My both hips have mild osteoarthritis but it’s my right hip that is very painful. I had a labral tear 8 years ago 3mm, from a car accident. Today I went to MSK unit for my appointment. From assessment it’s not obvious that it’s the osteoarthritis causing the 3 different areas of pain. So I have been referred for am MRI. I think the labral tear has got worse but will wait and see. Maybe it can be mended? Any thoughts.?
osteoarthritis and labral tear: My both hips have mild... - NRAS
osteoarthritis and labral tear

I had a labral tear excised arthroscopically. It got rid of that sharp shooting pain after years of misdiagnosis but revealed osteo stage 4, and my leg never really recovered from the traction. Younger people than me recovered much better. I was about 50 at the time. Both hips now replaced.
Thank you. I’ll update after MRI but all symptoms relate to a worsened labral tear. Osteoarthritis showed as mild from XRay but specialist physio said it’s not always mild when surgery is done, just that XRay, showed mild. Maybe they would do hip replacement at same time. I can’t go on like this, can’t sleep because of the pain at night.
I think it depends how old you are …those arthroscopic repairs are usually only performed on youngish people ….a friend had hers repaired in her 20’s & it was very successful….that was about 15 years ago.
I’m 68. Goodness knows what will happen. See what MRI says.
Ive been told ive a complete labral tear (amongst other things) but consultant has said i wouldnt benefit from a repair so just offered injection . He didnt say why i wouldnt benefit ! But on researching my guess its my age and the fact its a degenerative tear understanding is if over 50 repairs arent usually offered as they can cause more problems than they mend. Doesnt help my pain or disability lol but it is what it is . Hope youre doing well
Oh I’msure things will have progressed by now……you have managed to get a MRI.. that should give your doctors all the info they need.
I had surgery on both of my hips 8 years ago for a labral tear. Over the last few months my hips have become very painful. The mri is showing a torn labrum, again, but it’s too far gone to repair and the osteoarthritis is not bad enough for hip replacements. I tried a cortisone shot with no improvement. So the doctor has me trying physical therapy to see if that might help. I’m in my 50’s so I know they want to avoid surgery on someone my age. I am trying supplements, but haven’t found one that helps with the pain. I will let you know if I find anything.
Thank you. I’m waiting for MRI. The labral year was 3mm, 8 years ago. The last year my hip area is getting worse by the day. I can’t sleep on either side with the throbbing pain etc. I’ll update in a few months! After MRI and result. xx
I had MRI on Nov 26th. I’m still waiting for the result. One thing leads to another, fell on my knee, now bruised my ribs by bending without using the knee.