I was told that crp blood test doctor referred me to showed inflammation but I don't know to which level but have been reading up on it.Since then I saw a rheumatologist and had tests done and more bloods in March (no results yet) I asked the rheumatolgist what does it mean for a test to show up with inflammation, he said there could be many causes.Just wanting to get to the bottom of it all.plus surely all other results should be back by now 😏
Can you request blood test results? : I was told that... - NRAS
Can you request blood test results?

You are entitled to ask for copies of any blood test results. Also CRP is used to show infection markers along with others such as white cell count. Most bloods take about a week. Hope this helps
A raised CRP just means a level of inflammation so not just RA you could have a virus or some other infection. So don't try to diagnose yourself its so complex and after the crisis is over your Rheumatologist will sort you out. Honestly its about more than just a blood test and you just have to be patient and try not to worry. Its hard but RA isn't a death sentence its treatable and there are a lot of medications available. At the moment around here as blood tests are hard to get no new medications are being prescribed so chances are i'ts the same where you are.
I'd suggest get as much rest as you can but also stay mobile and if your in pain give the hospital a ring and seee if you can get a telephone appointment as soon as possible. So hope that helps. x
Thankyou 😊.I am struggling to stay as mobile as possible but I had lumbar spinal surgery in October and I've been referred back to spinal consultant as back pain is back again, after months of being pain free so I can hardly move at the moment.
Your March results should be back by now! Phone the hospital to ask for them, and if they say no which they do sometimes you can also ask GP. And the consultant should have written a letter to GP after your appointment which you are also entitled to see.
Some GPs charge 20p for the photocopying.
Sometimes it takes a bit of polite pushing to get your results and if all else fails you just ask for a data access request.
HH I don’t know if you realise quite how difficult dealing with the NHS is at the moment? My friend in France still has her doctor making house calls.
Here, unless you are literally at death’s door getting any information or an appointment is virtually impossible.
I waited 5 weeks to get an X-ray,and I am still waiting to get a scan done that was ordered in February....I have had to resort to a Private appointment - walking around in pain counts for nothing on the NHS these days.Add age to pain and you are not on a winner!
Hi, yes you can request them but they are only one piece of the puzzle. Clinical examination and history taking us essential in RA and it's really good to be a partner in your care and discuss your illness with your rheumy team as it's a long term care . But the saying " patience us a virtue" in rheumatology is true, it can take a little time to put blood tests, and scans or xrays potentially with clinical history to come to a diagnosis.
I hope though you get your answer soon xx
As said you can ask to have a copy of your results, it’s the law, you can request doctors/hospital notes at any time. Even with everything going on your bloods should only take a week & if they don’t have them they can ring the lab to get them if urgent. With blood results as said above it is just one part, but saying that they do tell alot, crp is used as a infection marker along with others but other results would show other things. As someone else has said don’t try & work it out for yourself if you’re not trained. All results are looked at before a patient can have a copy. As much as the way things are your doctor should give you something for the pain. Take care 😁
GP Surgeries and hospitals have online systems where you can view test results, i.e. bloods. I can see my blood results early on the following day (not weekends).
Hi Kels. It always amazes me how hospitals around the UK differ in their approach to the same disease. I've never been able to see a common approach to anything. Some have really good communication when it comes to blood test results and others hardly any. A common approach would be helpful. However I would certainly ask for a copy as it's your right. Most printouts show a range that shows what is considered a normal range to expect with a marker next to your result if it's not in range.
Crp is the measure of inflammation and/or infection in the blood... or so says my doc.
I would try not to worry yourself. I used to work in pathology and I know for a fact 99% of the time the results are available within 24 hours for a CRP and also most of the other routine tests they do for R.A. GP’s usually get a paper copy and also an electronic result too. It can depend on other factors of course ie staffing levels at the hospital but if no-one is having bloods done they’re not very busy. The protocol for raised or deranged test results is the hospital will get in touch by phone to the patients GP or rheumy team if they were the ones who requested the test in the first place and inform them. Failing that they will ring the patient directly which they’ve had to do in my case before. So no news is good news if there was a major problem you would know by now.