Hi everyone, I am hoping to go to Canada for a holiday and am on a biology and methotrexate for RA. Was wondering if anyone knows if it’s possible to get antiviral medication to take with me in case I get covid while on holidays? Would appreciate anyones help with this!
Getting antiviral tablets for covid to take on holida... - NRAS
Getting antiviral tablets for covid to take on holidays!

I wondered this! but my GP says you can only get them from our local hospital so he couldn't prescribe any to take either me and they are expensive if I didn't need them!
So as we were initially going to a country with few medications or hospitals we changed our holiday to Europe where I knew I could get help if needed.
I expect Canada would be able to help if you got ill there unless you are in the wilds , miles away from a hospital. But you would need to make sure your medical insurance covers covid, and RA etc , mine did. Research Canadas antivirals first.
We did a lot of soul searching over this and I actually got covid 2 weeks ago, the antivirals helped but I've been left with acute asthma and a ra flare so on high dose steroids.
However, personally I will feel less anxious on holiday in a few weeks as I " might" have some immunity?
It seems to me to be a reasonable request. Can you email your GP Practice and ask? I have E-Consult on mine and can ask things/ go into detail ..

Thanks so much for your reply and I willGet in touch with my rheumatologist nurse and see what they advise! Thank you

Yes I agree , might just be my GP?? Let us know how you get on?

Drugs are only prescribed on the NHS for an illness you are suffering from….If you go on holiday you can get an extra amount to cover you…but the NHS can’t afford to prescribe “just in case”.
Thank you
No….drugs can’t be prescribed “just in case’ …now you need to be clinically assessed after you test positive for Covid…before you get the antivirals …..on the NHS you can only get drugs to take overseas if they are part of your regular treatment.You will have to make sure the travel insurance you take out covers you for catching Covid overseas….most policies seem to these days.But look on the bright side & don’t anticipate catching anything !
Funny you should ask…I am Canadian and was asking my doctor the same question in preparation for my trip! I am travelling to eastern Canada but to a rural area. She said that i can’t get a prescription to bring with me (I’m not sure if the availability of the anti virals are limited). The medication is provided here by pharmacies (paxlovid i think it’s called) and she said the pharmacists need to carefully review all your meds first before prescribing it as it is a very powerful medication and can interact negatively with certain other meds. My understanding as a Canadian is i need to bring my health card and they see from it what drugs I’m on showing I’m immunosuppressed which makes me eligible for the antiviral (i’m on methotrexate and a biologic). Now in your case, being American, I have no idea how that would work. Perhaps if you got covid (perish the thought!)you would have to go to a clinic? I really don’t know. If u like I can call a pharmacy here and ask for you…hope you enjoy your trip!
Thank you so much for your reply and how thoughtful of you to even suggest ringing a chemist for me, just so kind indeed. I’m from the UK and will be travelling to Vancouver but will bring all my medication etc, proving that I’m on a biologic and methotrexate and I will just try and be as cautious as I can. Thank you once again for your detailed reply. 😊
Oh…silly me assuming you were american.. your name Florida 100 was my first clue hahaha. Fortunately I am in Vancouver so It helps that I can find out right here for you as different provinces can do things differently. I know when i picked up my free rapid tests from the pharmacy they said I had to be from BC. To get one. I will call the pharmacist today or drop by and get back to you (still early). I was just hoping to go to Nova Scotia with a prescription (script) in case, not necessarily the actual drug as I understand it is in limited supply.
Vancouver is very pretty…I really hope you enjoy it. Everything is in full bloom…it has exploded flowers and cherry blossoms 🤗
I just love Florida and that why I chose that name 😂. Yes, we can’t wait to go to Vancouver and going to Vancouver Island and to Banff etc. we will be going mid June is all goes well. Please don’t put yourself to any trouble to ring the pharmacist etc as I don’t want to give you any trouble. Hope you have a wonderful and safe time on your vacation. 😊☺️
Oh fabulous! You will love it. It’s no trouble at all. Besides I owe my UK peeps for not kicking me off this RA site as a foreigner. I never asked if it was appropriate for a non -UK resident to be on the site in the first place as I was afraid the answer would be no. It has been invaluable to me over the years…so here I remain (don’t blow my cover lol). What a fabulous group of people…i am so grateful. And I love Florida too.
Aww, you are just such a lovely thoughtful lady and think we are all very thankful for all the help we get from each other on this site. 👍😊
Ok I got an answer for u I hope. First pharmacist was too cranky to answer so I ran over to my own Pharmacist. Bless him. The answer appears to be the same for both of us. One has to go to a Doctor or Nurse Practitioner first for a prescription (script) to get the drug at the pharmacy (chemist). My rheumi seemed to imply that one can get it prescribed directly from a pharmacist but that only appears to be the case in the province of Quebec. For you to get this you would need to either go to the emergency department (ER/A&E)of a hospital or to one of the city’s private clinics for the script (there are many private health clinics. Better to call for an appointment but u can “drop in” if you go early and they have room. “Care Point Medical Centre” is that type of clinic.) From my understanding, Canada has a similar health care system to the UK’s NHS. I get to see the doctor for free but as a visitor you would need to pay at a private clinic to see a Doctor, then you would have to pay for the approved antiviral (in Canada), the paxlovid. I would suggest bringing rapid antigen tests with you from home as here they are only giving them out free to BC residents. Until now they were very expensive to purchase! You need to show a positive rapid antigen test or PCR test (they aren’t doing those anymore except for travel in BC) to the doctor. Also I’m sure you know it needs to be taken in first three days of getting the virus i believe. I found an excellent article regarding anti-viral access in Canada but don’t know how to link it to this site…
If you go into the net type in:
How do i get COVID-19 medication Paxlovid/CBC News
It’s s very comprehensive article which i believe mentions Alberta as well. It’s complicated…all provinces deal with these things differently. Hope this helps. Don’t hesitate to ask if u need to know anything else. Stay safe and enjoy! 😊
You are just the kindest person going to all this trouble to find all this information out for me and I can’t thank you enough ☺️😊. I am just so grateful to you and I will screenshot this information and will refer to it if I need it. I am really looking forward to visiting Vancouver and my goodness,If all the residents are like you then our experience will be just amazing. Really can’t thank you enough and I want you to know that I’m so grateful for you finding out this information for me. Take care and maybe we will chat again on this site xx
In the UK the antivirals are being kept for the most vulnerable, especially for those poor souls who are undergoing treatment for cancer. Those of us who have active RA will also be considered because of our drugs, but this might also depend on what symptoms we have. Hopefully, you will stay Covid free. Hope you will have a good holiday. x
Unfortunately it is not possible to get antivirals just in case. When you test positive you are triaged by a covid consultant to check eligibility and that none of the medications your on interact with the antivirals. The government only bought a limited number, I believe it was around 450,000 which are being quite rightly reserved for those most at risk. It would be such a waste to issue some of these “just in case”, as they cannot be returned if you don’t use them. My father in law lives in Spain, where they have been slower to offer antivirals. It has put me off travelling, as I am unlikely to access them there. I seen him just before the pandemic, and we were never particularly close even though I’ve known him 38yrs. I am on 5 immunosuppressants including a biologic, MTX, prednisolone and hydrocortisone. I have another one for lung issues as well as high strength steroid inhalers. So it is just not worth the risk to me. I plan to holiday here in the U.K. where I can still access treatment. I have no lung expansion, so respiratory specialist says to effectively continue shielding as much as possible.
I am sure Canada are way ahead of Spain, so would imagine as long as you take evidence of being on biologic and MTX they would give you access to the antivirals. I visited Canada years ago visiting Vancouver and Calgary, travelling through the rockies. I have family there and hope one day to visit again. Have a lovely time 🤗
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, I truly appreciate it! Great advice and I will definitely take evidence of my medication just in case. I’m so sorry that you don’t feel comfortable visiting outside the UK at present but think you are very wise given all the medications you are currently taking. Really hope things improve covid wise as still a lot of it around and unfortunately not many masks being worn but the majority of people. Thank you once again for getting in touch with your reply and trust you can keep free from covid.
Your welcome. It is very frightening how quickly people have returned to normal. I went to Sainsburys last Friday, it was heaving with only 2-3 customers wearing masks. I normally go on a Wednesday or Thursday when it’s quieter, and will definitely return to those days if I don’t get my shopping online. Hope you manage to stay covid free and enjoy your holiday. My sister in law went out to see her dad, and caught covid on the flight, most had their backs off once food and drink was offered. Needless to say both my in-laws now have covid. My FIL is 90 and has pancreatic cancer and dies not have a lot of fight left in him, poor soul. He is the worst out the 3 of them with a very rattly chest needing high dose steroids. This is the last thing he needed, bless him. Stay safe and have a wonderful holiday.
Today there’s the phone & email…..so foreign doctors can communicate with your U.K. doctor from most places in the world to check your condition & drugs.So when you travel…make sure you take your NHS number, hospital ref number & your GP phone & email.
I’m just waiting to sort my house…& I’ll be off.,,,but at the speed I’m progressing…I’ll just about make the ski season..,,,
Our system works by being triaged by a doctor after you test positive. This is important and happened to my husband as it was supposed to when he got Covid (he does not have an autoimmune disease). It is important because there are two types of treatment, anti-viral tablets or monoclonal antibody infusions. It turned out that after triage, he had to have the infusion because of some other medication he has to take (entirely unrelated to the condition which makes him vulnerable). So you need to know which type of treatment would be suitable for you after all medications you are on are considered.As for me with GCA/LVV thankfully I have not had to test the system yet!
Hope that helps and you have a great holiday.
As others have said all covid treatments are prescribed by CMDUs (Covid Medicine Delivery Units) and GPs and community pharmacies can’t access them. It’s also worth mentioning that being on a biologic and methotrexate doesn’t make you automatically eligible (unless the biologic is Rituximab). You also need to be on long term steroids or have uncontrolled disease activity. They will also only prescribe it if you have covid symptoms which are getting worse. Given all these things I think it very unlikely you would be able to get some just in case. I would make sure you have good travel insurance which covers all your health conditions and covid.
Hope you have a good holiday!