When I was diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis 10 years ago, it affected my feet as well as other places; they also said I had mild osteoarthritis in my feet too. I gave up my heels and replaced them with low footwear. My feet have gradually worsened, which I have discussed many times with my rheumy dept - I’ve had numerous x-rays and finally had mri in January. The results show ‘mild features of interdigital bursitis bilaterally, features of subtle degenerative changes and subchondral edema. No significant evidence of active inflammatory arthritis.’ I’ve spoken to nurse today - her suggestion was ‘wide footwear’, which I already have! I also use insoles; soak my feet & massage them regularly. The nurse is going to speak to the doctor and call me back - can anyone suggest anything I should be asking about? I also have fibro - maybe that is having an effect? Sorry it’s such a long post but any ideas would be much appreciated 😃😃
Painful Feet: When I was diagnosed with inflammatory... - NRAS
Painful Feet

Welcome to my club . Feet are the Bain of my life. Like you have wide fitting shoes and insoles which help . I don’t use my crutches as much but I have bouts of pain and stiffness. After a depo steroid things always improve. I have pursued this over 5 years and just had an mri and got my results yesterday no active RA. I have heal spurs and bursitis which is why steroid works.I have been referred seeing a specialist in April. I too have fibromyalgia and feet pain is a symptom unfortunately .
Why is it such a battle? Don’t give up why should we be dismissed and take years to find a reason for it . I’m sure if it was them in pain they wouldn’t put with it with out a fight . X

Thankyou; it’s so frustrating to have to keep chasing isn’t it! The nurse did phone me again this afternoon - arranging for a 2nd injection into my hip (also for bursitis 🤦♀️🤦♀️); and apparently the doc I saw last time is having a meeting with the consultant in April & they will then write to me again about my feet! Fortunately I’ve also had a letter today for a rheumy appointment in May, so 🤞🤞 might get somewhere by summer (no, I’m not holding my breath lol)
I have arthritic changes in my feet. I was xrayed years ago. I was told that feet are not taken into account for DAS score because there are so many bones it isn't possible to do it.
If I were you I would ask for a referral to a podiatric surgeon. They are the real experts when it comes to feet and despite their title they are also experts in conservative management too. I’ve had surgery on both feet now but for many years my podiatric surgeon kept my feet going by injecting them with steroid, arranging ultrasound guided steroid injections, organising for custom made insoles to be made and recommending braces. By the time we decided surgery was necessary we had built up a good relationship and he did the surgery himself (with the assistance of his registrar).
I have suffered severe pain in my feet, to the point it would take about 20 mins to walk 50 yds. I had an ultrasound which showed inflammation due to my AS. They increased my MTX to 25mg which settled it down. However once the swelling subsided, two of the toes subluxed, and they are now lifeless, getting shoes to fit is a nightmare, and I keep damaging these toes where they rub and result in blisters. Podiatry have given me insoles, as I have numerous issues with my feet, but they make the subluxed toes worse. In my area you can self refer to podiatry which helps but it’s usually quite a wait. My GP has suggested referring me for surgery, but I’m trying to hold off for now.
Note that my diagnosis is stills disease which manifests as RA for me.RA in both big joints of the foot and ankles plus tendinitis following a leg injury.
My gait is altered by RA in knees and hips and over the years this has made my feet much worse.
Wide shoes, flat shoes, bespoke insoles, chiropody, homeopathic rubs all used without much effect.
I wear rigid sole, arch support leisure shoes and use foam powder puffs to pad painful areas.
Sometimes my feet are too sore to touch.
Hope you find a solution.

Thankyou - seems to be so many possible causes for painful feet!
Due to bad pain in the big toe of my right foot I had a new toe joint put in 7 years ago. To begin with it was good but within two years my toe had drifted over a long way to the left with my next toe following it & dislocating. I saw a podiatrist who said it would be quite a big op to sort it out & if I wasn’t in pain it was best to leave it. Now my other toes have moved over & are bending under & rub & hurt & feel like they are on fire a lot of the time. The op will mean taking out the false toe joint, taking bone from my hip to repair it, shortening my next toe & straightening the others & fusing all the toes. I am waiting for a shoulder replacement but it looks like after I get over that I will have to go through the horrible sounding op on my foot. All I would say is that you be careful over what treatment you have.
Thank you sharing that information, it all sounds as you say horrible but I hope it goes well when you have the op and you get relief from the pain. 🦶
Thank you so much. Xx

Sounds like a real nightmare for you - hope you get the relief you need x
Thank you NannyNooNoo, I hope you can get sorted out as well.
I always get the feeling at my appointments that every time I mention my feet, which is ‘every’ time, every month, I go, it’s just dismissed. I don’t understand it. I get terrible pain in my toes when I first put shoes on and then again if I’m on them more than 10/15 minutes. Socks are a no go as they just hurt my toes. I now wear Vionic shoes which support them better but I still get pain even then. They’re very expensive too. I loved walking with hubby every day but just can’t do it anymore, even just around the block.
I agree, I don’t feel they take it too seriously or apply any urgency to any investigations - I’ve bought so many different types of footwear; ones that are reasonably comfy one day are the exact opposite the next! Same with socks 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️
My sister doesn’t have RA but she had the same problems you described. She went to a podiatrist and was told she has Morton’s neuroma. Steroid injections and all sorted.
I’m not saying you have this but a visit to a podiatrist might help

My GP told me Morton’s didn’t show up in my X-rays or scans.
☹️it’s got to be something.. maybe a second opinion. I had X-rays and scans but it was an MRI that found my problems. It is so hard trying to be listened to . I had to ask for a MRI . I saw 3 physios . My Gp and rheumatologist and nurses too many times to count . It’s so stressful.
Discuss your feet with a podiatrist. They are the experts and I have found very helpful (apart from one who gave me a lecture about wearing high heels without finding out that I don't). If they can't help (enough) they will know who can.
Having a talocalcaneum fusion transformed my ability to walk but I could, after the rehabilitation, walk five miles. I can't currently but that's due to back problems not my feet.
Thankyou - sounds like good advice; I’m trying to trawl through podiatrists to determine the best one to contact 🤦♀️🤦♀️
Is it expensive?
Well done for being so persistent in getting your feet sorted.Think it's the bane of most of us.
My solutions are feet soak in epsom salt solution, regular chiropodist visits, pedicure with reflexology.
Foot wear changes with the condition of the feet.🙄
All the best