Recently broke my hip ..very painful ..I live in U K. Had to have a dynamic screw op to stabilise the fracture which was K.O F just about getting around..had R A since diagnosed 2014 knee replacement last year on the same leg (left). My problem is really that I'm finding it hard to get up mobilize myself as i had polio when 4 years old which affected my right leg very weak ..although I got on great after having my knee OP last year ..but finding this difficult.. no help from phisios feel like I've been left to just get on with it.
Hip fracture: Recently broke my hip ..very painful ..I... - NRAS
Hip fracture

Did you know you can self refer to a NHS physiotherapist at you local hospital?
You can find the application form on line.
It’s very easy to fill in & most people I know who have applied got appointments fairly quickly.
Hope you can get an appointment.
If you can’t get an NHS physio appointment soon then if you can possibly afford it it really would be worth paying for a few private physio sessions.
We did that for my husband when his physio sessions stopped after after his hip replacement and I’ve just had four sessions with a physio for agonising nerve pain caused by damage to my lumbar spine and a fractured sacrum.
I had some manipulation, some acupuncture and she gave me three physiotherapy exercises that I do daily that have stopped the nerve pain.
I never thought that I’d be spending my money on physiotherapy, the podiatrist, the dentist and the hearing clinic - no luxury holidays and high living for me ☹️
I don’t have much knowledge about this,the comments about Physio’s really g a bell with me.
I had an emergency admission 3 weeks ago, -? Chest / urine infection.
As my back has flared recently,I was in pain.
Luckily they were happy to give me pain relief.
I asked to see the physio,no body turned up till the day I was discharged.
I had sought advice from a centre I used to attend .
I asked to see the physio,the sister said I had no need to see a physio.
I told her that I had been asking to see physio for 3 days.that I needed a wheeled Walker to get round the house.I’d been told that Mediquip would deliver to my home.
The physio popped up about 2 minutes later.
I recited my problems,she said she would find me 2 walkers 1 upstairs/ downstairs. Short walk on the corridor and I was sorted,just waiting for medication.
I compare this to my physio experience during an admission in January,same hospital,different ward. 2 physios turned up every day.
2 young men,very pleasant the other 2 ladies in my bay were immobile,Physio’s used to encourage them to get out of bed.the ladies were pleased with this
I asked for advice, they were happy to chat to me about exercise etc
I have comorbidies,they were happy to give advice.they got chocolates etc S I was so grateful for their input.
I’ll try to keep to the subject.
I go to a sports physio monthly,she keeps me going,I did try the NHS physio,but they gave me exercises which gave me a sore neck,so I stayed with the sports physio.
It’s really sad that you are currently receiving no support from physios re mobilising.given the difficulties you describe with your health.both pre existing and problems you’re having now.
Have you got pain killers which work?
When my back flares,when it’s at it’s at its worst, set the alarm to take a pain killer when it’s due during the night.
I find this way I’m not quite as stiff in the morning .the GPsuggested this when it last flared.
Please don’t think I’m asking stupid questions,but have you asked Physio’s for help.
Take care x
I suffered in the past from sciatica. My gGp prescribed me Amitryptline, which helps me get a better nights rest. I tried Gabapentin which didn’t suit me- made me feel weird/ other worldly.
I’m don’t know if you are prescribed it already. It has helped me.
My back is flaring at present due to me having a fall. Sciatica is grumbling at present, but my back is not good. Unfortunately my lovely physio has gone to Kefalonia for 2 weeks, I’m trying to do an exercises keep a bit mobile .
I think you’re in a much worse position than me, look after yourself x
Oshgosh thankyou for your reply helps a lot to know there are others like myself..hope you get well soon with your back sciatica pain I find is the worse ..I'm trying to keep as mobile as possible on a Zimmer as my legs are still week from the hip fracture plus had a dynamic screw to stabilise it.
Hi Storms i had Sciatica down both legs and it was agony. I was due to see my RA consultant and she sent me for tests and i ended up getting discs shaved on my back and this sorted out the pain.Hope you can get your problems sorted soon as things can take so long
Sorry for late reply.
It’s been a bit of a struggle lately.
My husband says that I need to see someone,
I don’t know who he wants me to see..
My back does flare from time to time,I have a fractured disc.I’ve got loads of pain relief.
I’ve also had a urine infection, I was scared because I had an emergency admission to hospital 2 weeks ago.they said urine or chest infection..
The nurse practitioner requested a sample and prescribed a weeks course of antibiotics,which I’ve never had before- Pivmecillin hydrochloride.
I think things are improving on that no need to see anybody at present.
I know why he’s pestering,it’s because he’s worried about me.
I hope you’re continuing to get positive news and that things are ok for you.
I see you have lots of useful replies about self referral to Physio.
Do you have crutches/ sticks to help. With hip replacements we continue to use aids for a good few weeks after for most?
Also find out if hydrotherapy possible- found this so useful after first hip when do much collapse had happened. It really helped to refind, mobilise and strengthen muscles. I did 6 weekly sessions from 4 weeks post op.
Do not go quietly- big up your issues with GP, surgical team, I genuinely found occupational therapy useful and supportive even with phone calls during pandemic!
Sending best wishes