For 2 weeks I was virtually pain free. I was sooo happy thinking that after 4 years, I was finally on the road to recovery. Woke up this morning feeling like I had been in a fight...feeling pain all over....whhhyyyyyy 😢I hope the orencia infusion makes a difference as I really don't know how much more I can take. Sorry to rant but having had a taste of no pain, just feeling disappointed 😞
I hate RA: For 2 weeks I was virtually pain free. I was... - NRAS
I hate RA

I’m very jealous. I was diagnosed with RA in 2004, but had it for many years before diagnosis, and I haven’t had one day absolutely pain free, although my third biologic does seem to be beginning to work.
Oh bless you, that’s really miserable! So amazing when now and again you have no pain and then wham, it rears its ugly head and knocks you down again. It should be known as Skittles disease!
I too hate RA - after 34 years I have an uneasy relationship with it but do wish it didn’t keep insisting on visiting like an annoying relative! Hope you get some good relief from the Abatacept infusion and it works well for you. Keep your chin up!
It is weird isn’t it when you realise that you are actually not in pain. You think you’ve turned a corner and wham! It comes back to bite you. As Amnesiac says - it comes back to visit you like an annoying relative!
Hope you get some sort of relief soon.
I hope you are soon feeling improvement. 🙏
I think we can all relate to the way you feel. I thought I'd finally turned a corner and felt really quite well...then I got a call from my rheumy nurse to say I'd got to stop all meds because they're affecting my liver. I'm now back to square one and feel like someone has stolen my life I'm seeing the consultant on 29 July to discuss next steps. Maybe your flare is due to something like an infection, stress, weather etc and this is just a blip for you. I hope that you feel better soon and your annoying relative is sent packing as soon as possible!
Oh nooo..sorry to hear this. I guess I thought it was that light at the end. I like the analogy of the annoying relative- made me smile. All the best for your appointment.
The heat might not be helping you. x
It does mean that you CAN be pain free. It's SO disappointing when you have a flare, but life's like that rake hidden in the long grass - you step forward and wham it hits you on the head.
Look for solutions and be polite but firm with your medical team. Get back to pain-free, or at least most of the time.
Thank you. Will do. In the meantime, it's back to ibuprofen and voltarol.
Ah yes RA is hideous although mine is controlled since diagnosis 2012 not had any pain free days. I have had remission where I do feel loads better less tired more myself, but never totally free of it. I think having two week pain, symptom free then wham must be difficult for you , gave you false hope, a cure so far not around.
In my case not helped as have osteo arthritis too, so pain in hands , knees and feet. As I say I'm in pain every day it's just the intensity that varies. In the end days are how much can I push through today?
All the best and hope you get more pain free weeks. 😊