Hi All. Had omicron (mildly) six weeks ago and am currently on Baricitinib and prednisolone for long-standing RA. Just wondered if anyone else has had Omicron and, following it, has had fatigue (very like uncontrolled RA fatigue) and a very odd, muzzy, fuzzy, thick-feeling head when you get up, which sometimes stays most of the day and sometimes clears suddenly leaving you feeling normal again? On some days my head is clear and then suddenly the ‘fog’ rolls in and I’m unable to think clearly. Is this what the very common and seemingly umbrella term of brain fog is, and following covid, (because I didn't have it before) is it a kind of post viral mugginess? Hoping it’ll go very soon as I’m very sick of feeling wooly headed and not functioning very well. Not stressed or otherwise ill (but will be stressed very soon if I don’t get rid of this!) and very interested to know from all of you out there if you’ve had the same type of experience after covid. Huge thanks. X
Muzzy head - calling it brain fog but is it? - NRAS
Muzzy head - calling it brain fog but is it?
HAve you told you rrheumy about this if not i would ring them up and tell them.xxx
I've had (still do on occasions) brainfog which I believe is caused both by methotrexate and RA .
I've started taking supplements and will monitor if it gets better in the next month.
My husband (no RA) and I have both just about recovered from COVID. We are both still battling with fatigue. I would think it was just me and my usual fatigue issues if it were not for the fact he is as bad as I am. Hopefully it will gradually sort itself out 🤞
Friends of mine who have no health issues have reported fatigue and brain fog following recent Covid - seems to be more of a problem with the current variant. I have felt like muttering "welcome to my world" but have refrained!
I get this and haven’t had covid. I do have RA and fibromyalgia
I had this a few weeks ago when I had covid, I called it covid brain!! My partner and myself sometimes struggled to put a sentence together!! She had exactly the same at Xmas with delta!! She was so confused at times!!
Have you still got it or did it go straight after you recovered? I’m 6 weeks on and still got foggy head and fatigue.
I'm still a bit fuzzy more than normal!!Fatigue is normal with the RA but I'm actually really tired still zeyes really heavy!! I'm over 2 weeks negative now! 😴