Hi All. Had Omicron about three weeks ago, had antivirals which seemed to knock it on the head and thought it had gone. Not sure it has as I’m absolutely exhausted, feel trembly with tiredness, dizzy on and off, aching and mentally generally miserable. Just wondered if, because we have an autoimmune condition we’d be more susceptible to post viral fatigue. Please let me know if any of you have had the same sort of symptoms and I might feel better! Thanks everyone.
Has anyone with RA and is CEV had Omicron and feel vile? - NRAS
Has anyone with RA and is CEV had Omicron and feel vile?

Hello, sorry to hear you feel so poorly. I was thinking about posting about the same thing at the weekend but stopped myself.
I had covid 3 weeks ago now, like you felt I was on the mend at the end of week 1 after having the antiviral infusion. Now 3 weeks later I feel like I'm either coming down with something or like I did when my RA was not controlled.
Feel like I've been hit by a bus... ache all over, headache, fatigue and generally not well.
Hubby was working at the weekend and I could barely do anything, the kids were fed up but I didn't have the energy to get up for long. I sat and cried last night, that feeling of dread came over me that my medication may not be working as well. I'm not sure what to do? Could it be covid? Or is it the RA? I feel like I'm just about keeping my head above water, going to work and that's about all I can do, then rest when I'm at home. I had the week off initially but it was unpaid so had to go back after days 5&6 testing negative.
Sorry can't help, but wanted to say I feel your pain x
Hallo. So sorry you feel like I do but glad you posted as the more people who do the more reassuring it is to know we’re not going off our heads! I’m full of respect you’re managing to work as I’m retired and have nothing to do but smile (normally!). I’ve been for a walk this morning but came back trembling with tiredness and a head stuffed with wool and I can only think it’s got to be a post viral something as nothing else has changed with regard to medication. My joints are not good though and I ache in places I didn’t know I had so think I shall get an appointment with my very good GP and find out for sure what’s going on. Do hope we improve soon cos this is no fun!!
I hope it doesn't last for you, let me know if you do speak to your GP. I only saw my rheumatoid nurse last month and die to see my consultant in May, so I am holding off calling my GP as I doubt he will do much anyway. Hope you feel better soon x
Hi Mermaid11. Have talked to GP - he thinks symptoms probably post viral but is checking thyroid function and will have results of blood tests on Monday. I still feel wiped out and brain fogged on and off - some days better than others - but just wish I could get back to normal as I’m usually able to be pretty active and the huge garden won’t do itself! Hope you’re improving and will let you know what doc says. If it’s post viral will just have to wait till it goes……
Hi - not got RA but PsA.
I tested positive 3 weeks ago too. I was in bed for a day and a half feeling shivery and sick then had heavy cold symptoms. I just ate plain things after a full day not eating. I missed my biologic injection so was a month without taking it. After that I had stomach pains for a few days but I wondered if it was the virus or due to missing the Imraldi injection - I've missed it a few times since January- due to chest infections.
My joints were ok. All fine now. Hope you're on the mend. Take care xx

Thanks and glad you’re feeling fine now.