Covid booster : I have had 6 jabs so far and just been... - NRAS


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Covid booster

Spin1959 profile image
60 Replies

I have had 6 jabs so far and just been called for my spring booster. Has anyone had 7 or their booster yet? Do you think I really need another one?

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Spin1959 profile image
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60 Replies
Mmrr profile image

I made the choice not to take the 7th vaccination. By happenstance my rheumatology review was around the same time so I ran my decision past my rheumatologist. He did not seem concerned, but advised I take the winter booster when I'm offered the seasonal flu vaccination.

Marycullen profile image
Marycullen in reply to Mmrr

in the US they only pushed for two or three jabs of the vaccine. No more. Now they are finding the more the vaccine the suppressed immune system (which we are) has lower tolerance and more sickness. I wish I had not gotten the vaccine. I have had too many health issues since then plus the RA (23 years) was in remission for 4 years with no RA drugs and now I am back to the horrific flares

Amnesiac3637 profile image

It’s entirely up to you but if you’re eligible and you’ve had six have seven 😀. The vaccines don’t accumulate in your body, they fade and become less effective so us immunosuppressed are offered them to keep us topped up. I’ve had my seventh last week, no side effects and will have whatever’s on offer in the Autumn. Covid’s still very much about and anything that stops me getting really ill with it is a big bonus in my book!

Boxerlady profile image

I had my seventh vaccination six weeks ago and no side effects 😊

TheBoys profile image

I might have the autumn one - but certainly nothing just now. I ve had covid so many times now am pretty much not too concerned. I might just have the flu jab in the autumn and leave it at that.

Madmusiclover profile image

Yes had mine. It’s targeted at new variants. Vaccine effectiveness wanes.

AgedCrone profile image

I have had 4 jabs…..but yesterday I had my 4th reminder for a 5th….which I have no intention of having yet.

I’m leaving it until the Autumn…none of these letters have been dated….so maybe they are just getting rid of old paper?

I have replied to every offer….but obviously my replies are not noted on any overall system.

I had Covid… was unpleasant but tbh not as bad as Flu & despite the letter quoting worst case scenario should I catch it…… I recovered well.

So having just had a Rtx infusion I decided not to push my luck & chance getting it again, because the Rtx could have lowered my resistance. My Rheumy is quite happy with my choice.

medway-lady profile image

Yes weeks ago but another way to look at it is why not? I have now had 7 and my Nephrologist reckoned we’d get to 10.

Neonkittie17 profile image

I have every intention of having my third booster shortly.

Oh and PS ... I won’t be listening to anyone trying to dissuade me as it’s right for me to do it.. it may not be for some. Each to their own. Absolutely. No more needs to be said. Have a good, sunny week.🌞

CagneysMum profile image

Yes I have, about a month ago.

Marycullen profile image

I should never had the vaccine. Since that time I have had Covid twice urinary tract infections shingles in my eye which keeps occurring and the biggest thing after 22 years of RA I was in remission for 4 1/2 years and now o am back with major RA again. I wish I had NEVER Gotten the vaccine vi have found a doctor is helping me detoxify from the vaccine

Grumpyoldmare profile image
Grumpyoldmare in reply to Marycullen

I am with you on that!

Whereisthesun profile image
Whereisthesun in reply to Marycullen

Wow that is interesting! I’m not having any more Covid jabs. I don’t trust them. 🫣

vonniesims profile image

I was having a flare when I had my 7th and oddly everything settled down after it!

JEM95 profile image

I’ve had no 7, no side effects and I’m grateful to still be getting them.

I weighed up the pros and cons and it was an easy decision.

I’ve not had Covid and hope I stay that way!

GinnyE profile image

I've had seven. Keep topping myself up with antibodies.

kitchengardener2 profile image
kitchengardener2 in reply to GinnyE

Hopefully topping up with antibodies even if they don't show up. I will have whatever is offered. Stay safe

Biker52 profile image

I had my 7th about a month ago and, as usual, had side effects!

Willing to have them as I want to avoid Covid ….it is very possible that it was this dreaded virus which set off my inflammatory arthritis!

Runrig01 profile image

had my 7th mid April, with no issues. Early ones I was ill afterwards, or I’d have a flare. Now they have little impact.

KASHMIRI1 profile image

I had my seventh vaccination five weeks ago. All well with no side effects

My consultant said, whether or not they appear to be working, take everything that is offered. I had my 7th one on 19th April. No after effects.

ABwn profile image

I had my 7th about a month ago. No side effects. Covid is still very much around and I live in a highly populated area. I still wear a face mask going into shops.

Cheylann profile image
Cheylann in reply to ABwn

So is flu still around.Need to get on with life and forget about covid. It's no longer considered a big deal.

I think it's worse having yourself constantly vaccinated with these artificial toxins.

ABwn profile image
ABwn in reply to Cheylann

The flu jab is given in the autumn. Yes, it's still around.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to ABwn

Always do what you feel is right for you. 💗

girli1111 profile image

I’ve had my 7th…. I work in an infant school so I’m surrounded by germs …. I feel safer knowing I’m vaccinated.

Evie3 profile image

I havent had Spring booster yet as have chest infection plus have to ensure 4 weeks apart from next Rituximab. They insist I have it altho been shown to give me no immunity 😖

Doodlereggie profile image

I had my 7th about 5 weeks ago,no side effects,and reassured that I am still covered,as new jab is for new variants .have not had Covid at all,and will have anything on offer to stay that way.No probs!

Cheylann profile image
Cheylann in reply to Doodlereggie

You are bound to get covid sooner or later and it's no longer a bug deal. The vaccine doesn't prevent you getting it.

Circledancer profile image

I had my 7th vaccine 2 weeks ago and only had a sore arm for a day or two. I'd rather have them than take the chance on becoming very ill with covid. I got covid for the first time mid April and it was like a very nasty cold for about 8 days but I've got to assume that with the protection of the vaccines, I was prevented from becoming really poorly.

wishbone profile image

Recently recieved an appointment on June 7th. If it had been a few weeks earlier I probaly would have had it, but not bothering this late in the year and will wait for the autumn booster, if available, when covid is on the rise again. I will cancel my appointment over the phone tomorrow.

junik53 profile image

yes and yes

helenlw7 profile image

I had my at th beginning of March. It was Pfizer, which I’d had before without any side effects, but this was awful. I was sick for 2 days.

bienassis profile image

This is a very interesting point - and, as such, has been popular on this forum. My experience has been much like that of Mmrr.

I have been expecting to have the Spring booster since April, having been told by my surgery that they had "outsourced" the vaccines and I would be contacted by the "agency" to make a home visit appointment. I am still waiting.

My first face to face appointment with rheumatology since January 2020 is coming up later this month. I phoned the Helpline to find out how they felt about unvaccinated patients keeping appointments. I was reassured that they were quite relaxed about it and it was important for me to attend the clinic. A rider was added that if I was missed out from the current vaccine round, I shouldn't worry; just make sure I had the autumn covid/flu vaccines.

The final word was that should I be unfortunate enough to be infected, the treatment was excellent. I must say, that did sound a few alarm bells! I am 87, taking methotrexate metoject 10mg weekly. I stopped the biologic about a year ago. Methotrexate does not interfere with the immune response as much as some biopogics; is is a DMARD and, according to some doctors . is more of a super-anti inflammatory drug. In any case, 10mg is not a large dose.

This current vaccine would be my 8th, should I have it.

Cheylann profile image
Cheylann in reply to bienassis

I wouldn't. My doctor advised me not to take it. Said many of his patients have been really ill with it. Why put unnecessary toxins in your body.

HevsK profile image

I had my 7th jab last month and just a sore arm, no side effects etc. I would say if you’ve had all the others without any problems then have this one.

pippin_fort profile image

Personally, if you have been offered another jab I would have it. It is targeted at the new variants. I have now had Covid 3 times and am ruined. Unfortunately the timing of my 6th jab was at the same time as my last bought off Covid so it did not have a chance to take effect. It is a seriously awful virus that attacks any vulnerability. Entirely up to you, but you are being offered it for a reason. I wish you good luck.

bienassis profile image
bienassis in reply to pippin_fort

Yes, this is a reasonable response - I'm still going to press for my vax (8th) in spite of reassurrances from the rheumatology dept. As you say, better safe than sorry - and the advice is so conflicting. And I've never reacted badly to previous jabs.

Nuttyshirlz profile image

yes had mine 3 weeks ago as I say better be safe than sorry, I also through if any point but then I thought knowing my luck I don’t get it then I catch covid so I just went for it after all what’s one more lol no side effects neither

Llanberisman profile image

I’m having my 7th tomorrow. Thinking back to the early days of the pandemic, these things are lifesavers.

dippyd09 profile image

I had my 7th vaccine last Friday. I do this in order to live as normally as possible. I was fed up hiding in my house. It’s good to have my independence. I think everyone has to make their own decision based on their own experience.

Mozart150 profile image

I’ve had spring booster (6 in total). I got Covid about 10 days after and glad I’d had booster. I’d had anxiety and hardly went out during pandemic. Started going out a bit more with mask. I made the decision to go to my step daughter’s 30th Birthday party (we had missed so many family celebrations) -first time out without mask and I got Covid. 12 of us got it. My husband (also immunosuppressed ) got it 4 days after me -we both had antivirals. He was off work a week but wasn’t too bad. I had a head cold -didn’t feel great etc but thankfully didn’t get awful cough! I tested positive for almost a month -so didn’t go anywhere most of May and just started back on Baricitinib today -almost 5 weeks after getting it. My joints are painful and swollen but thankful for vaccines and antivirals and although it took a while I got over it !

Pamak profile image

yes I’ve now had 7 and don’t want anymore as ill after every single one .

Fortune7 profile image

I’m booked in for sixth booster I have rheumatoid arthritis I caught covid for the second time in February an despite having a antibody infusion it floored me this time felt weak an had no energy for six weeks . So my advice would be have any booster that’s offered there all slightly different I believe based on latest virus an the virus is still far more prevalent than the government would have you believe it’s just not in the news every day anymore

suwinter profile image

I’ve just had my 8th. Not sure how I’ve had an extra one, I think I had an extra reminder and just booked online for the vaccination centre and was given it.

I’m going to take every one that’s offered; I’ve not had Covid and don’t want to if I can help it!

MerielPB profile image

I've had 7. I don't know if there's any need but i haven't had covid yet, so I think it's better safe than sorry.

126Jessie profile image

I got mine last week. Had them all. Ended up in hospital in March as I became very ill very quickly with Covid, a month before my next top up was due.I must therefore disagree, with the notion it is no longer a big deal, as for some it still is a serious and vile infection, especially if you are suppressed on biological and DMARDs, then catch it. Was strongly urged to keep my vaccinations up to date. Felt out of sorts for a few days, usual sore arm but nothing compared to my stay in hospital and lingering long term Covid symptoms that I still have. Of course , only my opinion and you have to what feels right for you. Hope you stay well, 😁

Spin1959 profile image

thanks everyone I really appreciate your responses.

Rainyda profile image

I haven't heard of 7th. (I'm in Canada), I was notified of 6th(Spring) booster, haven't booked yet, as Rheumy says to wait until my next app. (July), as I'm on Orencia (17 weeks now) and she wants check Orencia results. I'm not up to par with the Orencia as yet. Still in RA flare-up! Told it would take 3 - 6 months for Orencia to work, so I'm at a wait n' see! Best of luck to you with whatever you decide.

Fj65 profile image

yes I’ve had 7. I haven’t been unwell after any of the jobs.

Chrissycl profile image

Yes I had my 7th vaccine in may, I have had covid19 twice once in 2022 and in march this year, tested positive for covid both times but just felt like I had a cold nothing major somI believe the vaccines help with that.

david451943 profile image

14 Days Since. Seen i am a registered as an Addisons Disease Patient i decided at the last minute to go for the injection (Pfizer/ Cominarty) after been assured twice that i would be okay but no i think i got everything on the the list, i felt like rubbish, after my carer had rung round for further info with regards to steroids because of the Addisons we found out that we must double the dose for six days before reducing back down, we were aware of this under normal situations but there was no mention of this for Spring Booster Jabs, anyway having said that i think at the end of the day it is down to personal preference, they are there to help save your life, Regards Dave Hallas

fizbom profile image

I've had mine I looked at as if I do what they say and if I get it I've done all I can do. I am waiting for a date for a new hip so better safe than sorry

BernardBear profile image

I'm due to have my 7th in a couple of days and due for ritux infusion 4 weeks later. I had covid a few weeks ago and it wasn't nice but not dreadful. I personally am a great believer in vaccines and will always have them. But its down to personal choice and what you choose to do will be right for you. Good luck hun.

I had my 6th one in April and again no side effects, I was unfortunate enough to catch it Christmas 2019 and did it make me unwell, a 2 week course of antibiotics were needed to clear my chest infection. I was part of the ONS survey group and when they started blood tests they discovered I had more antibodies than someone who was just vaccinated, I thought 2019 was a bad dose of flu, it really was COVID and with a weakened immune system I cannot afford to take the risk.

We have recently had an infectious version but mild which has been replaced with a more infectious version and NOT mild, it can just as esily mutate again into highly infectious with lethal consequences, natures way of dealing with the planetary virus, human beings.

Jumbo2012 profile image


Happy5 profile image

Only you can decide really.

I've decided not have my Spring booster, and ran this past the specialist nurse during my phone appointment. She didn't feel it was a silly decision.

However I will avail myself of both the Covid booster and flu vaccine in the Autumn.

annie1954 profile image

I have only had three jabs, and refuse to have anymore. Too many friends and people I know have passed away . All quite young as well, very worrying 😥

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to annie1954

It's very sad when people die young and unexpectedly. But I'm sure many more will have died from getting Covid or its sequelae than have died from having the vaccine. Plus, there are many unvaccinated people who still have Long Covid after many months/years.

eastbournelady profile image

Yes I have just had no 7 booster and had no side effects apart from slight ache in arm. Very grateful to have had it as would hate to get covid again, had it the once and that was enough for me, I will have any protection from feeling so ill.

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