Hi all. I recently was treated for a basal cell carcinoma, so had to stop taking MTX for a short while (I got an infection). Since I’ve been back on it, I am struggling so much to take it. I find the tiny tablets get stuck in my throat, and I feel so nauseous soon after taking it. My most recent dose, I could only manage to take 4 of the 8 tablets. It makes me feel absolutely horrendous. I have been on MTX for around 3 years, with only side effects at the beginning. I also on Sulfasalazine and Benepali. Is this something anyone else has experienced? Would you say it’s a case of mind over matter and to persevere, or worth discussing with my Rheumy to see if this is an alternative?
Sudden MTX intolerance : Hi all. I recently was treated... - NRAS
Sudden MTX intolerance

have you tried eating something as you take them, takes your mind off the fact they’re tablets especially if you eat something nice.
Definitely have a chat to RA team as it can be after being off them you are having a reaction and you can also get MTX in pen form too. I had a bad reaction with MTX and some other drugs so had to go down other routes. Good luck x
Hi, I use a mtx pen device - Metoject. I find it really easy to use. Maybe ask about that?
I’d have a week off & try again..I agree it could well be mind over matter.It.’s a shock to the system to get a bcc…..try not to worry too much..one week off won’t hurt. you. ..I know cos I’ve been there.
if I’ve had more than 3 weeks off, my rheumatologist insists I taper back up to my usual dose of 25mg, to limit possible side effects occurring. I’m fortunate I get no side effects other than hair thinning slightly.
thanks all. I did speak to the rheumy nurse about tapering up to a full dose, but she said no need. She just said start the Benepali one week before starting MTX again. I will give them a call this week. Back to work after 2 months off tomorrow 😫
You need to speak to someone in rheumy team about this. It might be a temporary blip or you could have injections instead.
Hi I had problems with tablets found it very difficult to push them out of foil, I have been using pen injection and it really is much easier 😀
I concur with those mentioning injectable mtx. I found tablets badly upset my stomach, which almost entirely went away after switching to intramuscular administration. I also tend to get adverse reactions if I stop and restart mtx. Fortunately, things settle down after a few weeks, but it’s unpleasant at the time (nausea and general aches and pains). Good luck!
Deffo call your RD dept talk to the specialist nurse, try to make an appt with the Rheumatologist. There's alternative I was put on which was to use prefilled pen injections cos the nausea did for me & that method helped reduce it.
Also have you ever been offered anti sickness meds?
I had similar experience to you after an operation. I was feeling like any tablets were getting stuck in my throat. I hadn’t had this feeling before. Also when I restarted Metho I had headaches and felt unwell for about 24 hours. I’m glad to say tis only lasted a couple of weeks. Hopefully you will be the same 😊
I have only just seen your post so forgive the late reply. I have had BCCs removed in the past and hope you have had successful treatment. I too am on Benepali and Sulphasalazine but not methotrexate, I could not tolerate it. I recommend you read the medication leaflets. There is a mention of an increased risk of skin cancer with benepali ,and other anti TNFs, but some question whether a bcc is a cancer as it is less invasive. We should all be checked each year , so the leaflet says. The leaflets also do not recommend a sulphazalazine and benepali combination. I am not clear why. Perhaps someone can tell us. I now have had low neutrophils which the benepali leaflet indicates happens to 1 in 100, but it has helped my RA. We need to evaluate risk and benefit as it seems to me no meds are without risk , as is RA disease. Sorry for the gloom but it is important to weigh everything up , after obtaining accurate information and communicating with experts. Sometimes it is hard to judge if a medicine caused something ,speeded it up or it was a coincidence. Good luck.