Haven't noticed anything about this in the news. Have others received a text invite for a Spring Booster? There seems to be very little mentioned about COVID these days although I am aware it is still about.
Spring Booster: Haven't noticed anything about this in... - NRAS
Spring Booster

hiya! i looked this up the other day. gov dot uk says appointments will be offered between April and June for the spring booster. and eligibility is people aged 75 years and over, those in care homes, and those aged 5 years and over with a weakened immune system.i found the info here. gov.uk/government/publicati...
oooh, and just found this too. thank you nras! even more informative. nras.org.uk/2023/03/10/2023...
The NRAS site says wait to be contacted by the NHS however I believe (from what the JCVI said) the national booking system will open on 5th April. Personally I won’t be waiting to be contacted because I’ve never been contacted before. Despite several calls to my GP they still don’t seem to have got my code right.
Check on th NHS Website….all the info,is there…they start next month.
I’ve got my appointment for mid April in Scotland
Not yet. There is definitely a spike at the moment. I personally know 9 people who have had it in the last 2 weeks, from different parts of the country, several of them for the first time. Maybe this is partly because boosters are wearing off. Bring it on.
Not Spring but autumn. Covid spiked 14% last week update I now have an invite for 22nd April
not booster but I did receive an email the other day about Covid treatments again if I caught Covid ! I also had a box of tests posted to me … x
Me too - text first and tests the other day - wierd as I wasn’t even considered CEV last time round.
Yes, covid is definitely around - know first hand of one person with it and know second hand of several other people who have it too, no one hospitalised though.
It’s definitely still about. Three members of my team currently have it. Two were fine after a couple of days and felt miles better and came back to work (we are virtual). The third with crohns was very unwell but responded well to anti virals and was back again in a week. It’s definitely still around.
it will vary from area to area, but in my area the GPs will only be doing those in care homes or who are house bound, and the rest of those that qualify (a much smaller group than in previous vaccinations) will be invited centrally and the local ICBs will be setting up places to get the vaccination.
As ever they don't seem to have thought to those that don't have mobile phones or internet access, as well as those that have no transport to go to national hubs.
The move to ‘online everything’ is very discriminatory to those without smartphones/computers etc. and Government websites/ info are rarely accessible for those who use adaptive software 🤬.
It’s not very fair…
Hi there
I got a text this week from my g.p surgery to advise they were arranging spring booster jabs where I live in Hertfordshire and I would get details soon.As I had all jabs available so far with no side effects,and did not get Covid,in spite of being on steroids and biologics,I will take all protection offered.I still have anti viral treatment request pack,although hopefully will continue to not need it.Good luck to all offered spring booster!
There is a lot going on behind the scenes, independent medical experts are trying to get the covid vaccines stopped because they are far too dangerous for public use. And offers limited if any protection from covid.Of course it is your choice to have it or not, but you should be given all the facts to base that your decision on.
I'm not trying to upset anyone and I know with a lot of people this is still not a point of veiw they are comfortablewith. but this is real, you should be given all the facts before you decide to have another booster.
As an introduction to understanding all sides of this subject, read the comments on a book that's for sale on amazon "Covid Vaccine Adverse Reaction Survival Guide".
The latest strain of covid is mild, of course that doesn't mean it doesn't pose a threat to people with certain conditions or those with very low levels of vitamin D in their blood. A study in Israel have proven having covid does not damage your heart. That was fear mongering.
So make an informed decision.
I, too, have come to see the light over vaccines. As you rightly say, people should make their own choice after reading all the facts about vaccines. Natural immunity, having had covid, is a better proposition than boosters which will give minimal protection and may do more harm than good in the long run. I agree with you that people should research the facts which are not really available anywhere on MSM. It is eye opening stuff. Vit D and zinc are just two of the natural protections taken daily which will help. But everyone should make their own informed decisions about this subject.
No doubt that the covid vaccine is more deadly than covid, this is not the case for all vaccines. Though I do understand why people feel that way. The only side effect from natural medicine is better health, Pharmaceuticals come at a cost. That doesn't mean they don't have there place.
I would always advise people to look at their diet and to take certain vitamins, but I would never tell someone to stop their medication unless they talked to their doctor first. ( depending on the doctor of course, they are not all equal)
It's important to listen to one's body, I try all sorts of things to see what helps and what doesn't. Creatine monohydrate is fantastic at treating RA. I don't take anything else now apart from a cream I've made and vitamin D of course.
Most of my medical knowledge is Psychology based though that does cross into the health of the body. I've seen the results of diet exercise, even not cooking with vegetable oil makes a huge difference to the health of body and mind. Seems we were lied to about vegetable oil being healthy. We cook only with coconut oil and gee now it's so much healthier.
Saying this doesn't mean I wouldn't have a vaccination if I was travelling, or take Penicillin or antibiotics if my immune system needed a hand.
Do you have rheumatoid arthritis?
Yes along with trigger finger in my thumb, it's been so much better since I've been taking creatine, can feel Mitchell fighting the ra when it's damp.Have got a damaged spine as well so the painkillers I take for that help help with the ra.
Even some of the nodules on my finger joints have gone down. My knees not so good, I find it hard to walk so they don't get the exercise they need. Really creaky and like to lock. But not as bad as they where.
How about you I take it you have ra
I seem to recall you’d had had an accident some time ago affecting your mobility? Apologies if I’m wrong here. I am sorry to hear of the RA. I have seen and heard a lot of people with uncontrolled RA saying they have Rheumatoid nodules, especially finger ones. We know for some that RA nodules can be internal too. I had them on my fingers/mid knuckles early on but they disappeared completely once my RA was stable.
I can't get out to see the doctor so have had to look for alternatives, luckily I found something that worked for me, it was wonderful to get the use of my left hand back after not using it for 3 months.
no matter what is wrong with us we can still do things that help us. just to make it clear again that it's important to talk to a doctor.
I like researching different treatments especially if the official treatments/ drugs don't work. I know enough not to be fooled by dodgy advertising or wild claims that contradict independent experts, though I was court out by the vegetable oils being good for us scam. but to be fair everyone was and many still are.
sadly even suggesting people do their own research so they can make an informed choice with the help of their doctor upsets some people. ( sorry moderators I'm sure you have better things to do) I talked to my doctor about the covid vaccine and my concerns, she was quite happy for me choosing not to have it. A lot of medical professionals chose not to have the vaccine. with many losing their jobs because of that choice, sadly it looks as if they were right to be concerned.
*Discredited and misleading study* please see below:

It a hard one because there are always different ways of looking at a study, first of one has to consider conflicts of interest, as we've seen so much with covid where the government has lied about number infected and numbers of people Dying from covid.One has to stand back and consider all available information, look at where the information is from. Sadly all to often it comes back to those who profit from people's misery.
I've removed part of my comment as it distracted some from the point I was trying to make.
As i feel the conversations are moving away from public interest and moving more into personal comments anyone want more details/ links please send me a chat message.
Hopefully this will be more in keeping with what this site is trying to achieve
Where have your 68,000 illness and death figures from the vaccines come from? Again, one must be mindful of where one is researching. Data needs to be from a credible, respected source. ZOE Covid data has always been more reflective.
I beleave that people should be given a choice based on all official data, not just blindly follow headlines. That appears to be coursing some to be upset.
So I think it is best if you wish to continue this conversation it's carried out on a one to one chat, rather than on public forum.
If you wish to be provided with official links to back up my comments please just send me a chat message.
Oh, I don’t blindly follow headlines in newspapers as they are there to attract you and to sell them. I’m far too astute at 63 to be duped! I think it’s best to conclude here. No, I don’t wish to continue this any more on PM or on here with you thanks, as we’ve been here before last year, same thing on this forum and now the very same thing again and my views haven’t changed. You believe certain theories and promote them on here and I don’t believe them. That’s the way it goes and we all can believe what we want.
I’m definitely not suffering as I’ve been lied to by the government as you say, as I never took much notice of their comments! I can wash and disinfect a mask no problem, and make my own mind up and most of all look after my RA and general health. The most part of us on here can too and there are some very savvy, intelligent people here who are bright, super knowledgeable and experienced in life and in RA/RD. Their experiences are very valuable to many of us here. I listen and learn from them but I also know when to not to do if I see something that doesn’t feel right.
This is, after all, an RA forum primarily and although the virus, vaccines and masks will be part of that inevitably as many of us are highly immunosuppressed, I don’t feel imho it should be the main focus of it all, but it is my humble opinion. I genuinely wish you well whichever path of healing you choose, but I definitely wish to remove myself from this thread and into my garden or art room. I’m done!
It’s not hard or difficult.
If you don’t have the mental capacity / knowledge to fully understand what you are reading then you shouldn’t bother posting. This is a health forum, not a ‘bizarre rant about what I read on the internet’ forum.


It's always a good idea to know all the facts, then one can base their decision on credible information. Not political dogma. it's not rocket science or hard to read. Medical studies are clearly written. Not quite sure why some people think you need a degree in medicine to understand basic principles.
It just depends on how interested one is in the subject. Seems most people are more than happy to follow the flock no matter where it takes them.
If my comments incurrages one person to think for themselves, look at all the available information and questions whether or not to take this awful vaccine then it's worth it.
Everyone else will go for what makes them feel comfortable regardless.
You know the sort of people who turn to insults rather than resurtch.
I’ve read recently that there is a Covid spike in different types of data. I think it’s probably down to people not wearing masks anymore.
It does seem to ‘attack’ people’s weakest points. So people with other issues should take special care. Anecdotal evidence seems quite clear on this; and Long Covid is still a reality for many people
I still mask but seem to be the only one about 😷. Individuals need to assess their own risk.

Masks don't work they never have, they where pushed to incurrage people to conform to lock down. In many cases wearing a mask has coursed health issues making it more likely for people to get sick with covid.
Not to mention the socal and mental damage they course. You need to breath a peace of cloth isn't going to stop virus Particles. But it is a perfect breading ground for countless Bacteria to thrive. Including viruses.
I’ll tell you a story of anti social behaviour around masks and the bad attitudes from some who aren’t wearing one, even though it’s not harming them and how this antisocial behaviour should not be tolerated. My husband told me of being a target of an ignorant, impatient, horrible man in Tesco a couple of weeks ago who shouted at him ... to hurry the F up as he was too slow putting his items on for check out. That his mask was impeding him. Ridiculous comment and totally untrue. Insane notion actually. His wife/partner apparently was highly embarrassed and looked away. For a start, my husband could have had some disability or injury preventing him from going fast. He doesn’t and he said he wasn’t slow at all but the guy continued tutting loudly and sighing. Just one of several personal and closely related examples of how mask bullying can be. Have a think on that.
that's terrible not sure how wearing a mask makes a person slower. I know it affects how much oxygen you breathe and is a breeding ground for bugs. but to treat someone like that because they are slow is just not on. It sounds as if the person who shouted at your husband had issues that had nothing to do with him wearing a mask.
I feel so sorry for people when I see them wearing a mask, what on earth must they be going through to think they need it, and that it makes a difference, I want to help them say it's ok you've been lied to, you don't have to live in fear. why do you think johnson and his goons were partying all the time and only wearing a mask when in front of a camera. its because they paid for the so-called medical experts to spread fear and hatred. as confirmed by Hancocks texts "plan to frighten the public".
i can remmeber when people would help each other, now so many people are terrifed of going outside they have to hide there faces, what happend to humanity.
My OH wasn’t slow at all. He’s speedy. Sounds like the angry guy was just wanting to hit out as he was anti-masking. I shall still wear a mask in indoor essential visits I have to make as it’s right for me, having zero antibodies to Covid vaccines and hypogamma causing infections to easily take hold. It’s whatever needs to happen for each person and what they decide to do and whatever makes them feel calm and content. So many different scenarios for people. I don’t ever wish anyone to feel sorry for me as it would indicate they hadn’t stopped for a moment. That the penny hasn’t dropped to think that someone might be highly vulnerable. Whatever suits them is fine, it really is. Just try have respect for others, I say. I’ve heard and seen enough the past few years re the misdemeanours of the Gov., so I don’t comment on them on here unless it’s a reference to an RA med or medical document like the JCVI/green book etc. I’m not likely to be duped by anyone. (I’ve accumulated too many “Spidey Senses”.)
That's the thing if you have zero anti bodies you have to be that much more carful, covid is not the only bug out there.If you are interested you can get material that has silver woven in it. The Disposable masks only last for around half an hour offering limited protection, ( not to mention the environmental damage they course) and the material ones are worse than useless. Even if you boil them they very quickly become hosts for multiple viruses / bacteria. Warm and bamp.
I really feel for you, I remember years ago after caner treatments my Fiance had to be so careful as did I and the children.
I know of mask hygiene and bought some antibacterial copper infused masks, thank you, a couple of years back. They can lose that fairly quickly if machine washed. I hand wash fabric masks with Zoflora in the sink and in the rinse water. They are soaked for a couple of hours. That’s one of the most effective non industrial disinfectants for killing any viruses. I discard fabric masks after a certain number of uses. I have UVC boxes in my house which trap viruses and destroy them. Any masks drying are in a room with one of those. Mine dry within an hour and are in the room wirh the UVC. (These are not Hepa .. They’re more advanced than that. They are the newest kind of UVC box and not exposing your eyes or skin to it. They are used on a larger scale and a larger box in dentists, aeroplanes, hospital cleansing, etc.) As you can see I’m as savvy and careful as I can be. I don’t leave damp masks hanging around drying slowly either. I also feel for people on chemo who cannot change their immunosuppressive med as an alternative isn’t an option. They are some of the highest level of immunosuppression along with transplant people. I shall take my advice on safety and science from the experts including my own immunologist. Just as I’d expect others to take it from them rather than myself. I wish you well. I’m going to have to take a break from here now as everything else is getting behind.
Has everyone forgotten that before covid vaccines were available hundreds of previously fit people were dying a very unpleasant death and nothing seemed to help even Vit D & zinc!! All drugs/ vaccines have side effects but since the vaccine introduction the covid death rate has dropped. I do not believe that the professional people working in the NHS would deliberately vaccinate thousands of people with a product that would harm them and add many more patients to their overstretched workload.It is quite correct to research a drug/vaccine but always read accredited material not the ravings of a biggot.
Many of us with RA take methotrexate which is not the safest of drugs hence the regular blood tests but it helps reduce our symptoms and allows us to lead a normal life having weighed the pros & cons of this drug likewise the covid vaccine.
hundreds of healthy people dying from covid regardless of vitamin D. Just isn't true. Look at the facts not the headlines.As for ravings of a bigot, that says more about your attitude than commitments made by others.
You are right about people more at rusk from any virus when taking certain medication/ treatments. Unfortunately people in that situation have to be far more carful than the general public. That includes reactions to vaccines
Don't forget the covid vaccine makes zero difference to the spread of the virus. As official records have state.
One of thecworst side effects to covid has been the mental torment it's coursed not just that the man made virus has killed so many, but the measures set in place to allegedly protect us from it.
Locking healthy people in their homes have coursed untold suffering and deaths. So many thousands took their own lives becouse they just couldn't cope anymore.
To say that it's criminal how this pandemic was handled is an understatement.
And still people are suffering not just from what is now a mild virus but from what is supposed to protect us from it.
I know emotions run high after what we've all been through, but we should still show our humanity towards each other. Discuss not insult leave that to the Politicians.
If you would like any links to official sites that i base my comments on please message me on chat.
Take care chris
you are very opinionated for someone who keeps saying everyone must make their own choices
I wear a mask when I crowded places and especially in the supermarket where arrogant uninformed antagonists basically sit on your shoulder. Most of these people sadly seem to have the same opinion as you but are not opinionated 😳
Yes everyone has the right to choose if they want to take protection or not but comments like You make are not helpful
Tbh I'm finding some of people's comments scaremongering and opinionated not referring to you and I agree with you not helpful.
I'm sorry you see my comment that way. I try to encourage people to look for information for themselves. I know not everyone is comfortable with that. Hopefully someone will find it useful, I'm certainly not trying to scare people.
Absolutely agree one should look for information oneself ... but I am very selective where I look, choosing highly reputable sites where information provided by scientists and medics is peer reviewed and substantiated.
I find the members and occasional contributors to the Independent Sage presentations on YouTube are excellent - they had Dr Eric Topol, highly acclaimed US medic, talking about Long Covid in last Friday's episode.
For those of us that are immunocompromised, and there are still many of us, we need top quality information to help us risk assess what we want to do and keep ourselves safe.
Far more people have developed cardiac problems, including myocarditis, from being unvaccinated then getting covid than as a result of the covid vaccinations. Of course it's up to personal preference to choose whether to have vaccinations or not but, in my opinion, it would be wrong to try to persuade others one way or the other using dodgy data!
Exactly. I’m done with posting on this now as it’s falling on on stoney ground re the credibility of the research. If it fits with someone’s way of thinking they often believe it is the truth. 🤷♀️😑x
One has to be careful about the interests of those who conduct these studies. It's like the American sugar industry funding studies that conclude fat is worse than sugar. All carried out by respected experts of course lolIt's a Fascinating area of study, its like being a detective " who's telling the truth", not forgetting the written evidence within our governments own records.
I don't know what country you are in, but in Britain what the government was saying and what they did totally contradicted it's self. If the virus really is as bad as they claimed why allow 245,000 people to fly to Britain from cities in Italy that where in lock down, and test none of them. No one question or temperature taken. The only logical reason had to be that they wanted covid to get well astablish across Britain.
I don't know if you've read the recently released conversation Matt Hancock and one of the supposed medical experts. It was about when to release a new strain to frighten the public.
I can send you a copy if you are interested.
As you rightly say one must look at all sides, all points of veiw from many different medical experts. Studies and records.
Everyone in South East Asia regularly wears a mask when they are unwell out of consideration for others. Are you stating that you know better than millions of people? Are you saying you know better than the World Health Organisation?? Why do surgical staff wear masks in theatres?
If you are not a Consultant Immunologist I suggest you shut up. As stated already, if you don’t understand how to substantiate what you say then don’t bother.


They wear masks to reduce bust / Pollution, not becouse of microscopic viruses. Would you use chicken wire, thinking it would stop mosquitoes. I hope not, so why would you wear a mask thinking it'll stop virus particles. An open wind is far more effective at reducing the risk of infection, just as an air purifier with a UV lamp.
The thing is we come into contact with million of microscopic Bacteria / viruses all sorts of things all the time even within our own homes. Our bodies are designed to cope with then. Some we need to be alive, every time we eat / drink, we take in more. For our immune system to work properly its claimed by some medical experts we need to catch flu every year. A rule I've live by for many years. When my step children bring flu home from school I'll make a point of trying to catch it. Though boris johnson did at one point claim you can't get viruses from going to school. This was backed up by one of his medical experts for a while... then it was kind of forgot about.
Wearing masks is not healthy for your body or mind. It's not good for Society
But if it makes you feel comfortable that's your choice.
No comment here about surgical masks I notice…
Or the WHO…
Or the REALITY of SE Asians wearing masks when poorly…
Nothing like avoiding facts is there???

Lol I'm ending this conversation on here. If you want to continue it on chat by all means do so. I can provide links to official sites and studies if you want to know more.
But discussing it on open forum is upsetting some people. That's the last thing I want, I'm sure the same goes for you as well.
Oh good. Hope this stops you from posting nonsense in the future.
Strange analogy re chicken wire and mosquitoes and masks. You were rude to CripLady yet again. I get it .. you don’t like masks ... you say it so many times that you don’t want people to wear masks, yet not many actually do these days. Do you see many people wearing masks when you’re out and about? I don’t when I’m driving/in the car and see lots of people wandering around. Oh and air purifiers don’t destroy the C19 virus and I can get someone who designs and makes the UVC boxes to confirm this should you wish.
Your post is very disconcerting for many reasons. For one I’m replying to it, when I don’t want to at all but I feel I need to when you still continue scaremongering and are upsetting people I know and like on here for many years. It now seems to have moved way beyond Vitamin D and masks/no to masks and vaccines/no to vaccines, and that’s fine for anyone to choose, but to scare people who’ve had the vaccines is actually a rotten thing to do. Are we, the members of this forum some sort of uneducated dingbats who can’t see when politicians or anyone in the public eye isn’t being honest? Of course we aren’t. To keep saying ... facts not headlines .. assumes we believe in and read the dodgy newspapers. Do give us some credit.
Thing is with immunosuppression and RA and its comorbidities and no/few antibodies is you are not equipped to cope well with all that is airborne virally. I’m still not sure you do fully understand how it is for many immunocompronised people on here. Some do well and don’t have too many problems then some have high risk meds that wipe the most part of their immune system. Why they often need to take precautions. Why we are advised to get flu and pneumonia shots. Someone’s cold is our pneumonia if we catch it, so many don’t want to catch flu to get it over and done with. I caught someone’s cold and got pneumonia.
No, we weren’t actually “locked“ in our houses. That is untrue. Exaggeration. Yes it was so hard for many. The hardest thing was for some people being separated from family. The most part of us did as asked for the NHS and not especially as BJ asked us to, and also for our fellow humans, mostly the elderly and vulnerable, so isn’t that about humanity? I’d say so. We could go out walking, running, cycling and essential visits to shop. It was harder for those with not such a strong resolve.
This forum/board is primarily a place for RA. Other RD too. You can think and do what you want of course, but when you start to worry people I know and like on here and have known for many years I want to say to you please don't do this as it’s not very nice of you. I’m going to be honest here and say several beliefs you’ve posted on here are very similar to what I’ve seen on FB conspiracy theories re the pandemic. This should be a supportive and pleasant place and not where someone keeps frightening members with remarks like ... vaccines kill people. Goodbye and good luck.
Any further comments with only be answered on chat. If you wish more information to confirm anything I've said, I will provide links to official government sites and medical Knowledge is a choice, it should not been seen as a threat or an insult, guess that says more about the times we live.
Goodbye and good luck
Lockdowns were in place to enable a seriously underfunded NHS to cope. How can you not know this???

Since my reply today I had a letter from my Surgery to attend next month for Spring booster
I won’t be having any more vaccines after my becoming a cardiac patient within a week of Spikevaxx. I’d rather run with my immune such as it is and not end up in Emergency Department.
I have to be careful how I respond because some people don't want to discuss such an important subject.Not all vaccines are the same, the covid vaccine is a different process from others. The details of which are best talked about in chat, not open forum.
Saying that I do sympathise with your condition, there are groups that can offer you nelp depending when this happened and where you live, you may also be entitled to compensation. It's not enough to truly compensate you for what you are going through but it helps. In the UK it's about £130,000 they have just increased staffing in the department from 4 to 80 to cope with the number of claimants. It's not easy to get, works on a scale of 60% disability coursed by a reaction to a wide range on vaccines. I hope this helps
Please send me a chat if there is anything I can do to help, even if its just to chat.