep inhaling it throughout the day and it seems to have worked for me x
Thanks for all the responses and advice. I cancelled my meetings and have had two days in bed. Quite liberating to realise that that the world will keep turning without you for a few days. Feeling better and hopefully up and about tomorrow. Keep well everyone 😃😃
Hello Sensible Shoes - I was on Methotrexate for many years and I was basically placed on it as all the other medications resulted in many side effects. I never seemed to feel well and caught every germ under the sun. It appeared to be slightly 'kinder' as far as some drugs go but that was just a personal thing really. I stopped it for a few weeks at one stage and did notice the difference with increasing aches, so went back on it fairly quickly. The problem with mouth sores/ulcers I found over the years with all types of medications for Rheumatoid and I have had them badly recently but have not taken Methrotrexate for a few years now.
The Consultant at the time decided to change my medication to Mycophenolate as it would be kinder on my system and give the immune system more of a chance to fight infections. I did continue to have mouth sores and ulcers and in fact have just experienced a particular bad spell of them, even though I have had no Mycophenolate for a year, since a hip replacement in fact. This was basically because you must stop them when having operations. The hospital had many staff leaving - Consultant and Nurse Specialists - so I felt just ignored for a long time, but now we have another Consultant and she said she did not think the tablets were doing anything to help me, so I might as well not go back on them. I will have to wait and see what the next step will be! Most people I have talked to do not know Mycophenolate at all unless it is for Lupus, but I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. In the scheme of things it depends how you are feeling right now and everybody is so different, but I do think the Methotrexate did help and after many other drugs, including biologic drips, I probably coped with them the best. Wishing you a very good Christmas and good luck!
My immune system is suppressed so I'm being extra careful in all the ways everyone else has suggested. I'm also squirting First Defence up my nostrils several times a day, especially before I go near other people. So far my tactics have worked ....
I hope your cold is soon gone but if it's the same virus my daughter has had the cough could linger awhile.
I was on methotrexate for years and did not find it effected my immune system at all. Your symptoms seem to lay you low but they should not lower your ability to fight off a bug or two. Bear with it try to be as active as you can and hopefully you will return to full health. Try to keep the mind healthy & active. Just take things a little slower for a while.