I have always had a low heart rate, never worried much about it. I first found out when at 38 I joined a gym for the first time, was having the fitness assessment and the instructor asked if I had been an athlete 🤔🤣🤣! A few years later I consulted a herbalist (early years of RA), he took my pulse, looked very uncomfortable and took it again, then got a colleague to do it…. “Your heart rate is 45 is your doctor aware?”.
Anyway, I never did consult a doctor until in the past few months I’d woken middle of the night feeling really, really cold, and I checked my watch, which has a HR monitor, it read 35bpm! Oops. I have been feeling tired, getting a bit breathless and dizzy at times. I contacted the GP surgery, had to do the econsult thing GRR 😖. Got an appointment the following day for an ECG and consultation with an actual doctor. Referral to cardiology for monitor… now awaiting appointment. ECG was fine, but bradycardic - no surprises. Also getting thyroid checked again. I asked if it was really a problem, said I’d always had a low HR, it’s often around 40…. “There’s a danger to all of your other organs when your HR is very low, they need oxygen”! Oh OK. 😊
I can be incredibly dumb for a supposedly intelligent woman. To be honest, RA is enough to deal with I’d like to not have to worry about anything else please.
It’s been a fun week.
I didn’t enjoy telling my only son that I’d been referred to cardiology. Especially, when I told him I’d been ignoring it for a few months. Sons are not supposed to tell mothers off are they 🤔😂. “Mother that little muscle is what’s keeping you alive” is still ringing in my ears.
Anyway, I am fine, the HR dipping below 40 seems to be just a beat here and there…. Literally 😂😂
The moral to this story. - Keep Calm and Carry on
Go gently and stay safe out there.