well chest infection again doc prescribed steroids a/bs and MUCODYNE whichever stopped it in is tracks which i am over-moon with mucodyne seems to be the one thats broke it up but those prednisone have eased my knees and seemed to have given me strength to cope easier do peeps take them regular either bigger or less strength for knee pain and other probs
info please steroids : well chest infection again doc... - NRAS
info please steroids

I always way up benefits of painkillers and check to know any important side-effects and keep a record of time you take them, and how good they were.Drink plenty legal drinks, healing/swelling takes its time, weeks/months. Good luck, rest knees.
I take them for life, but not through choice. I developed life threatening adrenal insufficiency due to taking steroids for another condition. It was diagnosed when I had a severe stroke, and they found undetectable cortisol, when it should have been over 1000 after a stroke. It’s turned my life upside down, your body can’t live without cortisol, it controls so much. I need to take extra steroids when stressed and wait for them to kick in, whereas cortisol kicks in in seconds tablets take 30 mins. So I have to struggle with nausea, headaches, lightheadedness and my blood pressure dropping. If I’m being sick or seriously ill or injured, I have to inject myself with an emergency intramuscular injection of steroids, and family have been trained to administer it.
I didn’t have a choice re steroids as I had polymyalgia and GCA for which steroids are the only treatment. So I don’t think you’ll find any dr who would be willing to prescribe them long term for pain relief. I wouldn’t wish adrenal insufficiency on anyone, it is so stressful for the family, and I have to preplan everything and hope I get my dose right, without taking too much and getting all the Cushing symptoms. Speak to your Dr about a better nsaid to ease the inflammation is my advice. I was only taking 4mg prednisolone when I had the stroke.
well i think you put me straight there Maureen i knew they did not like giving to much/repeating prescriptions now i know why shame cause i really felt good for once not great with nsaids may i wish you well moureen not easy for you ta for reply
I take them a low dose every day I take 5mg. If I go lower everything hurts ! I am also sensitive to a lot of medication . So I only take cocodomol Barcitnib and pred for the ra. However if I get a chest infection I up the steroids and if I am having a bigger flare than normal I up The steroids.
Some take steroid injections but I prefer the tablet. You have to weigh up how you feel vs the side effects vs meds and what is right for you. I now have to take counteracting meds for steroids but I have accepted for now it’s the best solution.
I think that's the trouble with steroids - they make some people feel great but the cons can outweigh the pros for most of us.
Mucodyne is carbocisteine, a type of medicine called a mucolytic. A mucolytic helps you cough up phlegm (also called mucus or sputum). It works by making your phlegm less thick and sticky.
Steroids reduce your reaction to inflamation. Sometimes our bodies overdo our response to infections and produce too much reaction which makes us feel really rotten. Steroids make you feel great, but don't actually tackle the root cause. But it can give your body time to get rid of things like viruses and to get better without being overwhelmed.
hi oldtimer well i was coughing up gallons of the stuff at night nothing during day and its dried it up since starting it next to nothing now i was getting scared of going to bed that bad steroids they look as though there off the list but boy do they help make me feel better