Hi. I have RA and Fibro. I'm on Sulphzasine and weekly Benipali had it must be 16 years RA that is. Following routine chest x-ray as I have inactive TB or Latent as sometimes called my heart is mildly enlarged. Thinking would RA cause that as I know it can effect the heart. Also surprised my cholesterol levels have increased since being on Beni ( 5 months) and I've read biologics reduce inflammation but can increase cholesterol. Anyone else experienced these two conditions separately or apart?
Anyone else ?: Hi. I have RA and Fibro. I'm on... - NRAS
Anyone else ?

Hi Jackie I have RA/PSA/Fibro and take mtx and Baricitinib and my cholesterol increased . It’s a known side effect. I’m on statins and take flaxseed oil and my cholesterol has decreased and now in normal range . Sorry can’t answer the question about your heart but hopefully someone on here can .

Did you find your statins increased any RA/Fibro pain?
Hiya…..on biologics for RA ….Doctor did a tick box risk assessment on me last year which showed higher risk of heart attack so now on cholesterol tabs.
My cholesterol was raised before starting Etanercept and Methotrexate and still the same after taking them for a few months. So I started Atorvastatin 20mg. Cholesterol almost halved! And no side effects and no bad effect on RhA or any other aches/pains.
Hi Jackie. Before RA and treatment my cholesterol was 4.7. After methotrexate and Adalimumab it was 6.5. I am now on statins (no side effects 😊) and take supplementary plant sterols. I knew methotrexate could increase cholesterol. I didn't know biologics could as well. Every day's a school day!
I have had TB (long time ago) so now always test positive for latent TB. Also have thickened heart wall, and am on statins to control cholesterol. The statins have no side effects for me.
If you have mild enlargement of the heart and high cholesterol isn’t that the most likely cause, not the RA? RA can lead most commonly to cardiovascular disease (ie arteries) rather than the heart itself. But uncontrolled inflammation can do all sorts of damage, so no way of telling I think. What have your doctors said?
Me too. I have Latent TB . I came into contact with TB when my late Dad had it in the 1950's. Not necessarily it's that what is causing the mild heart enlargement as TB effects mainly the lungs .RA can attack all vital organs . I have an appointment this week to discuss my options.
It’s unlikely isn’t it that your heart problems are caused by the TB, especially as you have probably been latent for a long time so should have been picked up before now.
Interesting to see what your doctors say. My rheumy is always very hot on keeping my cholesterol low as she believes that plus RA are very high risk for heart issues. The TB she doesn’t care about mow, although did insist I went on the three month horrid treatment before starting biologics as a precaution.
I don't think latent TB contributed in any way as I had it 71 years ago with plenty of chest x-rays. I looked at my past record and compared to x-ray last year it's not different from then so it's been like it for a while then. New Dr surgery thought they'd mention it 🤔 . Oh yes those antibiotics. I had them .Doing well with no physical side effects but it gave me suicidal thoughts. I know shocking. I told my husband and phoned the Dr so I was taken off them. Didn't finish the course but latent tb does not register now in those blood tests as it's too low but not eradicated.
Hi Jackie 1947 , I'm in Benepali, prednisolone , tramadol , paracetamol omeprazole and Azthrymicin .I've been told in the last two weeks that my cholesterol is sky high and I'm in the pre diabetic bracket !
It's put me in a spin if I'm honest as I feel poorly enough as it is.
I've been offered Statins but I'm inside of whether to take them or not as it's thought that the pred is the main culprit here .
I'm v watchful of my diet ( salads, lean protein , fish, plant dairy products )
Very little in the way of sweet stuff .
I've been on pred.for five and a half years and was on 40 mg this past 6 months .
I was unaware that Benepali can cause high cholesterol as well but as an anti inflammatory I can see why it might do .
I found some medical journals that say that the levels then sort themselves out but how true this is I've no idea.
As of we haven't enough nonsense to concern ourselves with !
I hope your levels come down and that we can have some answers soon .
Take care .
Becky I'm sorry you are undecided to take statins or not. It's just something I read in an article saying biologic meds reduce inflammation but can increase cholesterol. No particular biologic was mentioned. I understand your dilemma. My GP is ringing this week and will probably recommend statins which I will try . Although I've had RA for 16 years it's just Benipali and Sulphzasine plus paracetamol.i cannot take steroids as they send me loopy. Depo jab intramuscular now and again. Is there a way you can talk to someone in Rhuematology or a nurses helpline you can ring?
I think I'll have to go and talk with the rhemy nurses and see what they say . It's just another thing to do isn't it 😃 .
It would make sense though as anti inflammatory meds are brilliant but the side effects can be dramatic at times .
I felt that with the diet I had I'd be ok but if Statins do help and I can come off of the steroids as well then hopefully the levels will drop .
Thank you for replying Jackie I appreciate it a lot.