I've had RA for 50 years (started at age 15) and was brilliantly controlled until 2 years ago. I was diagnosed with cervical cancer last March and had to stop all RA drugs (adalimumab and methotrexate). Treatment took months, during which I was lucky and had no serious flare-ups, and finally I was allowed to restart the methotrexate last November. It was a godsend as my hips were extremely painful by then.
I was finally prescribed tocilizumab (you can't take anti-TNF biologics after cancer) this spring, but it immediately started suppressing my white blood count. All summer I underwent periods of coming off the toci, waiting until my WBC rose, restarting and watching it plummet again. I've now been without a biologic for months, as the consultant won't prescribe an alternative without seeing me, and appointments are like gold dust.. My WBC is still low and I'm in a lot of pain, plus awful fatigue following a nasty bout of flu. I suppose the moral of this tale is don't get cancer when you're reliant on biologics, but that's easier said than done!
Has anyone experienced similar? If so, what biologic did you find effective?