Hi everyone! I have been dealing with PMR since last July and have being on Prednisone since then. I started at 15 milligrams, I am down to 5 but I am having a hard time lowering the dose. I have tried Methotrexate with no luck. I am not on it anymore. I have a friend who is vegan (she even does not use any processed oils) who was telling me about this kind of diet for several years now. I see how well she is doing (she has had other health issues) so after being in so much pain lately (I was having a flare up) I decided to try that diet. I heard of a cardiologist story which also inspired me to try it, I only started it this past week and have not seen any results yet. I will post the links on the bottom if that is allow.
My doctor just suggested to try Kevzara which I am willing to try for a while and hoping that my new diet will work so I can be off medications soon. Has anyone have any thoughts or recommendations on Kevzara? Has anyone have any luck with it?
Thank you so much.