Hi, I was diagnosed with RA recently, slowly coming to terms with it. My question is I get this burning sensation at the base of my neck which can feel itchy. Is this a symptom that I should be concerned about . Seems to bother me more in evening when I’m exhausted.
Anyone else had this?: Hi, I was diagnosed with RA... - NRAS
Anyone else had this?

I get burning in my feet
and my neck hurts sometimes when I move it or sleep on it but no burning or itching
maybe you should check with the GP to give you peace of mind
Hi, yes I will. I’ve got appointment next week anyway so will check then.
I get the burning feet too
snap with feet, its annoying isn't it
Epson salts in a bucket soaking your feet is so lovely,that helps me
I used to have lovely feet, the toes are really ugly now :O( that'sin less than a year
Mine too, in about a year and a bit, I’m 37 and struggle with the fact I have a claw toe on each foot now and a closet full of boots and shoes my feet won’t fit in 😢
Also just wondering what the Epsom salts actually do, just relax the. Or?
You're not alone. I have had to get rid of a lot of shoes and boots since RD and, believe me, it upset me a lot.
I’ve not got rid of mine yet, Ive even attempted to strap my toes and try to wear them on occasion, then a few hours later take them off and suffer the consequences 😬
Same. However, my feet have changed shape so much I'd be a proper ugly sister. I'd never get them on. I even had to sell my beloved docs 'cos the feet wouldn't bend enough and the hands hated pulling them on. I know it's just vanity and I'm a blooming sight older than you but it still sucks
Some info from my friend Google:
Epsom salt for feet. Epsom salt is a magnesium sulfate compound, unlike sodium table salt. Epsom salt has been used for hundreds of years as a healing agent and pain reliever. However, it's most often added to hot baths and foot soaks as a detoxifying agent and to reduce stress.Apr 2, 2018
In water, it breaks down into magnesium and sulfate. The theory is that when you soak in an Epsom salt bath, these get into your body through your skin. That hasn't been proven, but just soaking in warm water can help relax muscles and loosen stiff joints.Jul 20, 2017
I also read somewhere that the magnesium does get into your system and that soaking your feet with Epsom salt is the best way to do this.
My burning feet years ago was my first tell-tale sign something wasn’t right. But only just diagnosed last year. Miss my high heels and fancy boots. And yes, my neck is bad at times. I use a neck pillow now and it helps when reading, watching tv and sometimes I need it when lying down as well.
Best wishes.
Knee pain years before plus burning foot pain just (but mildly for several months) before my first hand flare was my first sign too, unfortunately I didn’t register it as a medical condition just thought I’d worn the wrong shoes too long or had walked too much... if only 😂😞
Years ago two different doctors told me my bloodwork indicated an autoimmune but nothing conclusive. One said it might be fibromyalgia. Almost 15 years later (last year) I finally got the diagnosis but by this time symptoms were severe. In the early years, pain would come and go. Like you, thought it was something I’d done too much of. All we can do is the best we know how. Let’s have a good day today!