I’m struggling with holding a hot drink - hand keeps clawing and worried I’m going to burn myself soon. Any tips or advice?
Holding a hot drink: I’m struggling with holding a hot... - NRAS
Holding a hot drink

Hi Sbaz I changed to small light weight plastic cups/mugs picnic type ones when that happened to me. Also use picnic type plates now as I dropped & broke too many proper ones! I also bought a multi use ninja & do a lot of all in one pan meals.
I know its horrible when you become a danger to yourself! Mind I only drink warm black coffee except in winter when a hot drink of bovril goes down well so not too bad for me. I think you can get thermos type things with lids now that if you drop them they don,t spill but not sure how heavy/light they are. I,m sure someone else will be along soon to give some links for easy to use cups etc
ps my hands are a lot better now just not a lot of strength in them so yours may improve too
Thanks - that’s a good idea; I’ve broken a lot of crockery / glass ware / coffee machine tanks 😭 of late from dropping them so I suppose that would also help if they were plastic. It’s great to hear your hands have improved; I’ve not been on treatment for 2 years but things seem to be degenerating q suddenly all at once so hopefully at my next appt in aug, I can get started on something else. Thanks
Hi saz, I finally realized I had to face up to change when I dropped a roasting dish of hot food on the floor & looked at my fast dwindling collection of crockery! Hope your hands will improve when you get new meds, not long till august now. Good luck
I used a metal straw with the drink on a surface. I can recommend a thermos type mug with insulated walls and screw on lid. At least if you did drop it it would only leak out of the small opening you drink out of. So sorry you are struggling.
Thanks - I think my pride has stopped me this far from actually using anything else which is daft but until things improve I must try a metal straw. I’d sort of avoided that as was worried I’d burn my mouth sucking up hot liquid but will maybe just have to stop drinking them when they are scalding hot!! Thanks
those thermos cups are all the fashion now … with reusables bring encouraged at the trendy high street coffee bars. I had to switch to one as I completely crushed two large lattes at a drive through over the interior of my new car. Nothing dents your pride like that! 🤦♀️The one I use is the FAB tumbler ( I got it on Amazon but can’t seem to do a link ) it’s very large as I like long drinks and has a flip up opening to sip through or an metal straw for cold drinks .
I like this make uk.frankgreen.com/collectio... and we have a couple, the lid screws on which is good because you don’t need to apply any pressure. The other thing you could do is look at the Thermos travel cups, similar but not as stylish but they have a handle thermos.co.uk/shop/mugs-and...
Last think you want to do is get burnt.
ohhhhh…. These are nice. If I have to give up lovely pottery for a while, I do like something stylish to replace it with! Really hoping this is a blip as it’s getting to the point where I can’t make the kids tea till my husband comes home from work and can drain pasta/move heavy hot stuff…. Don’t like not being fully independent!!!
No, I’ll bet you don’t. You will need t be very careful until you can sort things out, let’s hope it is just a blip.
I gave up draining pasta/veg a long time ago, because a pan full of hot water with one handle is just too much for my wrists now. I did find 2-handled stock/steamer pans easier if I kept the water toa minimum... but now I use a small sieve or a Chinese long handled wire draining tool to fish the pasta or whatever out of the water while it's still hot on the stove. Then when it's cold, there's less risk pouring it down the sink, or I ask my hubby to do it for me. Alternatively, the microwave is great for steaming veg with just a few drops of water.
Hi W/M for straing boile pasta etc I found using an old fashioned fat fryer pan with a basket useful. Morrisons sell them , the basket is itself is fairly light. Instead of using fat use wter then lift basket out with pasta/veg strained
I don’t know whether you have a local hospital OT department but through your rheumatology team you should be able to access their services. They have specialist knowledge and equipment and can advise you on all sorts of products to make life easier when you’ve got any kind of debilitating condition like RA.
Years ago we used to get cups and utensils etc. free from them but I suspect that’s a pipe dream now! Failing that, good advice from posters on here so far and in future will help you get the right things from the internet.
Hi. I have just googled and there is a cup on Amazon called Temu. It is an anti scald cup and costs £7.99. I don't know anyone who has one so I can't recommend it but have a look at it and see what you think.
My thoughts are that the some of the reusable cups you get for travel might be worth trying. In your case, look for one that has some kind of grippy finish.
I had to use a straw
Lighter crockery helps. I gave any heavy mugs to oxfam.
sadly i have also had to give up using ordinary cups. Using thermocafe mugs that you can buy from most supermarkets. They are not leak proof though.
Hello sazkabaz,I have the same issue.
I have had my right wrist fused, knuckle replacements and also clawing fingers.
I struggle with poor grip and dexterity.
I reccomend using a travel mug at tall slim one so you can wrap your hand around.
At work I use an oversized mug with an handle big enough to get my hand through.
Hope this helps.
If you love pottery and you have Instagram look for made.with.mud - a talented Uk based artisan potter who makes a range of digni-tea (dignity) mugs which are just lovely AND functional! Her latest reel shows the whole range.
I went through this useless hands phase - they have settled now and although a bit feeble I haven’t thrown anything over my husband or myself for a few months now!
Just had a quick look and they look lovely - aren't they heavy though? 🤔