Hi everyone. I’m new here and this is my first post. About a month ago I went to the doctor as I thought I had a ear infection. So much pain. After an examination, Doc saw my ears were clear and looked in my mouth at the jaw and diagnosed me with RA in my jaw. The ear pain was directly coming from my pain in my jaw. The pain eventually went away. Yesterday the inside of my lips started feeling a bit numb. This morning I woke up to the most painful jaw again and my teeth in my mouth felt like didn’t fit together properly. My earache started again this afternoon and my lips started going numb all over as well as the tip of my tongue. My eyes felt like I had a bit of a oral Anesthetic. I did a bit of googling and one of the suggestions were to massage the painful part of your jaw which I found has helped a bit. Has anybody else ever experienced the numbness in the lips, tongue and eyes from jaw pain? All I can put it down to is maybe a pinched nerve coming from the jaw as well as the RA.
Arthritis in my jaw: Hi everyone. I’m new here and this... - NRAS
Arthritis in my jaw

So just by a quick look in your mouth, the doctor was able to diagnose RA? Amazing! It usually takes weeks o& blood tests, mris, X-ray etc to get a diagnosis 😂.
But going on from that, it could be a jaw TMJ problem. So what I suggest is going to see a dentist or get referred to a hospital dental dept where you will get expert help and hopefully treatment
I have Psoriatic arthritis and jaw inflammation is very common with that. Awful pain makes all my teeth hurt🙁 and often gives pain around my eye socket. I’m surprised your Gp could diagnose from that but did you already have an RA diagnosis? If you do then yes it’s an obvious leap. If not I assume they referred you to a rheumatologist? For proper diagnosis and treatment? I would go to your dentist as well. Mine is great and although won’t touch the issue did refer me to kings college dental hospital who confirmed all arthritis related.
For relief you can try a warm flannel, anti inflammatories (ibuprofen if you can tolerate) will really help. You don’t say if on any medication. Massage not great help as it may irritate an already irritated area. Hope that helps.
Thanks Superfloozie. Sorry, yes I was diagnosed with RA a couple of years ago and was seen by a Rheumatologist and was on Chronic Medication until my husband was retrenched in 2016. The RA was mostly in my wrists and knees. I have been fine for a year or two. This is the first time I have ever had it in my jaw. The only medication I am currently on is for anxiety and depression. Unfortunately I’m in South Africa and All doctors and medication is extremely expensive. Government Hospitals, well that’s a different story unfortunately.
Hello, it was my dentist who diagnosed my arthritic jaw. He then sent me to hospital (after a while waiting) where x rays and scans were done, that’s when the proper diagnosis was given. There isn’t a huge amount they can do initially. Over a period of around 10-11 years I had several washouts of the jaw and much later had a jaw replacement. I am getting ahead of my self though as sometimes these symptoms can settle down on their own. My first advise would be to get properly diagnosed and take it from there.
Hi Carvela, I have had a TMJ jaw since I was fourteen years old and I am now in my sixties. It often feels like earache and even causes headaches sometimes. I have it off and on, sometimes really bad and so that I can't chew and other times no problem at all. With me it was the Maxillo facial unit at hospital that diagnosed it for sure. I also have RA and PsA and have been told that it is a common problem with arthritic illnesses. I know there is an operation that can be done on the jaw but I would only consider that if the pain was there all the time and stopped me from eating. I hope your latest bout of pain doesn't go on for long.
Thanks so much Holly. I really appreciate your input. Yes, surgery would be my extremely last thing I would want to do. Chewing meat (unless it’s falling off the bone) and anything too chewy normally is very difficult as my jaw gets really tired relatively quick. Also having small gaps between my teeth doesn’t help either. I’m always eating with toothpicks next to me as that also gets quite painful. 🤗
So sorry you are going they so much pain!! Keep after your Dr. to make sure you get the best treatment. Good luck to you!
Thanks so much EdieB.