Hi, has anyone had any positive experiences with increasing methotrexate ? Ive been on 20mg for 7 months and its not working, the doctor has increased this to 25mg. Can anyone see this making a difference.
methotrexate RA: Hi, has anyone had any positive... - NRAS
methotrexate RA

Hi I moved from 20mg to 25mg a few years ago and it did make a difference to me initially, so I would definitely give it a try. Over the years I also tried Hydroxychloroquine and Sulfasalazine in combination with the Methotrexate but neither helped me. As a result of the Methorexate failing in terms of issues with my feet I now take 200mg of Filgotinib per day with 15mg of Methotrexate per week. It’s still early days with this new regime but the Filgotinib has been a game changer for me. Hope this helps
I recently changed from 15 mg to 20 mg because I felt the biologic I take was not working so well. It has made a surprising difference
I was having severe pain in my feet, a few year ago. After an ultrasound confirmed inflammation I was increased to 25mg. It was godsend and settled my pains right down. I also use a biologic for my spinal symptoms
I was on 25mg for several years and could feel the difference when it was reduced to 20mg ( this was after a biologic had been add o the prescription). So yes the 5mg change could help. Although the side effects were worse too unfortunately.
Yes! I went from 17.5mg gradually up to 25mg - which made a complete difference to me and I've stayed on 25mg for the last 4 years. I did try to taper down to 22.5mg a couple of years ago but within weeks the old problems resurfaced so I returned to 25mg and have been fine since. You wouldn't think such a small increase/decrease would make a such a difference but it does! (for me anyway). Good luck and I hope it's the answer for you x
Hi, just to add to the chorus, yes! I was started on 20mg MTX but after a few weeks the dose was increased to 25mg. I probably wasn't on the 20mg long enough to really see a difference from the dose increase BUT there was a definite improvement when I switched from 25mg tablets to a 25mg injection a few months later. So I'd definitely say a seemingly small dose increase (or other change) is worth trying.
I went from 15 to 20mg because the lower dose wasn't helping. It made quite a difference. I did have to increase folic acid as well due to the side effects.
I have had my dise increased by 2 extra tabs but have seen no d ifference
I have been taking Methotrexate for some 6 years now .
I too have been taking 20mg ie 8x 2.5mg weekly.
20.mg, says my RA consultant, is the max dose and will not increase it above 20. If it is not controlling your RA, then there are drugs either instead of MTX or in addition to it.
GPs should not be dispensing MTX. It should only be hospitals. It can be a nasty drug with lots of side effects.
Furthermore you need to have regular blood test, say every 2 or 3 months to monitor liver, kidney functions and blood components especially after a bacterial infection.
Additionally MTX should be supplemented with Sulfasalazine 500mg x2 twice daily and Folic Acid 5mg taken only on the day after MTX.
MTX often works well with a steroid like Prednisolone, which I also take, a small dose of 5mg daily.
Hope this all helps and sorry if this is a bit alarmist.
People react differently. I am on Methotrexate for the past 25 years, During inflammation they increase the dose but l am a bit reluctant to have it to maximum of 25mg . I try to reduce it afterwards and tell
My consultant
I was quite well controlled on 20mg oral MTX for some time, but after contracting Covid about 18 months ago (in spite of all vaccinations) it stopped working so well and inflammation gradually returned. I increased to 25mg and it definitely helped, though not quite enough. My rheumy wanted to put me on Sulfasalazine, but I asked if it was worth first trying 25mg Metoject rather than oral, as I understand you get more of the drug when it doesn't have to negotiate the GI system, and he agreed this was a reasonable shout. So far (3 months) this is proving to be good, and I hope it stays that way! So yes, I think it's definitely worth you giving it a shot. Good luck!