Adult onset Stills disease diagnosed aged 17 in 1979 now 62 and not on RA drugs just pain relief and self management by living within the boundaries of what the condition allows.
2023 brought stress and may be the cause of worsening joint pain and new symptoms possible down to autoimmune thyroiditis as yet undecided by GP who focused on one cancer blood test and ordered lots of horrid scopes finding no cancer. I am however not my usual self.
Agonising hip pain has arrived on the side that has always suffered since Stills. I’m wondering if this is rheumatoid arthritis or other arthritis, or as doctors would have us believe, the hysterical imaginings of a post menopausal, depressive hypochondriac.
Anyway it’s scoring 7/10 in my pain level and combined with the other joints at 3/10 is making me extremely uncomfortable.
Winge over, thanks for listening. 😫