Hi All. Something I’ve not had in 33 years of RA. Have been experiencing what feels like pressure on both sides of my head and tenderness round my jaw, temples and back of neck. The pressure is the worst but it tends to come and go. My tmj’s (tempero-mandibular joints ) are tender and clicky and I can ‘hear ‘ them working when I chew. I guess this may be my uncontrolled at present RA which is waiting for yet another change of drugs. Has anyone else experienced the odd pressure feeling - almost like someone’s pushing on the sides of your head ? No headache as such but now I’ve noticed it I can’t stop noticing it! Can’t take many painkillers as am already on Pred 10mgs to counteract flare after Covid, along with Baricitinib which it seems has lost its efficacy. Thanks lots, I’m sure there’s people on here who have had the same problems.
Clicking tmj causing head pressure……?: Hi All... - NRAS
Clicking tmj causing head pressure……?

I have phases when I wake up every morning with a similar feeling to what you describe - pressure, headache. and very tender neck . Makes me reluctant to get up but I know it will get worse and worse until I do. I assume that it’s part of the rheumatoid pattern
Yes, I know exactly how you feel, my tmj problems were exacerbated by clenching and grinding my teeth in my sleep
I now wear a mouth gaurd when I go to bed and it's helped alot
I also get inflammation in my tmj which lead to going deaf in the affected side ear and it made my teeth misaligned, now my medication seems to keep this damped down, like you the pressure in your head around the front of the ears and above can he horrible x
I’m no expert but it sounds to me like it’s probably down to the ongoing flare and uncontrolled inflammation. A mouth guard does sound like a good idea to look into but perhaps up the pain relief a little more especially something that is good for neuralgia. Hopefully when your RA is better controlled the symptoms you’re experiencing lessen too. I found baricitanib lost efficiency after an infection too let’s hope they give you another option and soon.
What a reassuring reply. Thank you! Why is it you go down the darker routes of thinking there’s something really awful going on and it’s almost certainly just the flare………
Interesting that Baricitinib also stopped working for you after infection - there’s others on here who’ve had a similar experience. Am going back to biologics (Tociluzimab) at the end of June so with any luck it’ll cure this jaw /pressure problem.
🤞for you. I’m awaiting to see if I can go back to mtx as it’s the only thing that’s ever worked but I have to wait for a hand ultrasound first which I don’t have an appointment for. I think baricitanib stopped working for me because I had to keep coming off it as I got too many infections but with severe hypogammaglobulaemia that’s to be expected in my case. I hope you have better luck than I’m having atm. If I had a choice of steroids for a while than I’d accept it but that hasn’t been forthcoming in my case either. Think I’ve slipped through the net again so will have to chase it again after the holiday weekend.
This may sound odd..but have a look on the Tinnitus site…somebody there maybe able to help you.
Hi Amnesiac3637,
Hopefully it is just a result of your flare up and will improve soon.
However, you should be aware that RA and the medications used in its management can effect oral health and the jaw.
You may find the following articles of use:
- nras.org.uk/resource/ra-med...
- nras.org.uk/resource/oral-h...
- nras.org.uk/resource/jaw-pr...
- nras.org.uk/resource/visiti...
This is something we would recommend you discuss with a oral hygiene specialist/dentist and/or your rheumatologist.
Best wishes,
Hannah - NRAS

Many thanks for this, Hannah. Will talk to rheumatologist/ dentist as soon as possible to cover all bases.
You can take paracetamol