Bolton NRAS meet and I'm back online!: Hi there! Thanks... - NRAS


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Bolton NRAS meet and I'm back online!

10 Replies

Hi there!

Thanks to lots of people on here recomending the NRAS group meetings, today I finally plucked up the courage to attend one, I was a little nervous before going into the meeting room and nearly turned back once, however once I got in there I was made to feel at home in seconds!

I have to say I had a lovely afternoon and met some lovely ladies, big thanks to Jean and Lindsey for making me feel so welcome.

It was great to see what is going on with the new build "bolton one" and I am now looking forward to Feb 2012 to use the hydro pool there.

Also got back online today, hope everyone is well, and I will try and catch up on all my messages soon xx Take care everyone Hope you have all had a lovely day too.

10 Replies

Hi Julie

Welcome back. Sounds like it was a good decision, to go to the meeting. You sound positive and that can only be good. Like the sound of the hydropool something to look forward to. There is nothing like that around here... well there is at our local hospital but I have yet to be referred to the physio before I can go on the long waiting list.

Look forward to hearing more from you.

Julie x

Thanks Julie, yes at the moment we have a hydro pool that you can use after referal, however they only allow you 4 sessions after referal, After this they heat the pool to hydro temp a couple of times a week, but it ends up too busy as its the only one in the area, so realistically I cant use it at these times because I cant get to move about safely.

Hope you are well too, Ive missed reading your blogs while Ive been ofline.

Julie xx

Sharon56 profile image

I was going to go to the meeting in Sheffield I think it was Saturday last but with Mum passing away I didnt feel upto it. Hearing what other people have said about going to their local groups has encouraged me to try it too.

in reply to Sharon56

Hi Sharon

When you are feeling up to it do try to go along to your local meeting. Not only will you get loads of useful information but you will make lots of new friends too! I have made loads of friends both locally and throughout the UK through NRAS and many of them I have met and keep in touch with. All lovely people and very supportive :)

Lyn x

Hi Julie

I'm really pleased you made it to the Bolton Group meeting and more importantly enjoyed it when you got there. I went to the last meeting there and felt very welcome, they're a friendly bunch of folk. I would have gone along today but we had our own Blackpool group planning meeting this evening and two in one day would've have been too much! Hoping I'll be able to make it to the next one; I think Jean said it was the orthopaedic surgeon in May.

Well done you for braving it out and going through the door :)

Lyn x

Hi Julie - so glad you came yesterday - it was lovely to meet you! I will send you our latest newsletter later today (once I've written it!) and really hope to see you again next month. Lindsey and I usually meet in Whittakers third floor restaurant for lunch before the meetings at about 12.00 noon. You would be most welcome to join us for a natter!Take care. Love Jeanxx

Tricia-P profile image

The sound of a NRAS club is great we are hoping to get one together in september at Warwick, I have been invited to Worcester and Solihull but a bit too far to go.

so anyone in the Warwick area who attends Stratford or Warwick hospital ask your rheumy nurse for any details and post them. I've offered my help if needed, i feel I need something to keep my little grey cells going.

I think since we have started this blog we have all jelled so much I'm looking forward to May and meeting Lyn and the gang going to Warwick.

best wishes for a lovely weekend all The sunshine is wonderful for our bones.

Tricia x

in reply to Tricia-P

Four weeks today Tricia we will be at the Hilton, Warwick ... is it obvious I'm on countdown? Getting really excited about meeting everyone :)

You would really enjoy getting involved with a local group. Hope you get the opportunity!

Lyn x

Hi Julie, great to have you back, glad you made the meeting gives you a chance to meet other in the same situation.

mand xx

Jean still not recived your email?

I will send you a message with my email address just to check you have it right xx

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